Tsubaki HS vs Tenryu HS II

Thirty five minutes passed and no goals were yet to come from each side. Although the match favoured Tenryu they still found it hard to penetrate the solid six man defence


The referee sounds the whistle for Tenryu keeper to play the Goal kick. The ball was sent to Sato's position but Sato wasn't good with heading ball he still jumps nevertheless, luckily he uses he forehead to head the ball to Eita, who made a one touch pass to Aoki.

Aoki trapped the ball and looked at the defence, Sato was out of position leaving Tatsuya and Shota deep inside enemy territory with three players marking them. He went further looking at the movement of the Midfielders, the three Midfielders were about to join the defence force to stop their attack

"I won't let you" Aoki kicks the ball and began to run at the defence, even though it wasn't part of the tactics he had to do it, this is the only opportunity they have to throw an attack,

With tremendous speed and pace Aoki passed the two Centre Midfielders and was about to face the defence upfront.

'This is my only chance I have to make an impact' Aoki turns direction moving towards the centre defence, Shota who was infront of him moved sideways creating a space for both himself and Aoki

Rather than passing to free Shota, Aoki decided to take the shot from far our, he was just some metres from the penalty box

With the inside part of his left foot he applied so much bend to the shot, but the keeper throws himself at the ball and punches it out to his defender who cleared the ball for throw-in

Sato rushed and picked the ball, he throws it for Eita, Eita then crossed the ball into the box for Tatsuya.

Two defenders were marking Tatsuya tightly but Tatsuya didn't give in, he applied all the strength into his leg and jump up using his fore head to bury the ball into the net

"GOAAAL" In ecstasy forgot he was in the away team and tried to celebrate with the fans but noticed the death stay coming from them, he stopped at a spot

"Nice goal" Shota taps his back "thanks"

"Hey, that hall wasn't meant for you" Eita said

"But I still scored" Tatsuya chuckled

Looking at the stats the match was totally one sided possession was 68 to 32, Tsubaki haven't taken a single shot yet, and yet there was a sense of uneasiness in the air which only a select few could feel it

44 minutes and additional two minute for stoppages, Tenryu won a corner kick and the left side of Tsubaki post,Sato was the corner kick taker.

Five Tsubaki defenders went back for the corner kick while four player for Tenryu went in.

'I need to score with this, but how?' Aoki thought to himself while looking for a good position to stay "Any ideas Jarvis"

"So you had such stuff since Jarvis" Aoki exclaims and went to the position recommended by Jarvis "Let's pray this works out"


The referee sounded the whistle and Sato played the corner and according to Jarvis analysis the defender marking Shota jumped high into the air and heads it out

As the ball was about to land Aoki didn't waste time and used the tip of his foot to blast a shot at the keeper

Speed and power was perfect all that's left is to wait. The ball bends outwards passing some defenders and sleeping through the keepers hands and enters the post

"Goal? Its a goal, GOOOAAL!" Aoki knelt down screaming his lungs out. It was his first goal since he began playing for Tenryu and also his first official match goal since three years

And with that goal the referee blows the whistle for half time

"Nice play Aoki" Eita offers his hand for an high five

"That was classic" Sato commends

'My first goal, so this is the feeling of scoring' A sense of achievement fills Aoki

Both teams went to the dressing room for the half time break. Nothing much was said from Tenryu's coach all he preached about was defending the lead and a possession game

Meanwhile on the other side of the dressing room Tsubaki team were surprisingly calm the coach went through some tactical adjustments

"Ryosuke, Daisuke, Takeru, Renji, Shun and finally…"

"Ahh?? Am I late" A boy barged into the dressing room Interrupting the coach, he was short and hard short dark curly hair with a refined athletic build

"The match started 46 minutes ago Ishikawa!" The coach yells


"Enough, you are on laundry duty after the match, that's your punishment, for now dress up you'll be entering"

"Yes sir" He makes a salute to tease the coach

"And here I though you won't come" Daisuke said

"What? How can I miss today's match, how can i miss a match against Eita-kun" Ishi

After the half time break the teams heads back into the pitch.

"Oh? There making a sub?" Fujita exclaims

"And its six, they have that much players?" Nakamura chipped in

"Yooo!! Eita long time no see" Ishikawa waves his hand while running towards Eita

"He came after all" Eita sighs

"Do you know him?" Aoki asked "Sure" Eita replied

"So you finally came, Ishikawa"