Good foundation


It was Thursday. This is the day given to the Football team and other sports teams like volleyball and basketball for their practice days.

It was evening, the time was 4:17pm and the team got ready for their training. Hanko and Kobayashi helped set the training equipment as the rest got ready.

Hanko was Tenryu High School official football team's manager, that's why she was so close and familiar to almost everyone, she was incharge of competition registrations, funds management and match hosting she also indulge herself In other essential roles like tactical analysis. In other words she pulled the team together.

Meanwhile Aoki and Eita were at the corner getting ready for the training session, Aoki opened his back and brought out his gears, a plain white shirt and a dark blue shorts with a tattered pair cleats

After the preparations the team jogged round the field for some minutes before doing some quick stretching and a 100 metre race all to stretch their body for the main training course.

The entire team gathered round and sat on the ground while the coach and Hanko stood at the centre to address them. Hanko went through some documents on her hands, rearranging them before handing them to the coach who went through it quickly.

With a cough Mr. Yamaguchi the Coach cleared his throat and began to address them "Our last match was a total disaster, we were dominated with a possession percentage of 66-34 percent although I was thanks to Eita's assist and Tatsuya's shot we were able to equalise and escape with a draw." The Coach takes a break and looks at the player before continuing

"Our today's practise will be based on chance creation and goal scoring but this time around there was a little tweak in lineups, due to the minor injury Inuoe sustained in the match he won't participate in this training and the next match ahead, rather Aoki will replace him,, finally take it easy we can't afford to get another injured player in the team" The Coach briefed and gestures to Hanko to come in

"Ahem, good day everyone" Hanko said with a bright smile

"Good day Hanko-chan!!!" The entire team replied

"You know you do have girlfriend right, Shota-kun" Nakamura teases him

"Shut up" Shota grit his teeth

"Our agenda for the day ìs simple, we shall have training, the first one is based on attack and the second one is how many goals you can score. The team division goes like this. Nakamura, Yamamoto, Fujita and Ito will be the defenders as usual, while Shota, Sato and Tatsuya will be the first batch of attackers then the second batch will be Aoki-kun, Suzuki, Tatsuya"

After giving a brief explanation on the days activities they all stood up and went to their positions, the first batch were up first and were meant to score 2 goals before the second batch enters the field


The whistle goes and the training started, they were not meant to cross to the other half of the field , that will warrant giving one point to the defence team, the same goes for touching the ball, if by chance the defence team touch the ball by means of interception or tackling that's another lose for the attack team.

"Remember you got only 10 minutes to score, '' Hanko shouts from the sideline.

"Let's grind" Sato said passing the ball to Shota who was then heavily guarded by Fujita

Shota held the ball in his legs looking for who else was free for him to give the ball to but Nakamura was on Tatsuya and Ito was on Sato. Shota then decided to make a turn and passed Fujita and was face to face with Yamamoto.

"Oi get back" Yamamoto gave the command to Ito and Nakamura who then left their man to help in marking Shota now it was 1v3.

Tatsuya withdrew back a little while Sato came to assist Shota, but Shota ignored Sato and played the ball back to Tatsuya.

Tatsuya planted his right leg deep into the grass allowing the ball to roll over his leg and was in the air he then took his left leg backwards and proceeded to play a knuckle shot volley from 25 yards outside away from the post.

The ball overs the air with tremendous speed and then sinks down hitting the upright bar rattling it violently and going out

"Shit" Tatsuya cursed

"Hey Tatsuya, I was free you know" Sato exclaimed

"I'm sorry senpai" Tatsuya begs

"You guys come close for the next round" Shota clapped his hands.

"Awesome" Aoki mouths was wide open

"You call that awesome, he took it from me" Eita scoffed

Although he might not look it but Tatsuya was and still is a power house, he was regarded as useless because 'he was not original' as some say, but little did they know that was also his greatest strength because those who knew him often call him The Copycat

"Hey let's go again guys" Shota said and passed to Sato

Sato carried the ball all the way to the right wing dragging Ito out of the 18 yard box, Sato swung his leg left and right doing a step over and then backed it back with a snake bite and passed Ito.

Fujita leaves Aoki for Yamamoto and heads rushes at Sato and does a slide tackle but Ito uses the tip of his toe to chip it over him.

"Tck.." Yamamoto clicked his tongue and rushed at Sato, Sato then bends his body to curl the ball into the post, but the stops mid way faking the shot, Yamamoto was cleared.

Sato passed to Shota who was free but Nakamura was not one ready to accept defeat, he rushed at Shota but before Shota could touch the ball, he already saw Nakamura coming and Tatsuya was free he then spread his legs allowing the ball pass him and finds its way to Tatsuya's leg, Tatsuya then sinks it into the post leaving the Keeper utterly confused

"Awesome, awesome, awesome" Aoki was amazed, it wasn't his first time seeing a play like this, but his eyes couldn't just get used to it yet

"When will I play football as beautiful as this" Aoki said