
And thus days went by. There were now 2 days remaining before Aoki's first match in the starting eleven.

The school was loud and bustling as usual, kids staying in their various groups somewhere eating together, some playing while few reading.

And among the people eating together was the trio Aoki, Hana and Eita. Eita and Hana were engrossed in the food in their bento box they seem to not realise that Aoki wasn't with them mentally

A/N(Bento Box is japanese Lunch box)

Aoki seems to be thinking deeply about something or perhaps someone.

Aoki was currently I'm level 8 and decides to leave the remaining levels for the next match, give how the system works hardcore events such as labour and sports events helps boost experience and levels of host, while Special Quest that occurs due to a specific event that the host is currently doing helps with experience points and don't affect the level progression of Host.

'I don't know much about Tsubaki high school but I'm sure they are pretty strong, I don't have a trump card to use against them I'll just try my best to level up and leave the rest for the team'

"Aoki-kun aren't you going to eat your food" Hanko asked

"If his ain't then I'm gonna eat" Eita stretched out his hand to snatch Aoki meal but Hanko was fast enough to grab it before him

"Don't be greedy, Eita-kun" Hanko drops back the food for Aoki to eat.

The group had finished eating and it was a few minutes before Break session would be over.

"Aoki-kun!!" Kobayashi who was at the door with Tatsuya shouts Aoki's name "Aoki-kun, Eita-kun to the club room now, including you Hanko-chan"

"What's going on?" Eita asked

"Don't know Nakamura-senpai came to our class and told us the same stuff" Tatsuya answered

"Oh is that's so" Eita sighed "But I didn't ask you"

"And I don't care"

After the First Years little quarrel they went to the club room together. The club room was like a locker room, but the lockers are all piled up at one corner of the room while the free side was just some chairs and a white board in front of the chair, on the board were some tactical formation and strategies drawn on it

As First Years entered class everyone were already their both the coach and the rest of team

"Oi First Years don't make us wait for you" The coach grunts

"We are sorry!" They said in unison

"Take your seats let's begin"

As the they made themselves comfortable the Coach began to set sometings up, the board was shifted to the corner while a big old television was brought in front of the class

"This contains past matches of Tsubaki High school" The coach raised up a USB Drive so everyone can see. He gives Shota a signal to close the curtains and switch off the lights

The coach went further to connect the Drive to the television, after some setup the television was now functioning and displaying the match, the graphics quality was a little bit poor but they could still watch what's going on, that was the most important thing.

"So I want you guys to watch and tell me what you noticed" The clip began to play

For some minutes the class was quiet as they watched the video clip in front of them, a minute passed, two minutes, three minutes getting to five minutes then the bell rung

"That's all for now we will continue next time we meet, that's the day before the match you guys can go to your classes" The Coach dismissed them

As the rest returned to their classes. Tatsuya walks up to Eita who was staring outside the window thinking about something.

"You saw him right?"Tatsuya asked

"Yeah. The match is going to be a tough one"


"But for now, what are you doing beside" Eita grunts

"Huh?? What's that?" They slam their foreheads together

"Eita-kun" Aoki goes to separate them but is stopped by Inuoe.

"Let them be, they will get tired soon" And he was right


School was dismissed and everyone went back to their houses to end the day's activities.

Eita had finished dinner and went straight to his room, he was with an energy drink in his hands that means he was about to go play an online MMORPG game titled 'Laura'

The game is an online multiplayer open world game with vast lands, lots of quests, and highly programmed NPC. The game focuses on one thing alone and that's 'Survival. By any means just survive.

Different job classes one can choose from, a warrior, mage, rogue, archer, carpenter, fisher man, merchant and lot more, you can literally do anything in the game. But ageing is Impossible.

Aoki boots on his computer and located the game software and started it.

"Now I think about it, my life feels like a game now" Aoki chuckles "Jarvis are you awake"

"Figures, I almost started thinking you're a human"

"My Job class. What are the features I'll get when I unlock Job class"

"Ohh awesome, I need to work hard then"

'After next match, I can feel it, I'll become better' Aoki thought to himself