Chapter 32

"So? That's a good thing," Selene said and looked at me strangely. "He saved you."

"Are you hearing this right, he killed them! He could've just punished them, but he had to take desperate measures," now I was unsure about my point of view, since Selene disagreed with me.

"Jacinta, you might've not gone through this in your old pack, but with us, this kind of stuff happens all the time. When we are in the club, werewolves who want a night with a girl or guy, they mix this club drug into the person's drink. That drug can affect the werewolf very highly, so you might not even remember if those guys were trying to hurt you, or trying to have their way and kill you."

I looked down at my lap and sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I think I need to sleep, or need more time to adjust to this pack's behaviour," I said and stood up, walking away towards the door where we came from.