
After eating my lunch and had my afternoon medications I went back to the pack to cool off

I had completely forgotten about the daily quest given to me by Jarvis, little did I know that would bring future consequences.

I used my eyes to locate my favourite bench, there was an old woman and a young girl seated on it. I shifted my gaze to other benches around looking for a free one but all were occupied so I decided to go and sit beside the woman and the girl.

"Good afternoon ma" I greeted the woman politely and sat down.

The woman sat on the far right of the bench while the girl was in between us. Gradually I could feel the air pressure increasing and also the awkwardness level rising rapidly.

Out of curiosity I decided to take a little peek and look and the girl beside me

I began from her legs and gradually began going up taking note of her slim body inside the Patient dress. She had this white skin that radiated brightly coming in contact with the sun rays

The more I stared, the more I became engrossed. As I reached her chest level I noticed the two small small well shaped oranges

Looking at it caused a wild fire to burn deep inside my chest and I began to feel my red-headed warrior tugging my trousers, I couldn't control myself.

My journey concluded as our eyes met, she had this disgusted look on her face as she stared at me, but deep inside the disgusted look was a beautiful blue eyes shining bright like the ocean waters, and yet again I got captivated just by looking at her eyes

"Pervert" She said bring me out of my wonderland

"W-wait a minute, It's not what y-you think" I said jumping out of the chair

Just as I jumped, my brave warrior dangled and got her attention causing her to stare at it. I quickly bent down covering myself

"I-I'm so sorry" I said submissive

"Get lost Pervert" She wasn't ready to accept my apology

"Hey Hana-chan, don't be like that" The Old woman beside her came to my rescue

"Please, I accept my apology, I'd do anything" I begged

"Anything??" She asked

"Yes, anything" I said. She jumped out of the bench and whispers into my ears "Get me a bar of chocolate"

"Huh?? Just that?" I asked

"Yes just that" She replied

"Alright I'll be back" I said and rushed into the hospital going straight to the patient canteen.

The meal and other snacks are covered up by the hospital bills the patient pays

"2 chocolate candy please" I said to the attendants, she brings out the chocolate candy from one of the shelves and hands it over to me I collected it and dashed out finding my way to the park once more

This time around the old lady wasn't there, only the girl. "Here!" I showed her, she swiftly swiped the two chocolates from my hand.

She stares at the chocolate with excitement before opening one of it and begins to consume it, "yummy.." She moans cutely.

She handed one of the chocolate to me, I collected it and joined in the feeling of ecstasy.

"It's been ages since I had a chocolate" She said

"Hmm??, why's that?" I asked curiously

"This" She said removing her cap and revealing her bald head

Seeing this got me thinking "The fuck was that?" I didn't know what it means, I didn't ask further questions, but I knew it was something shamefully or embarrassing

"Hmm... I'll make sure to bring you chocolates until you forgive me then" I said with a contagious smile

"Yeah.." She said, smiling back at me.


Later that day minutes before midnight everyone had gone to their respective wards to have their night rest, As for me I decided to walk Hana to her ward

"So when are you going back to school??" She asked

"Well the date hasn't been fixed yet but most likely soon" My answer made her sad, I could feel and see it. "Even if I'm gone I'd still come and visit" I added, immediately her expression changes

"Really??" She asked


*bimp *bimp

I hear an annoying beeping sound in my ears,' it's most likely Jarvis' I thought

'Shit I completely forgot about that'

Immediately all strength left in me vanished, I stood still looking at Hana who was staring at me in confusion

I couldn't hear, speak or move, my muscles tremble in pain, my eyes began to close casually just then did my ears finally opened again, I could hear Hana shouting my name


I fell on the ground finally losing my consciousness