Chapter 20

"We've all missed you dearly," an old woman said. She looked to be in her late sixties or early seventies. Every hair on her head had already turned a light shade of gray. Her face didn't hold many wrinkles. If it did, I would've assumed she was much older.

"I'm glad to be back," I told her truthfully.

She looked me up and down before saying, "You look just like your mother when she was your age, you know."

"You have no idea how many times I've been told that," I said, making her laugh.

"Well, it's true."

"Norah," a new voice called, making me turn my head in the direction I heard it coming from. Evan was making his way towards the lady and I.

"I guess I'll excuse myself," the lady bowed her head at me respectfully. I opened my mouth to tell her that she didn't need to bow, but she shook her head. "I'll leave you and your boyfriend alone," she said as Evan draped an arm along my shoulders.