Chapter 65

"I don't understand why you'd leave, but I respect your decision," I admit.

He sighs, angling his body so he's facing me more. "Sometimes, new beginnings are a good thing," he explains. "I'm looking for my new beginning, but maybe it's a good idea that you find one too. Start over. Live your life how you're supposed to live it. Go out and find your purpose."

I quickly wipe a lone tear that streaks its way down my face. "My purpose means a whole lot less if you're not here with me to help me find it."

"Here," he reaches into his pocket and takes out a small piece of paper. "I got myself a phone the other day. Now, you're going to try and find your purpose and every once in a while, you're going to call me and tell me everything you did to make it one step closer." He takes my hand in his and peals my fingers back, placing the piece of paper in the palm of my hand and curling my fingers back in, closing my hand.