Chapter 35 Did You Arrest My Mother?

Mrs. Acosta couldn't believe what she was hearing from Mr. Horn's intimidating voice. She looked at him and asked, "Why do you think this card was stolen?"

Even though she had no idea how Camelia had come into possession of so much money, she didn't believe her daughter had stolen it.

Besides, despite her struggles living with the Ellis family, Mrs. Acosta was no fool.

If Camelia could steal two hundred million dollars, how could she still be safe now?

If Flag Bank was robbed of two hundred million dollars, how could there be no gossip about it?

Mr. Horn stared coldly at Mrs. Acosta and warned, "You have one minute to sign the confession. If you don't, I'll have your daughter brought here. And both of you will pay the price for stealing such a massive fortune! Both of you will be dead!"

"My daughter didn't steal this money. You can't just arrest us without any evidence. I demand to speak to your superior!"