Close Bond

It was now a day before their next match and also Aoki's first match as a starter in the team. The preparations had begun, after continuous review of Tsubaki High School past matches some tactical and strategic adjustments were made.

Instead of going with the usual 4-3-3 counter formation, they decided to go with 4-4-2 possession but in reality it was actually 4-1-2-1-2.

There was no change in the defence. Ito was pushed back as a Defensive Midfielder while Aoki and Eita were the Central Midfielders and Sato was pushed back as an Attacking Midfielder while Tatsuya and Shota remained as the two forwards.

This Tactical plan was devised by the Genius Strategist Hana with the help of The Coach and the Captain Shota

Tsubaki played a 3-5-2 attacking formation, although Tenryu high should have adopted a counter strategy but latest records stated that counter doesn't work on Tsubaki and that's because of the Defenders and the Defensive Midfielders. Three Defenders make up the Tsubaki Defence squad while three Defensive Midfielders make an additional three Defenders and that's 6 men guarding the post, and that's not all.

As the six players are at the defence, three players are getting ready to attack while one player is at the middle waiting for the ball and that one player is the core of Tsubaki High, the engineer of their strategy and his name is Yuriko Ishikawa also known as the The Wandering Shadow

The match against Tsubaki won't be easy at all because in terms of Defence and Teamwork Tsubaki has the upper hand.


Hanko has had some papers and documents on her desk, all of them were pertaining the tomorrow's match against Tsubaki, she flips through them gently going through it and noting down something in her little jotter

Meanwhile Aoki and Eita were playing an online FPS game in their mobile phones

"Go inside I've got your back Aoki" Eita said

"I'm in already" Aoki exclaims "I see somebody, I'm taking him down"

"Did you take him?"

"Yes his down"

Aoki and Eota were engrossed in their game three girls approached Hanko "Hanko-chan come join us for lunch"

"Sorry, I can't I have something to do" She said pointing at the papers in front of her

"That's we really wanted you to come"

"How about next time I'll definitely join you guys" Hanko said

"That's what you said last time" One of the girl said

"Did I…?"

"Yes you did"

"Sorry" Hanko sighed but was not willing to join them. The girls noticed that and left her

Aoki was a little bit and annoyed and switched off his phone automatically logging out from the game

"Arghh you logged out" Eita exclaimed but it didn't concern Aoki

"Hanko-chan, you should join them" Aoki said. "Try to think of yourself a little bit"

"Aoki is right Hanko-chan, you've done more than enough, you deserve a break we are the ones going into the field so you should leave the rest to us, and besides it's just a training match" Eita chuckles

"You guys are right, I should take a break" She said and arranged the paper and attempts to carry one

"Nope drop that, a break is a break" Aoki drags the paper out of her hand

"Right" She sighed and left to join the girls

"Well then, what are we going to do now?" Eita asked

"Let's go to Kobayashi's class I'm sure it will be fun there" Aoki suggested

"Kobayashi's class huh, let's give it a try" The both of them left for the other class

"Neh don't you think Aoki changed a lot during the past few weeks" The class girls began their usual gossips

"Yes, I thought I was the only one that noticed"

"Like he is becoming more hot"

"What?!! Don't tell me you've fallen for him" One of the girls teases the other

"No I haven't, maybe.."

Just as the girls were enjoying their little gossip moment Aoki enters the class again, seems like he forgot something

"There it is" He picks his phone on his desk. He notices the stare of the girls gossiping about him, he makes attempt to look at them but as his gaze came in contact with theirs they immediately shifted theirs

"Hmm???" Aoki tilt his head in confusion but throws the idea away and went to the other class


Eita was waiting for Aoki at the door, he was talking to a girl with a gift package in her hands. This happens a lot.

"Thanks for waiting" Aoki said

"Took you long enough" Eita exclaimed "Sorry but I have to go" Eita said. The girl tries to give him the gift but he ignored her and entered the class

Although Eita was good looking he has never dated in his entire, he was once asked before why he didn't date, and his answer was "My heart was already stolen by someone" But yet he won't say the certain someone

They finally arrived at the class but before they could announce themselves Kobayashi spotted them

"Aoki-kun what are you doing here" Kobayashi asked

"Aoki??" Tatsuya exclaim in a shock tone and his expression changed immediately he saw Eita

"Hey second place what are you doing here" He calls him second place because of a game they once played.

"Who you talking to Copycat" Eita and Tatsuya smashed their heads together while Kobayashi and Aoki tries to separate them

Just as the two were having their usual rant a teacher enters the class "Hey both of you to my office"

"Huh?? Who are you taking…" They raised their voice only to realise it was a teacher.


At the Principal's office. The Principal's office was quite big, an office is mounted facing the door and in front of the office chair is a big black wooden table and then further is a small table and beside the table are two sofas for visitors.

Eita, Aoki, Kobayashi and Tatsuya were seated on one of the sofa facing the teacher who was sitting opposite them

"Argh, not only did you fight, but you shouted at your teacher, a senior teacher?! The Principal shouts. The Principal was around his mid 50s, but still retained a young look and a fit body.

"Sir, we are part of the football team, we have a match tomorrow so we were having some tactical session" Kobayashi tries to clear their names

"During classes?" The teacher asked rhetorically

"No that was…"

"The football team right, I wanted to close down the team there were too short on members but luckily they passed the quota this year, but it seems like the new members are all bunch of trouble makers, I think I should really close the team…."

"Anything but the team sir!!" Eita and Tatsuya spoke in unison, they had thus stern look and a determined eyes, one that Aoki had never seem almost as if they were one

"Hmmm… alright, you guys will be om class duty for a week, but if I get any complain about you three, you'll see another side of me" The Principal warns them and dismissed them