Chapter 20

All the while my heart beat increased as my wolf whimpered in fright of finding my parents harmed. After few more trees, I came into a clearing where I saw around seven big wolves surrounding my parents. The wolves were snarling at my father whose black wolf growled loudly right back. My mother was also snarling and hissing, but when she saw me approach, I could sense her fear.

Through the mind link, she said with anger, what are you doing here Faith?

I replied back by saying, they are not normal rogues mom, they look stronger.

Just then, a wolf launched at my mother, and she flung him across a tree easily. Stronger, are you serious Faith. Watch out!

That's when I saw a grey wolf launching itself on me, and since I never fought rogues in my life, I moved myself to the right side, which had the wolf crashing against the tree behind me.