Training Conclusion

Aoki looks at the Eita back, he looked like a wall shielding all infirmity from him

"Now!!" Eita's voice brings Aoki back to life, as per the initial plan Eita and Kobayashi rushed at the defence while Aoki stayed behind them, he was some few metres behind and calculated his movements precisely not to attract the defence attention

They had finally entered the box and successfully drive the defence too, Eita passed to Kobayashi who was beside him, Kobayashi turns and sets the ball for Aoki who uses the outer side of his right foot to blast the shot, the ball spins and hit the bar before Fujita clears it with his head.


"Two point to the defence team" Hanko shouts

"Nice shot Aoki" Kobayashi offers a high five

"Sorry about the miss" Aoki bends his head

"Don't mind, it's just training don't kill yourself" Kobayashi said. "But more importantly how can we breach the defence, is as if we are up against a wall"

"Let's go again, I think we can make it this time" Aoki encourage them


"One more minute to go" Hanko alerts them

'And yet again, I'm letting them down, I though the daily quest helped matters but nothing changed, I'm still too weak" Aoki spirits began to break

'Why?Why am I even trying my best to complete the special quest, there is no punishment for avoiding it, I guess I should stop for now...." And then something just spark something deep within Aoki

It is said that whoever goes into the abyss never returns the same, in the abyss one can become the best version and can also become the worse version of himself, and Aoki has been in the abyss for too long, it's time to come out.

"....not yet" Aoki turns and ran towards the centre of the field, immediately a cold chill ran through Eita's spine as he felt Aoki cold stare, it was message "Get me the ball"

Without fail, Eita launched a pass all the way to Aoki, Aoki didn't bother to trap it, he used the top of his foot and played the ball to the post.

The ball made a double curve confusing the keep before entering the post, the whole field went silent.

"Jarvis...hold on for a minute"

"GOOOAAL!!" The attack shout at the top of their voices

They had lost, but today was their victory.

After the long training the team heads over to a popular hot pot restaurant to finish the days activities

"Eat up everyone, order anything you want your Senpais will handle the bill" Tanaka shouts

"Thank you very much senpai" their juniors answered

"Ahhh youth, I sure miss my golden age" The shop owner who was probably in his 50s wipes off his tears

"Don't act like a baby in front of the kids" The wife nudged him

"So Aoki how did ya take that shot, what's ya secret?" Tatsuya who at the table side them asked

"Why asking, you want to steal it too" Eita teases Tatsuya

"Shut up, as if you could do that"

"What!!, you wanna go?"

"I don't know how, it just felt sudden, as if my body knew where to stay, like I wasn't in control for some seconds" Aoki answered 'Is it the power of the system too' He contemplated

"Aoki are you.... nah there is no way you'd reach that level" Eita waves his hand

"Are you underestimating me?" Aoki frowned

"No, never, I can't" Eita said and focused on the stake that was in front of him

After a long meal and chat they were finally done and decided to head back Aoki, Eita and Hanko were the first to leave because Hanko was under curfew, by 9pm she was meant to be back home, Eita and tagged along because their bond is harder than steel

Some minutes passed and they were in front of Hanko's house, all three of them homes were on the same street.

"Good evening Mrs Minagawa!" Eota and Aoki greet Hanko's mom, she had the same blonde hair as Hanko with a huge breast, she was

"Thank you for escorting my Hanko, Aoki-kun Eita-kun"

"It's not a big deal ma" Aoki said

"Goodnight ma, goodnight Hanko" Aoki and Eita greeted and departed. Their homes were at opposite sides with Hanko's at the middles

"You wanna game this night" Eita asked

"Let's leave it till tomorrow" Aoki suggested

"What a bummer, and I was so hyped up"

"I have to go then, don't sleep late" Aoki said and left

'I'll try not to, I'll try my best"


*knock knock

Aoki knocks and enters the house "Dad, Mom I'm home"

"Welcome back, what kept you this late?" Aoki's mom asked

"Nothing much, just practice and stuff" Aoki said making his mother go silent, but he didn't care about her reaction

"Oh, you've grown taller and bulky, keep it up my boy" His father tries to clear the air pressure

"Thank you dad" Aoki said with a smile

Without wasting much time Aoki went to his room, removed his clothes and laid on his bend

"Open status" He said and his status opened in front of him like a television.

He tap om the Special quest rewards and tye claim, the room was engulfed in a bright light then a pair of new boot drop on the bed

It was green and white in colour and had a Nike brand logo on it

"It's a new boot" Aoki carefully carried it like a new born baby "it's really a new boot" clouds of tears begins to form in his eyes

"Shut up, you don't know anything" Aoki wept

"Wow, and I also got 30 exp, Special Quest are really the best, it's almost as if I levelled up, but I didn't"

"Hmmm...30exp, I want to be as fast as Eita, maybe I should put all in speed" Aoki said while stroking his chin

"Yeah, Yeah everything should go to speed"

Speed: 10^

Speed: 40

"Wow, I definitely feel stronger" Aoki exclaims

"Yeah you're right, I should rest"

Aoki closes his eyes and slowly falls asleep

Meanwhile somewhere far away, an individual was spotted in the field, with multiple balls and drenched in his sweat, he kept playing the ball in annoyance as he was not satisfied with his result

"That's not it, that's not it, how did he do that why can't I get it'