
Today Eita and Hanko decided to drop by. It's been over 3 weeks now since I've been here and in these two weeks I was able to achieve a lot.

"Aoki you better hurry up with your recovery, the team is a mess now with Inuoe-senpai on injury this is only change you have to appear on the pitch" Eita ramped about team over and over but yet I didn't get bored of it, probably because it been long since I spoke with them

"Hey Eita-kun, that's not why we came here" Hanko interrupted his ranting.

Hanko is one or my classmates and childhood friend, she is a cutie, she had this cute brown eyes and blonde hair, a short figure with thick thighs

"Say Aoki-kun, when are you going to be discharged" Hanko asked with a worried expression

"I was given a two month bed space permit, and it already two weeks"

"That's relieving to hear, i just wanted to let you know that our test will begin next month" Hanko said

"Really, shit this is bad, really bad"

"Don't worry I brought some notes just read up" Hanko brings out some books from her hand bag and drops it on the bed

"Your so awesome Hanko, thank you" I bring up

"Yeah yeah yeah, that's it about books…" Eita said grumpily "...what about the food Hanko-chan"

"The food is for Aoki alone, don't be greedy" Hanko brings out a big bento box and drops it on the drawer close to the bed

"Umm…Aoki-kun have you been feeling better lately" Hanko asked

"Oh Me?? I've been doing great" I said while flexing my muscles

"What!!?, What's that, Aoki what have you been up to" Eita scrolls husband suspicious gaze all over my body

"What did you...??

"Hmmm…maybe it's just my imagination," Eita said.


After a long wonderful time with them, visiting hours were finally over.

"Jarvis open my stats" I sat on my bed with the bento box and began to dig in as I went through my stats

"Why has not increased"

Name: Riku Aoki

Level: lv 6

Class: ??

Strength: 38

Agility: 11

Stamina: 36

Response: 25^ (SA: Analysis)

Physique: 30

Speed: 10

"Apart from my physique nothing else increased, i thought i levelled up"

"Really I have experience points to allocate, how many of them??"

Jarvis asked

Without putting much thought into it "Add 6 to Speed and the remaining 5 to Agility"

Thus the digits increased and immediately my body began to release a bright light that covered the entire room.

"I'm curious Jarvis, why us my class having a question mark"

"Then what level is required to unlock it" I asked

"Is that so… well that all" I said joyfully and dressed my bed. With a smile in my face and the feeling of fulfilment I relaxed my head and had my night rest


And with that two weeks passed and I got discharged from the hospital. Hana cried her eyes out upon hearing the news and truly I felt bad for her. She will go back to being lonely once more, I promised her to come visit once in a while.

I had a good time with the boys too,I told them my dream about going pro one day and they all laughed, saying I was good when compared to them, but compared to a pro player I am still miles behind.

Kubo, the tactical and sharp defender I played against, told me he wanted to go pro. We made a promise about meeting together as opponents, finally setting scores with the other.

And now I'm finally home. I knocked on the door but the didn't hear any response I flicked the the door hand and behold it was open, upon opening the door I see my mum coming out from the kitchen

"Aoki… how have you been?" She asked wrapping her hand around me in a warm embrace

"I'm fine mum, I'm getting better"

"I heard you were getting discharged today so I wanted to prepare your favourite dish, rice omelette" She said with a wink

"Really!!" Since when I was a kid I loved rice omelette, well it's probably because of the way mum prepares the rice

"Let me go wash up mum" I was excited and full of energy.

Soon after washing up I head straight to the kitchen for the meal, it was neatly arranged on the dining table.

"Thank you for the meal" I began to consume the food

"So how's it" Mum asked

"It's the best" I said while munching on it

"That's glad to hear" She sighed "Aoki have you been doing some workout lately?" She adds

"Well…umm yeah, at the hospital the nurses advised me to exercise regularly" I answered her question

"Oh, then that's good to hear"

"Yup, and I also want to get in shape and head back to the field…"


Mum slams the table in rage

"Why?? Answer me, why?" She asked rhetorically but yet I decided to answer


"Can't you see you are not meant for it, your body can't handle it, this is not the first time you have collapsed and rushed to the hospital, why do you want to kill yourself, can you just focus on your studies and become doctor like you uncle, why??"

Mum said with tears in her eyes, her voice went deep into my heart. I didn't want to see her cry, let alone become the reason she cries, but I can't just give up on my dreams.

I stared at the food and lost appetite, I was short of words and hurt deep down

"What about Dad? '' I asked, but didn't receive a reply, "is probably at work" Dad works as a delivery man for a small retail company.

I left Mum alone and went to my room and shut the door, i looked at my myself on the mirror for some time before taking off my cloths, I looked at my body and saw a glint of hope

"Progress" I muttered

"Yes, there's still hope"