Leveling up

A young man is spotted doing some exercises under a huge tree within the hospital premises. This young man is none other than Riku Aoki.

"Six!!" I screamed before collapsing on the ground

"Keep it up, keep it up Ki-chan" Hana cheers as she consumes the chocolate bar in her hand, I doubt the cheer was genuine.

I got up from the ground and walked to the seat and sat beside Hana. A bar appears in front of me showing the amount of push up I have done and the total I was meant to do.

Today I was tasked with 20 pushups and to run 2km. I got up early in the morning and managed to finish the 2km race and decided to do some pushups.

Speaking with Jarvis this morning I got to learn many things. Like what happened yesterday was almost Identical with Level lending in terms of the aftermath.

Just like Level lending gives a temporary boost of stats for a great penalty in return, but this time if I am unable to complete my daily task, the amount of fatigue I was meant to get from performing the task will be forcefully transferred into my body and I'll also be denied my reward.

'Such cruelty' I muttered

I waved my hand in the hair sweeping away the bar from my face. Hana was so occupied with the Chocolate that she didn't notice what I did.

"Yoshi, let's get going" I muster up my strength and went on the ground and began

At 18 reps I couldn't feel my hands, but that didn't make me quit. I closed my eyes and the image of the disgusted look on my teammates faces flashed through my mind I unconsciously pushed through and kept on pumping and pushing

I was deep into the hate I didn't know I passed the 20 reps going to 30 until Hana's voice distracted me, "Awesome Ki-chan" She said

I got up and looked at the floating bar as it was labelled completed.

"Hana-chan I'll be back I forgot something" I went straight to the toilet to avoid Hana experiencing live Magic show

As I tapped the claim icon, and a box appeared in front of me hovering mid air, I touched the box and a bright white light evaded my eyes and after that was the reward.

I tapped on the exclamation sign to view information about the content

'Bottled Glucose lv 5

60% recovery of stamina

Frequency: Normal'

"Interesting" I opened the bottle and drank the content just like a miracle. My strength returned as if I was born again.

"This is awesome," I said. I threw the bottle inside the waste bin and began to place the ice bag on my sore muscles.

"Jarvis please display my stats"


A holographic board appears in front of me displaying all my abilities. I looked at my level and experience points and felt dissatisfied

"Jarvis this is so cruel, after everything I only got 186 experience points I still have over 400 points to level up to Level 1"

"I didn't ask for the correction" I sighed in pain "I thought with your help life would be easy"

"Then how will I level up fast"

"Then if I can participate in those activities why do I need to perform daily quest"

"Is that so?"

"Jarvis they are called kids, people ranging from 18 to 1 years old are call kids, people ranging from 14 to 18 are also called teenagers, sometimes people at 18 are called young adults"

"Well let's get going Jarvis, let me level up"


I rushed outside and confronted the kids. I asked them if I could join and surprisingly they agreed, they didn't care about age or size they just agreed

Two mini goal posts were placed far from each other ranging about 70 feet away from each other. We decided to divide into two 3 teams with 4 in each team trying to minimise size and maximise fun but that didn't work.

After the selection of teammates there was a lot of arguments rising from here and there, some were complaining of having weak teammates while others complained of opposition having lots of strong players

So I had to step, I brought out 3 weak kids and had them begin to select their teammates one after the other. Due to my intervention we were able to start as soon as possible

My team was on stand by while the other team played against themselves, the rule was that any team that is scored will leave for the other team to enter

And thus the match started. The match was quite funny, they were kids after all what I was expecting but nevertheless I still paid close attention to the match. I tried to learn something out of it, and the only thing I picked was the defence. All of them were too focused on scoring individual goals that they forgot about the defence.

Thi strategy worked for the stronger team of course and in less than 2 minutes of playtime we found ourselves in the game

"You guys gather round" I called the kids

"All three of you enter inside and make sure to score" I said to them and dismissed the meeting

My aim was to bring the three opposition players and leave my teammates alone with the keeper.

As the match started, they passed the ball to me. I gave a sign telling them to push inside. Two of the opponents came rushing at me. I performed a slow turn driving them away and passed the ball. My plan didn't work as planned but I'm sure they will score it was three against 2 after all.

I guess I spoke too soon as the ball was collected by the defender, he passed the ball to his teammate and at the front and went back to assist the keeper. 'He is sharp'

Before they could balance I rushed them collected the ball this time around I rushed at the single defender, the defender decided to leave the keepers side and came head on facing me one to one but little did he know that was my plan all along I launched a pass to one of my teammates closer to the post and with a single touch drives the ball into the net.

"GOAL!!" The kids shouts running to and fro the field.

The game continued as we remained undefeated till dusk. I scored a total of four goals. I know it's not something to be proud of, but yet I felt a strange feeling of fulfilment inside as if I had achieved something great. Speaking of achievements