Chapter 39

"If everyone who are assigned to each other are actual soul mates, then why don't we feel the sparks that's written in those mythical books which includes you in it, and why can't we communicate through mind links?" I asked and crossed my arms across my chest.

She smiled sadly, ""Because its my job to make that happen, but with me here held captive, I can't use my powers," she said and then looked elsewhere.

I stood up again, for the last time. "Don't worry, I'll get you out, fast. But tell me this, who locked you in here?"

"Its a long story. Every person has their story, I have my own, but I'll save that for later. You go get some lunch , sweetheart. Don't worry so much about me," she said and then disappeared inside the bottle.

I really want to know her story.


Thursday Evening.

"Jacinta!" Selene called me from the end of the hall where she stood by the dining hall.

"Yes?" I asked.