Back to school

I stood still facing the door of my class room, I was scared to my bones I wished I could turn back and leave but I don't have that chance

The reason I was scared isn't because of someone alone, but the true reason is my social anxiety and to top it I haven't been to school for weeks now, so I'll be the centre of attraction for the day. I hate this I'm so scared

I inhaled in and out, "I have no other choice" I mustered up courage and slid the door open and entered. Upon entering the entire class went silent and their gaze was on me, it got me silent for some time but for some reason I was calm.

I walked straight to my seat beside Eita-kun and Hanko-chan and sat down, sweeping my gaze around the class. They were still looking at me.

"So you finally decided to come Aoki" Eita's loud voice breaks the silent

"I guess, I can't miss the test" I chuckled

"Did you read the notes I gave you" Hanko who was at my right asked

"Sure, I did" I answered

"That's good to hear"

Just as we had our little chat, the homeroom teacher entered with some papers in his hands, those might be the test sheet I guessed.

"Alright everyone get to your seats time for attendance" He said

"Oh?? Aoki-kun you're back" He noticed my low presence

"Yes sir"

"I hope you aren't getting better and what's with the buff up" He asked

"Umm... I getting better sir, I guess" I didn't understand what he meant so I just gave a blank reply

After minutes of attendance taking the test followed, and it was a total disaster.

"That was great!!" Hanko said stretching herself

'What's was great about that' I said to myself

"Neh! Aoki-kun how was it" Hanko asked me

"I-it was g-great" I stammered, making her squint a little

"Aoki..." She stressed my name

"S-Sorry I didn't remember anything I read" I let it out

"Oh? So you read those books" Eita asked

"You didn't read them" I threw back the questions at

"Nahh, it was such a drag" Eita leaned on his chair

"Hmm... I that so"

As we had our usual chat and noise making Tatsuya and Kobayashi entered

"Yo Aoki, long time no see" Tatsuya said

"H-Hey, What's up" I stammered

""All's lit bro" Tatsuya has a weird accent

"We heard you were finally in school so we decided to crash by" Kobayashi who was behind him said

"Oh, thanks then"

Tatsuya has a white medium length hair and long eyelids with a handsome face and athletic build which makes him a must want in every girls list, in terms of looks Eita and Tatsuya had the top seat.

Kobayashi on the other hand hand a low cut hair and tan skin, he's always preaching about being a monk but in reality he is just afraid of girls

"Tatsuya-kun how was the test?" Hanko asked

"Test?? What test?"

"Fufufu, and here I thought I was going to fail" Eita smirks

"What's that, huh?! Ya wanna have a go?"

Tatsuya and Eita slammed their foreheads together but Kobayashi manages to cool them off

"Tck.." Tatsuya clicked his tongue and was about leaving the class just when he remembered something

"Aoki-kun, Shota-senpai and Coach wants word with ya, I'd advise ya to meet Shota-senpai first though, he's got lots of lit info" Tatsuya said before leaving while half of the girls population follows him at the back

"I should get going then" I stood up to leave but was intercepted by Hanko

"Should I tag along" She asked

"Nah no need, I'll meet them alone" I said and left the class


I walked through the hallway heading towards the senior classes Shota-senpai was in class 3-C.

After some minutes of walking I arrived at the class door and peeped looking for Shota-Senpai, I scanned the entire class but didn't find him

"I should go meet the Coach then"

"Oh? Aoki-kun, long time no see" Suzuki-senpai voice startled me, I turned back and behold it was the whole Year 3 soccer squad were together, Haruki Tanaka, Yuto Sato, Kaito Suzuki, Hiroto Yamamoto and finally Hiraguchi Shota.

"But what are you doing here Aoki" Shota asked me

"Umm...Tatsuya-san told me you were looking for me" I answered

"Oh that's right, then follow me" Shota said and enters into the class, I meekly followed him at his back the rest of the gang went on with their activities leaving Shota-senpai and I alone

Shota-senpai rubbed his short red spiky hair and finally looked at me

" I'll get straight to the point, the coach wants you out of the team..." Shota-Senpai let out a huge bomb, a bomb that's capable of shattering dreams, that can easily break resolve.

I became weak in the knees but still managed to stand

" I'll ask you and any answer you give I'll stand beside you to the very end. Do you want to quit the team? '' Shota-senpai asked. I was still in shock and short of words so I didn't reply quickly

"Aoki-kun, I'll ask again, do you want to quit the team?"

"No..." I muttered but he couldn't hear me

"What's that??" Shota-senpai asked

"No I don't want to leave the team" I shouted getting the attention from everyone in the class

"Alright let's go meet the Coach then" Shota-senpai said with a grin

"Hare??? What's happening here" Mikoto interrupted us

Mikoto is the school's female idol, a beauty to behold, she has a long green hair and a very noticeable body curves and a thick thighs and she is Shota-senpai girlfriend we usually call him a lucky bastard

"You promised to have lunch with me today and now where are you off to?" She barked stomping towards us

"Oh hey there" She waved at me, her expression and attitude changed and immediately change back as she continues barking at Shota-senpai

"Sorry but on of the teachers called me, I'd be back real quick" Shota-senpai said

"Sob...sob... but you promised" Mikoto sobs cutely

"I'm so sorry"

"Then compensate me..." Mikoto said "...we go on a date to that newly opened aquarium on Sunday, deal??"

"Deal" Shota submitted to her


And finally we were at the staff room standing in front of the Coach.

"I believe you know why I called you you here today" The Coach asked

"Y-Yes" I answered nervously

"So about the team..."

"I'll continue playing, I'll not quit" I interrupted him, I know that's rude especially to a teacher but I had to, my future was on the line here


"This is a hard decision to make Aoki but you're not to decide..."

"I support Aoki-kun sir" Shota interrupted him. It made so happy that he was at my side

"So you guys are just going to interrupt me all day right?"

"We are sorry sir, but we have to" Shota said with a bow

"Alright I've heard your plea, but you have to be worth your stay Aoki, in the next match, you'll play 90 minutes and in this 90 minutes you have to make an impact, you got that?"

"Yes sir" I said as clusters of tears gather up in my eyes
