Chapter 4

"Is she waking up?"

"What do you think?"

"How could he not tell her before marking her?"

"Thats just Alpha Gordon."

"Where is Gordon," a loud voice boomed around the room, making me flinch and open my eyes.

Too many unfamiliar faces, but one face stood out the most. A woman with a high bun and long pearl earing looked familiar, almost like Gordon, however, she was devoted with emotions.

She looked worried when she made her way to me, and then she sat down beside me. Everyone else who were in the room were surprised to see me finally awake, but when the woman sitting beside me waved her hand, every person in the room walked out closing the door behind them.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry for what Gordon did, he should've told you that he was going to mark you," the woman exclaimed, and then she sighed. "What am I going to do with this boy?"

Frowning, I said, "Are you his mother?"

The woman looked me in the eye, and then nodded, "I'm Analia."

"I'm Jacinta, and I am mad, very mad to say the least, but its not your fault, so you don't have to say sorry," I whispered and then rubbed my head to get rid of the head ache which was slowly fading away. Slowly.

"It is my fault, I should have taught him better than to be so disrespectful and embarrass you in front of such a big crowd."

I took a deep breath and shook my head, "It's okay," I mumbled.

Analia smiled, "You are a very beautiful girl, I am so happy that Gordon has such a wonderful and forgiving mate," she said and then stood up, "I'll get you breakfast!"

My eyes widened, "It's morning already?" I asked bewildered.

She nodded her head, "You fainted last night, oh and happy new year," she said happily.

I smiled back, "Happy new year to you too," I said and then sat up in bed. I felt fine, I only had a throbbing headache, aside from that I was fully energized.

Swinging the red duvet to the side, I flung my legs out of bed and stood up.

"Wait, you should be resting," Analia said worriedly and quickly came to my side.

"I feel perfectly fine, I am a werewolf with the capacity to heal fast," I said sincerely. I think I feel more than fine, which is extremely weird for me.

"Okay, you can get freshened up, and all your stuff has been moved into this room, because it's yours from now on," she said and I took some time to notice my surroundings.

The whole room was painted black, with a dressing table at one side, and an open walk-in closet at the other corner. A door was right beside the closet, and I assumed it to be a washroom. The floor was made of wood, polished to perfection, and the bed I laid on just minutes ago was covered with red silk sheets, I felt at unease.

"Who designed this room?" I asked.

Analia looked around and said, "Gordon did, he just told some pack members what the room should look like, and this is the result, though I am not really fond of his choice."

"So I'm staying here, like, alone.. I mean, he is not-" Analia cut me off.

"He is staying in another room," she finished for me, and to hide her ashamed face she made her way to the door.

"Wait, where is Gordon right now?" I asked.

"Gordon is on a run, he will be back till you are fresh and ready for breakfast," she said and then grinned, after those last few words, she walked out of the room after shutting the door behind her.

Maybe this isn't so bad, but when my mom's crying face and my brother's and his mate's sad faces came in my mind, I frowned deeply.

Walking into the closet, I was surprised to see all my clothes hung neatly and the gift my family gave me was securely sitting in the corner. I chose to wear a red full sleeve velvet shirt, and black skinny jeans.

Walking inside the big bathroom which had a jacuzzi, I was mesmerized, but not for long when I put my hair to one side and noticed the mark. The red glowing half moon mark which made me gasp and cover my mouth in shock.

"Oh my god," I muttered and then grazed the mark, which made me flinch, but then it started tingling and I closed my eyes.

I remember when I walked on the stage and accepted him, in return I got this possessive mark on the spot.

A headache was taking over just thinking about it.

Once I was done taking a shower which consisted of me rubbing myself off of last night's events, I stepped out of the washroom with the towel wrapped securely around my body. Once I quickly put on my undergarments, I changed into my clothes and then went to the dresser, searching for a blow drier. I found it in the first drawer, along with a straightener, a curling iron, and some spray bottles.

I ignored all the products and just dried my hair all the while looking at my pale face. This is not how I imagined my life to be like. Just in mere hours my life had changed so dramatically.