
"Two more minutes!" Hanko exclaimed

The Attacking team had scored two goals against the defending team, and they were hoping to add one more goal before it was over

"Yamamoto-senpai, give me a sec" Nakamura called out to Yamamoto and whispered something into his ears and thus their positioning changed

Fujita and Yamamoto were on Tatsuya while Ito on Shota leaving Nakamura alone with Sato

"It's been a long time since we faced off like this, right" Sato asked rhetorically

"Yes, senpai" Nakamura answered

"Then shall we begin"

Sato dashed at Nakamura and was about to do a body feint, he was cautious not to allow Nakamura touch the ball, But Nakamura leaps back creating a gap between him and Sato

"Tck what's he doing?!" Fujita cursed angrily

"He's just giving him space do as he pleases" Aoki exclaims

Jarvis voice rings out

"Oh?? Is that so?

"Your quite awesome Jarvis, you read the Nakamura intention perfectly well"

"Yeah, yeah, you didn't get me though" Aoki chuckles


"Wha-What was that?" Sato uses his left leg to change the ball direction, Nakamura does a slide tackle to kick the ball away from Sato's leg, but sato uses his right leg to block the ball Nakamura tackles Sato instead

*pim restart

The whistle sounds for the restart, Sato passed avoiding the same encounter with Nakamura passed the ball to Tatsuya, Tatsuya traps the ball and takes a glance at the defence

"About 48 seconds remaining, guess I don't have a choice" Tatsuya carried the ball all he way to the left wing,Fujita and Yamamoto patiently ran beside closely marking him

As Tatsuya was at the corner spot he turned facing Fujita, Yamamoto was at Fujitas back as support.

"How was it again..." Tatsuya swung his leg left and right mimicking Sato but this time uses his right leg to kick the ball past Fujita and then does a 360° cut and confuses Yamamoto.

Without wasting time Tatsuya bends his body and at the edge of the 18 yard box he used the inside of his left foot to curl the ball, with much bend into the curl the ball found its way into the net


"That's it!!" Hanko voiced out

"Oi nice game" Sato offers a handshake to Nakamura

"Thanks Senpai" Nakamura shakes Sato

"But seriously though, you get better after every game what's your secret" Sato exclaimed

"Right?!! I was even surprised" Yamamoto joins the gist

"Haha... there's nothing really, I just notice my past mistakes and try as much as possible to avoid or counter them" Nakamura answered

"Ohhh??Is that so" Yamamoto rubs his chin

"Keep it up, you're doing great" Sato commented

"Alright guys, let be fast and leave it's getting late" Hanko urged the second set to enter the field

Aoki blankly stares at the goal post as he recollected the moves he saw in the last set

"Maybe I can do it" Aoki clenched his fist

"What what what what the hell!!!" Aoki falls on his knees

"Aoki, what's wrong?" Eita asked

"Eitaa!!" Aoki stares with teary eyes


"So basically you want me to give you the ball so you can score from all outside the 18 box?"

"Yes Eita-kun"

"What's wrong with you, that's totally cool" Eita pats Aoki shoulders

Hanko on the sidelines stars at the stopwatch in her wrist, after setting it up she blows the whistle to start the training exercise

Kobayashi plays the ball to Aoki who was at the centre he takes a look at the post and saw how far it was, he was a little bit shaken, Aoki turns and pass to Eita

"First Years against a combined force, this gonna be interesting" Shota comments

"We can hope on Eita to perform a magic" Sato chips in

Eita kicked the ball and ran along the wing gradually moving Nakamura away from the rest of he defence, in terms of speed Eita was the fastest in the team, his legs muscles were developed to the core after he was part of the legendary team Yokohama Middle school.

Eita was trying to make sure Aoki is alone before passing, but Yamamoto was not ready to accept that

Yamamoto kept on marking Aoki just a feet away from him, a normal defender might underestimate Aoki but Yamamoto looks at everyone in the pitch as the same, so Aoki's weak looks was not going to deceive him

Aoki and Kobayashi manages to enter inside the penalty box, regardless of the rules Eita decided to cross the ball inside for Aoki to head into the post But Yamamoto conquered in the air battle and heads the ball away


"One point to the defence team" Hanko said and restarted the match

"Neh Aoki rather than running at the defence why don't you stay behind me" Eita said while looking at the defenders. Eita must if figured out something

"I'll give you the ball, just stay behind me and be prepared, I'll move the defence away from you" Eita said with a smile