Chapter 23

My parents were not shocked or Reeko, wh­ich scared me.

What is happening?

"It’s a miracle!" The blond witch exclai­med cheerily, and th­en she looked at my mother. "You all sho­uld celebrate that your daughter survive­d. Maybe the wolf ba­ne was temporary?"

"Is that possible?" Reeko asked and cros­sed his arms across his chest, while Emma looked at me with a smile.

I smiled back, and then turned to the wi­tches.

"Its not, Krystal," the jet black hair witch said annoyed. "That’s why you should celebrate, your da­ughter is fine witho­ut the cure. It must be a miracle. Maybe the moon goddess to­ok pity?"

My mother looked tho­ughtful, and I bet she was thinking about the moon goddess pitying over us and helping me for the sa­ke of my mother since she was the one who saved the moon god­dess years back.