Chapter 14

I fought back tears as I stood there helplessly with my arms to my sides. As my father made some conversations with Fraser, I tried to find my way out, but the girl beside Fraser intrigued me. Or maybe intrigued is not the right word. My jealousy was getting the best of me.

"What's your name?" I asked.

She looked at me with surprise, "My name is Emma," she said softly.

I raised an eye brow, just few minutes ago, she was looking like she was playing a game with me.

"Yours?" She asked.

"Um... My name is Faith," I smiled, but it was forced.

She nodded her head, "Have you found your mate?"

Turning my head to peak at Fraser, I looked back to Emma, and then shook my head. "I hope not to find my mate," I added.

She raised an eye brow at me this time, and went to say something, but Fraser beat me to it, "You didn't find your mate either, Ms. Archere?"