
Wake up by 5am, light exercise, daily quest, additional exercise, this became Aoki's daily routine.

In a space of two days Aoki was able to rise up to 2 levels , he was now in level 8.

And now Aokì was currently in the park doing some exercises.

<3km run: Completed[

<50 push ups: Completed>

<50 Sit ups: Completed>

<40 Squats: Completed>

REWARD: One common Item and 5exp

The daily quest became easy the reward became useless. The reward was always a bottle of water and 5 or 3 experience points, the only thing Aoki looked up to was special quests that are triggered by special events.

"I should head home then" Aoki removes his new boots and puts them inside his bag and wears his sneakers then he begins to jog home.

After a minute or two, he meets Shota and Mikoto on the way "Shota-Senpai, Mikoto-Senpai"

"Aoki, what's up and what are you doing here" Shota asked

"My home is close by"

"And....what were you doing" Shota looked at him from head to toe, he was in his sports attire after all it will automatically get someone attention

"Ohh this, I did some workout" Aoki answered.his gaze shifted to Mikoto who was constantly staring at him with a sharp gaze and pouting

"W-What is t-the problem, M-Mikoto Senpai" Aoki stammered

"Humph" She shifted her gaze, although she is the school idol she still acts like a baby when close to Shota

"Aoki, she thinks we are a 'thing' " Shota whispers

"What!! That's.... disgusting, me and you never" Aoki shouts

"What did you just say" Shota voice deepens

"No no no I didn't mean it like that"

"Well then we shall get going" Shota holds Mikoto's hands

"Bye Shota-senpai Mikoto-senpai"

"Hump" Mikoto pouts and flex her long green hair

'What did I do to deserve this' Aoki sighed 'I should get going myself' Aoki continued from where he stopped

When he finally got home, he freshened up and had his breakfast. He rushed into his room and got dressed up he had an appointment at the hospital, it was Hana

On his table was a box of Chocolates shaped in a love sign, it was meant for lovers but Aoki didn't know that all he knows is a big box of chocolate

"I'm sure Hana will love this" He mutters and puts it inside a follow come handbag

After making final arrangements he left his room

"Mum I'm going out, I'll be back in an hour or two"

"Be careful" Before his Mum could finish he was already gone

Infront of the hospital, Aoki sweeps his gaze round the park checking if Hana was around because they was their usual meeting spot but he couldn't find her there

He walks straight into the Hospital building and to the receptionist

"Good afternoon ma'am" Aoki greets the young receptionist

"Good Aft... Aoki-kun, long time no see" She recognised him "I see you're getting better, how can I help you today"

"Well I came to meet a friend of mine, she stays at room 026"

"So you came as a visitor then..." She brings out a big long note which had the Kanji character for 'Records' on it

"Yes ma'am" Aoki answered

The goes through the note with her fingers "Room 026, Mizunoto Hana, is that the name"

"Yes that's her" Aoki nodes her head

"Enjoy your visit then"

"Mizunoto Hana, isn't she that PSA patient" The receptionist calls out to her partner beside her

"Now you mention I remember, too bad for both of them"

"Right, let's leave the rest to miracles"


Aoki was facing the door and on top of it was written '026'

*knock *knock

Aoki knocks before opening the door. The room was empty, tidy and neat as if no one was ever there

"Isn't it 026" Aoki leaves the room and was about to go to the receptionist

"Aoki-kun??" A child like voice calls out "Is Aoki-kun" Hana rushed at him and hugs him with tears in her eyes

"Long time no see Hana" Aoki wraps his arms around her

" I've missed you, I'm lonely" She cried her eyes out

"It's alright, I'm here now"

After a long time of crying Aoki manages to calm her down and both of them enters the room

"Guess what Hana-chan, I brought your favourite thing in the world" Aoki said and unpacks the Chocolate

Hana eyes glowed I'm excitement, she snatched the chocolate from Aoki and began to eat it slowly

"Like it??"

"You're the best ki-kun" She jumps on him. It stunned Aoki, this was the felt tike she complimented him for getting her chocolate


She then continues to eat the candy, Aoki looks at her slender figure, she was certainly reducing weight in an unusual way and she was now looking pale and weak

"What about your medications?" Aoki had to ask

"The doctors gave me a new one, it's been working I'm getting back my strength gradually" She said

"Your team, did you make the first team" She throws her own question

"Yeah, about that I finally made the first team, my first match will be against Tsubaki High school next week Friday" Aoki pumps his fist

"Ehh??? Ki-kun your going to play, I wish I could watch it"

"Fufufu..I know you'll say that, that's why I also bought this" He bring out a camera from his bag "I'm going to record everything and show you"

"Then promise me, you must record it" She said

"Definitely, it's a Promise"