Chapter 25

Niko let go of his mother's leg and darted out the door. Maddy laughed before waving at us and going after her son.

"They're cute," I commented and Lily nodded, agreeing with me.

"Niko's the most fun little boy when he warms up to you," she beamed and turned back towards the vanity. "Do you want to try again--"

"Actually--" our heads snapped in the direction of the door once again. Rowan was leaning against the doorframe; his arms folded across his chest. "--I think I'll steal her from you for a while. I want to hang out with my sister too," he said. "But, what I want doesn't matter." He makes eye contact with me. "Do you want to hang out."

I looked at Lily, silently asking if it was okay with her. She nodded before giving me a small smile. "Go," she said. "Come find me when you're done?" I nodded before picking up the makeup wipe that I had used only minutes before. I wiped the rest of the makeup that I had on my face off and tossed the wipe away.