Chapter 40

It felt like hours till I finally found a white cottage which was surrounded by yellow flowers and very light green grass. Running to the door, I slammed it open.

The cottage was dark, but I could make out a sofa, kitchen and staircase, but I searched for the light switch.

My body was thrumming with want, and I didn't want to do this.

In the process of me trying to control myself and trying to find the light switch, I didn't notice when a figure came behind me and strangled my throat by their arm. "I finally got you where I want you."

I struggled in the strong hold, even though it was a female who was strangling me. How did I know? It was by her voice as she said, "I finally got you where I want you!"

The heat made me feel weak, restless and very needy, and I guess that's what made me an easy victim against this girl. The room was dark so I couldn't see her face, but her voice was familiar. Very familiar.