Chapter 6

Without even looking up I could feel the heat rising everywhere in my body just by the burning holes of his eyes scrutinizing my every move. From the corner of my eyes, I saw Analia take a seat beside Gordon on his side.

No one spoke a word, the whole room was pin silent.

A big plate of omelet, bacon, and of toasted bread was served with a glass of milk right in front of me, and I finally felt my hunger.

I knew better than to grab a fork and start feasting, because back home when the Alpha ever invited our family to breakfast, we could only start eating when the Alpha had taken a bite. So I just stared at Gordon's hands which were on top of his plate, I never once looked up into his eyes which were now not on me. I could feel my heat reducing, not fully since he was right there, across from me.

After the stressful breakfast, people parted ways and Selene quickly came to my side. "I'll show you around," she said and then grabbed my hand to pull me along, but Analia blocked her way.

"Gordon can show her around," Analia said, and my heart stopped beating for a minute. I get that he is my mate, but that doesn't drop the fact that I feel wary under his presence.

Gordon turned to look at me, and this time I held his stare. The grey orbs of his eyes glared holes at me, till they turned away to face the other way. I watched his hands turn into fists as his jaw became stern.

Analia gave me a shove, "Go."

I followed Gordon's movements out of the dining hall, we walked down the dark hallway and straight into another hall, which was lit up with golden flecks of light and I noticed some frames lining the walls. Some were beautiful paintings of wolves and forests, and some were pictures of Selene and Analia together, there was no picture of Gordon anywhere.

We stopped in front of a room, and I smelled something that made my lip curl and my nose to crunch.

"This is a doctor's office," his silk voice slipped into my brain and I turned my head to look at him, "werewolves heal fast, but my pack had dealt with many wolfsbane incidents," he said it like it was normal, but I was surprised, because we didn't have a doctor's office in our pack.

Gordon soon showed me his parent's room, game room, a gym, the training courters, and then the library where I just stood with amazement. "Oh my god, this is big," I said and then grinned, walking farther inside.

"Come back later, let me finish the tour so I can get back to some important business of mine," he muttered and started walking away in long strides, not caring to wait for me.

I jogged to match his pace, all the while my wolf was growling inside at such disrespect. I know that he had a whole pack to deal with, but now I'm a part of it also. An important part, and he does not even care to ask me about anything. About which pack I am from or how I felt after he marked me and I woke up in someone else's house. In someone else's room which was declared mine. I know that I should be happy in such a luxurious house filled with kind people, but when I am feeling no happiness from the person who I am supposed to be bonded with soon, anxiousness is taking over me. Like I'm not good enough.

After some more rooms, we lastly stood in front of a big wooden door, I was just going to reach the handle to open it when a hand circled my wrist and pulled me back roughly. "This is my room, no one is allowed to touch or even be in it," he snarled down at me, glowering deep into my eyes.

I stared down at his hand which gripped my wrist, the very spot his skin made contact with was burning, making me flinch. "Why?" I asked, trying to sound confident.

Gordon inched closer till we were mere inches apart, "None of you concern," he muttered, and then pulled away.

Standing there frozen, I tried to move away and just go to my room, but I couldn't even budge.

"Alpha Gordon, these two are the rogues we found stepping over our territory," a guy walked out from a hallway with black boxers and no shirt on, and I flushed. Before looking away, I saw two guys dressed in black, they almost looked like twins by their haircut, blue eyes and their clothing. Blood was dripping from their nose heavily, smearing the path where they came from.

"Take them to the cell, I don't want a mess here," Gordon said without even turning around since he was busing glaring at me, and I just stared at him in shock.

"Aren't you going to ask them why they crossed on to your territory?" I asked without thinking.

I knew those guys were a threat and I shouldn't interfere, but I guess I needed something to fight with him about after he told me to back out of his business. The guy who was shoving the two rogues out of the hall stopped and turned around to look at me with wide eyes. He was messily built and had brown hair, his hazel eyes were striking against the sun light which shined from a window, and I assumed by his power to effortlessly drag two rogues alone with him, that he was the Beta of the pack.

"Excuse me?" Gordon growled and that made me snap out of my revery. I looked at him uncertainly, I think I shouldn't have said that. "You think I'm not doing my job correctly?" He asked.

I shook my head quickly, and backed away, "No, no, I just thought-"

"You just thought?" Gordon cut me off, and I just stood there dumb founded. "These are rogues, our pack can smell them from here, even when they were out of our territory," he snarled, and then waved a hand at the guy who still stood there. "Take those things to the cell, Rick."


Rick quickly went away, shoving the rogues forward the whole way.

I inhaled a breath and said, "My dad interrogated rogues before torturing them, because some rogues are not a threat, they might've been sent by someone, because one rogue is nothing compared to how many actual pack members actually guard their own territories, such as yours. Rogues have a pack as well, if they all come together then that is a threat. The are just mere souls who chose to live by their own rules."

Gordon just stared at me, then grabbed my wrist, and started pulling me another way, the opposite way from where I could see my room in the distance.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked nervously, and tried yanking my hand back, but to no avail.

"I'll tell you why I don't trust rogues, because one thing to know about me is to know everything about me before you can state your opinion," Gordon said calmly as he tugged me all the way to the other side of the house, and then we stopped in front of a black metal door.

I watched him as he took range of keys out of his pocket and unlocked the the door, my jaw almost hit the floor at what I saw, but I retreated it before he pulled me roughly inside and slammed the door close behind us, the sound echoing everywhere...