Chapter 24

Slipping into the dark brown knee length dress, I tied up my hair into a high pony tail and applied some mascara to my lashes. Putting on a faint brown lipstick, I looked into my eyes through the mirror. I looked different, I was sure that this appearance was because of the bite that Fraser gave me.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't cry. I wouldn't cry over that guy.

He invited my family personally to his house. To his pack house. To his territory. That is a big step he has taken tonight, and he knows that it's easy to trap my parents now since he saved me from the rogues he sent to kill my parents. I thought I was his bait; then why did he make such a direct move to attack my parents? Did he know that I would be there? That I would come? Did he mean to hurt me in the process as well?


Fraser's P.O.V