Tsubaki HS vs Tenryu HS 1

Tsubaki high school is a prestigious school well known for the best students in academics, until two years ago with the introduction of the new principal, he ventured more into sports. He bought the neighbouring lands and built a gymnasium which housed a volleyball and basketball court and then built a baseball court just a year ago he built the football field and that same last year the school's basketball team made it into the Nationals and was disqualified in the quarter finals stage and this year the plan is to take the football team to the finals also.

But the question is, a school that has both a good name and gold, how far will they go?


Few minutes earlier before kickoff.

As everyone were went on to their positions, Aoki ran to the bench side to make sure some necessary preparations were taken

"The camera?" He asked Hanko

"There!" She points at where it was mounted "Nice" He said with a thumbs-up gesture and ran back into the field

*clap *clap

"Aoki, Eita stay close me no matter what" Sayo signals them

"Roger!" They both reply.

Eita scans through Tsubaki starting eleven and carefully counted them, he then shifted his gaze to the substitute and sighed 'He's not playing, i guess that's a relief'

"Aoki, I have never told you this because you have never played the first half before but I will say it now. First half conserve your energy as much as possible, the real battle starts in the second half" Eita said with a smile

On a normal circumstance this was meant to make Aoki calm, but it ended increasing his nervousness

Meanwhile back to the bench where Kobayashi, Inoue, Hanko and The coach were seated

"How do you think he will perform Inoue?" The Coach throws a surprise question

"Why do I have to answer?" Inuoe tries to dodge it

"Well because after Eita, you are my next best Midfielder"

'Hmph placed under a junior' Inoue murmured "Well even if he does not come out as man of the match, I am sure he will do something magical, after all what he did during training is something only star professional players can do"

The coach let out a sigh of relief "let's watch and see"


And finally the match starts

The ball was played all the way to One Tsubaki Centre Defenders, who then passed to the defender beside him.

Shota, Tatsuya and Sato draw closer to the opposition defence leaving Aoki and Eita in the middle.

The defender with the ball takes note of the fall and kicks the ball in the air into the middle. The ball was heading towards Aoki's position

'Why do my first ball have to be heading' Aoki and the Midfielder contest for the ball, Aoki jumps at the ball and won the contest, heading it towards Eita

'Nice' He exclaims, but his joy was immediately over when he heard the whistle for foul

"How?" He questioned the referee, but the referee did not even look him in the eye

As the free kick taker stood his grounds the remaining players arranged themselves for the free kick.

Four Tsubaki players were in the penalty box while two were just some feet outside. The freekick was played into the box but was defended by Fujita with his head

Ito ran toward the ball landing point and trapped it and located Eita, but there was a somebody in front of him, avoiding face to face confrontation Ito turns and used his acceleration to pass the Midfielder and plays a long pass to Eita

"Counter" Ito shouts

Eita traps the ball and begins to run through the flanks, that was his specialty with incredible speed he passed his marker, remaining three defenders.

As he approached the corner kick position Eita takes a look and noticed Tatsuya and Shota inside the penalty box and were aggressively marked while Sato was free at the but outside the penalty box

Without much thinking he passed to Sato, as Sato trapped the ball a defender rushed him Sato does two step over and noticed Aoki beside him and free, he looked at the defender and noticed that the defender also saw Aoki free

Sato tries to pass the ball the, defender then stretches his leg to block it but Sato cuts the other way leaving the defender helplessly laying on the ground.

Sato creates a very big space around him just by performing that chip trick. With his left leg Sato wasted no time and wipes the shot at the edge of the post, the ball hits the bar and rattles the net

With eight minutes into the match Sato scored the first goal putting Tenryu high ahead