Chapter 33

*Two Days Later*

It was the second day since Gordon's been gone, boredom was clinging to me for dear life, and that was mainly the reason why I was wandering down the hallways, trying to find something to do. I decided to go to Gordon's office; it was a random thought, but I think it was because my wolf was craving to smell his cologne again.

Once I reached the door, I turned the knob, but it didn't budge. I face palmed myself at my stupidity, 'how could I have forgotten? Since Gordon is gone, the door has to be locked to his office.'

I was just going to turn around when my hand absentmindedly went to my hair, and I felt the pointiness of my straight and sharp hair clip. I took it out of my hair and stared at it for few seconds. I remember watching movies where if a girl is stuck in a situation like this, she takes her bobby pin and attempts to unlock the door with it. And it works at times.