Even If It Wasn’t Forgiven -1

"…Alright, let's leave it at that for today."


The sky was slowly changing from deep red to dark blue, with stars gradually appearing in the sky.


"…You sure have gotten good at acting, Aotsuki-san. You really sucked in the beginning."


"You didn't need to add that last part!"


Together with Sakana, our practice for the stage play ended, and although I was teasing Aotsuki-san a bit, I genuinely admire her efforts. She said that she was working on herself with some vocal training, but I can see the results now. With these thoughts in mind, I felt the urge to drink something, and took a sip from my water bottle.


"Hey hey, there's something I wanna ask~"


"What is it, Sakana-kun. A question regarding your role?" Aotsuki-san also had a water bottle in hand, putting her hair behind her ear.


"Did you two decide to date?"


Hearing this question unrelated to the stage play, I felt the urge to spit out my water, only barely able to keep it under control.


"Cough, cough!"


…However, Aotsuki-san didn't succeed in that like I did.

"W-Where did that come from! Sakana-kun, could you not blurt out nonsense like that?!"


"I mean, I feel like you two changed? So smooth…and lively?" "…Did we?"

If so, then maybe Gami and the other classmates might have realized it by now. Crap, I was hoping we'd be hiding it naturally, but maybe not.


"I doubt the others caught on, but I spend a lot of time with you two with the practice. Not to mention that I'm pretty sensitive to that. I guess I can see how other people's feelings change?" He showed a shit-eating grin, but I haven't forgotten how you made fun of a guy who likes manga, okay.


I'm the type who can keep grudges for a long time.


"C-Can you not make up random nonsense? Yafune-kun and I aren't like that."


"Why do you say that? You don't need to hide it, just be happy~" Sakana gave us a round of applause.


It even made me feel like thanking Sakana for that, so that I won't be found out. I can't make him my enemy, but I also don't want to believe him either. However…just because he's got some bad parts to him doesn't mean he's an awful person. He does help me as well in a lot of cases, just like right now.

At the same time, even if he can be a good guy, he's just as rotten. There's just no clear line between evil antagonist and benevolent savior.


"Once Yafune's busy with Aotsuki-san, all the other girls who got the hots for him right now will jump towards me instead! Harem time!"


Yeah, maybe he really is just a shitty bastard.


"U-Um, we really aren't like that, but…Could you maybe…keep this a secret?"


"Hmmm? I don't think there's anything worth hiding here, but…Sure, leave

it to me! I'm the type who can keep his mouth shut after all!"


What the hell are you talking about? I'm even more worried now, you know?


"Well, whatever! Ah, crap, I got plans with the girls from the wind instrument club to meet up, so I gotta take my leave here! You two enjoy your time~" Sakana left the classroom, leaving me and Aotsuki-san alone.


"…Hey, Yafune-kun." With an oddly sweet voice, in the midst of this rosy atmosphere, Aotsuki-san blushed ever so slightly and glanced at me. "Is it… fine for us to be in that kind of relationship…?"


I confessed, and Aotsuki-san revealed her past. However, because of the curse on her, she still cannot voice her positive affection. But, if we really decided to publicly date, then I'd have to think about my position in class, and how to deal with the aftermath of that decision…Well, there's no way I could let go of Aotsuki-san this late into the game though.


"I'd be happy…really. But, I think we should fully focus on the curse first." "R-Right, that makes sense."





What resulted from this conversation was an odd level of distance that wasn't quite like lovers. It left me restless, and impatient on top of being happy.

Unable to live with this silence, I broke it apart.


"T-That reminds me, I do understand what went down in your past. But, what are you planning on doing after you find the owner of that diary?"


"Mm…It's honestly like my last hope, and I just have to believe that something will happen. In the notes, it said that Shell hated that person, but… she regrets not being able to convey her feelings. That's why, if we manage to clear up this regret…then she might grant my wish of having the curse dispelled…" Aotsuki-san let out a faint breath, and showed a reminiscent expression. "I learned first hand that you can't have a wish granted for



She wouldn't just emotionlessly use magic for her convenience. Instead, she would grant Shell's wish first—that is her rough plan of action in order to have the curse dispelled.


"Both the owner of those notes and me met Shell up on that hill. I think that she's living up there. That's why, if we could bring the owner there…"


"…But, the owner of the notes came to meet Shell even after, right? So what if she doesn't show up even after you bring that person there?"


Thinking about the owner of the notes, Shell decided to break apart their relationship. Even if she were to regret it, I doubt she can just nullify her determination.


"…Right. If I was in Shell's position, I would think that I didn't have the right to meet that person." An anxious expression filled Aotsuki-san's face.


But…there's one part that had me curious about that diary. Before they split up for good, Shell said that she was 'scared of testing it'.


"…So, Aotsuki-san, I have an idea of my own…"


I decided to tell Aotsuki-san my idea on how to solve this problem—


On the first day of the culture festival, the fall sky was clear, as were my feelings. Since the gym hall was full with some karaoke contest or music show, we had to use the classroom as our stage. So, we split up the classroom between stage and audience seats, and instead of the curtain, we used normal window curtains, hung up on the ceiling. Even so, today's classroom was our stage.


Aotsuki-san went to the small changing room to put on her little mermaid costume. I had no need to do that, and already finished in my own costume, doing the last check. Sakana of course was talking with some random girls, but he at least seems to have his lines down, and is wearing his costume, so I won't be complaining.

"Yafune, a moment." "…Hm? What's up, Gami."

Gami stood outside the classroom, beckoning me over…I got a really bad feeling from this. I can't allow the atmosphere now to be ruined. Any trouble could be the end of the play. That's why I forced up a fake smile as always. It's fine, I've gotten good at adjusting Gami's mood after all.


Even before, when we went to the karaoke before, I stayed with her really late so that her anger towards Aotsuki-san wouldn't escalate. Though she was angry at me for being late in general. Either way, I followed Gami, and reached the large space next to the stairs that lead up to the rooftop.


"Why are you taking me over here? I got the stage play in a bit...Wah!?"


Gami pulled on my ear, approached it with her lips, and whispered sweet poison into them.


"Hey, just quit everything." "…Huh?"

Ahh, this is bad. The sky was so clear before, and yet it feels like a storm is brewing up.


"What are you talking about? I don't get you at all, Gami~" "I'm telling you to quit the play."

"Nah come on, I can't do that~"


"You can't? Why? You won't listen to what I say?" "That's not it, okay. Also, where did that even come from."

"I'm saying that you should trouble that girl." Gami's eyes were sharp, and her voice exceptionally cold.

She clearly wasn't joking around.


"Come on, that's asking for too much~ I'm the culture festival hero. What should I tell Senpai after doing such a thing…"


So that the atmosphere didn't grow more tense, I tried to keep up a smile and talked in a nonchalant tone.


"What. You her ally now or something?" "No, that's not what this is, but…"

"I mean, she has a pretty handsome face. Some mongrel like you would surely chase after her with your tail wagging. But."




Gami wrapped her arms around my neck.


"I'm definitely more beautiful than her, right." She pressed her own chest on mine. "I guess that a dog needs both training and rewards, huh."


Her body felt soft, and her sharp whisper hitting my ears made my back tingle. It was a dangerous unbalance.


"If you listen to my order right now, I'll do whatever you want me to."


That makes sense, a lot of guys would be drooling with the thought of doing what they wanted with her body. How many guys did she win over with just her body alone?


"Honestly speaking, I always hated the idea of you giving her attention. But, I don't mind forgiving you if you come back to me right now."


Forgive? For what? Why would I need to beg for your forgiveness? Who are you to me anyway?


"If you don't choose me here and now, I won't ever forgive you."

Although my feelings were in disarray because of this sudden situation, a part of me had kept it's rational thinking. What would happen if I disobeyed the queen now? By using the title of the culture festival hero, and constantly tending to her mood during recess and after school, I somehow made it this far, but if I got her engry for good, then things won't stay the same for sure.


My position in class would drop, and I'd lose my place that I belong to. Just thinking about that made my body freeze up, and my legs shake. If I listen to Gami now, I should still be able to make it. I should be able to keep this position I worked so hard for, the peace I always desired, and the daily life irreplaceable to me. And yet—


"…I don't need your forgiveness." I grabbed Gami's shoulders, and pushed her away. "Even if you don't forgive me, I won't quit the play."


Right after I finished my words, I was slapped across the face. Since she thought of me as a dog, she probably expected me to turn over with a bit of threatening. And to be fair, the me from a while ago probably would have succumbed. What surprised me the most however is that Queen Gami broke out in tears, seemingly frustrated at being rejected like that.

—No, that's not it.


"…Why is nobody listening to me? Why won't anybody look at me!"


She's not some queen, she's suffering in her own way. I'm sure that she has circumstances and sad past events that she suffered through, of which I have no way of knowing. But even so, making other people suffer as a way to cope with that…is wrong.


"I'll definitely get in your way. You'll regret going against me!"


I watched Gami run down the stairs, and stood still for a moment. However, this wasn't the time to be spacing out, the stage play is happening soon. On my way back to the classroom, I took a quick detour to the toilet to check, but there were no traces left of the slap I ate. I was relieved, and sighed.


"Yafune-kun, where were you?"


Upon returning to the classroom, Aotsuki-san was already waiting for me. If I told her about Gami, she'd probably only be worried.


"That costume is so cute. Looks great on you." "D-Don't change the topic."

"…I do really feel that way, okay?"


We did practice before while wearing these costumes, so it's not my first time seeing it. That being said, the fact that it looks good on her doesn't change.

Her camisole really looked like a mermaid's, and adding the mermaid-lined skirt with the pearls on it, the circlet on her head, she looked like a princess. Not to mention that Aotsuki-san herself doesn't lose against that beauty. If anything, she stands out even more thanks to the clothes emphasizing her beauty. If I didn't know any better, then I might just think she's an actual mermaid.


"E-Enough about that!" Aotsuki-san shook her head, as if to blow away her embarrassment, and stared directly at me. "Hey, something happened, right? You're acting weird."




I'm happy that she's worried about me, but this close to the performance, I really don't want to worry her. After a bit of hesitating, I opened my mouth.


"Listen, this is our culture festival here at this school, so there might be some trouble happening mid-way, you know."


Not to mention that I don't want her to perform badly during the play. More than any of that though…


"Even if some trouble happens, don't panic…and let's have fun. Finding the owner of the diary is important, but we worked this hard to prepare everything."


I'm not trying to cover up anything, as this is how I truly feel. I put up the best smile I could, and faced Aotsuki-san.


"I'll try my best. Acting as best as I can. On stage, I'm Shell, and you are the Little Mermaid…the owner of that diary."


Hearing my words, Aotsuki-san let out a gentle breath.


"…Sheesh, it feels like you got ahead of me." A strong light resided in her eyes, reflecting determination. "But, I was the one who said we'd do it. So, I'm definitely much more motivated than you are!"


"Then I'll work twice as hard as you."


"Huh? Why are you fighting against me now?" "I mean, I want to show off how cool I am?"

"Huh!?" She showed a baffled expression, blushing furiously. "A-Are you stupid?"


"Ahaha, sure am. Anyway, let's do this."

"Of course!"


Aotsuki-san pushed her fist towards me. I responded, and did the same. "Let's do this until the bitter end."

"Yep, let's have fun."


And then, we bumped our fists together.


* "Impossible…"

Mikagami Masuzu was alone in the girls' toilet, her body shaking. Replaying inside of her head was the day of the entrance ceremony, a day that had long passed.


Ever since my parents got divorced, I was always fighting with Papa…Even the day before the entrance ceremony, we fought, and I told him 'I hate you! Don't come to the ceremony tomorrow!', and he really didn't come. In the end, I was all alone. The sky was annoyingly clear and blue despite that, and the cherry blossom petals were dancing in the sky. Seeing all the families and friends of the new students taking pictures in front of the 'Entrance ceremony' sign, my anger was only fuelled even further.


"…Getting so excited for an entrance ceremony, how stupid."


Like that, I had my head hanging low, beneath the dancing flower petals. Only then did a small package appear in front of me. On the package, it said 'Royal strawberry chocolate milk lemon tea'.


"…What?" I raised my head, only to see a random boy standing in front of me.


"When I came here to last year's culture festival, I saw them selling this at a vending machine, and tried it out on a whim. It's got a really weird name, huh? But, it's actually not half bad."



"I mean, judging from your nameplate, we're in the same class right? So, let's get along~ or something like that?" The boy just smiled, and walked away.


I held the paper package in my hand, just spacing out. What? Was he hitting on me? Well, I am good-looking. I'm used to being called out to by boys.


"…........ Sweet."


Compared to the weird name it had, the drink I received was actually very sweet. I only learned of that boy's name later: Yafune Shibuki-kun. After spending some time with him in class, he turned out to be very considerate, always paying attention to the people around him. I soon realized that he gave me that drink not because he was trying to hit on me, but only because I looked gloomy.


However, that's all there is. He's simply a dog I took a liking to. There's definitely nothing more than that! And yet, no matter how much I let the people agree with me, and listen to me, everything I want eventually slips from my hand. This is weird. Not fair. Why do I only suffer? That's right, he's just some dog, a cheeky dog. I'll teach him what happens if he makes me angry!


"I'll make you regret this…so you better be prepared."


I took out my phone, and texted a dog even better than that guy.




Because of that exchange with Gami, I was really worried, but I guess that was needless worrying.


"Ahh, I want to meet that mermaid again. Why did I go and say such a thing…"


The play was in its final stage. It was the scene where the Little Mermaid and the magician—Aotsuki-san and I are to confess our feelings. We made it

through everything without any misses so far, so we were doing just fine. The audience's reaction isn't half bad either, so at this rate—


"What a boring play."