Chapter 31

A crash sounded from the hallway outside my room, and I jumped away from the mirror startled. Quickly rushing to my door, I yanked it open and peaked outside.

I released a heavy breath when I noticed broken glass littering the carpeted floor, and my mother standing beside it in surprise. "Mother, are you okay?" I asked and ran to her side.

She nodded her head as tip toed out of the mess and stood in front of me. Two maids quickly came to vacuum the small glass pieces. There was a sudden shriek which left my mother's mouth, and my eyes widened.

"What's wrong? Mother!" I grabbed her arm as she went down on her knees. Father was already running down the hall. In a second he had her limp form in his arms.

"Jacinta," he whispered with worry stretched across his forehead. He carried her to the nearest room beside mine, and I followed them close as he laid mother down on the bed.