Chapter 50

All the males went into the clearing and Fraser instructed them to fight with each other so he could point out their flaws. I was lost in just staring at Fraser as his muscular arms flexed in his action to teach a guy how to punch harder and from which direction.

"Faith!" Sheila shrieked into my ear, and I jumped in fright.

"God, Sheila. Why did you scream in my ear?" I growled, and noticed some of the male wolves staring at us.

"Because you were day dreaming, and I'm not even going to suggest of whom," she placed her hands out in surrender, and I blistered with annoyance at myself.

"Faith!" John, a male werewolf I talked to once in a while on the way to this place, called out to me in the midst of fighting with his opponent to the ground.

I looked at him questionably.