Tsubaki HS vs Tenryu HS III

"Yuriko Ishikawa, also known as The Wandering Shadow, former Yokohama HS player, and also one of the Eleven Star Prodigies"

"Eleven star prodigies?? I think I've that somewhere" Aoki strokes his chin

"Thanks for the introduction Eita-kun, it kind of uplifted my spirit" Ishikawa said

"You welcome"

"But let me tell you something you don't seem to understand Eita-kun" Ishikawa's expression turned cold with a second "And what is that?" Eita asked

"Your dream will remain a dream if you stay with Tenryu"

"And what is my dream?" Eita asked

"I know Eita, but you seem to be underestimating those guys, Yokohama High is not a school…" Ishikawa stops to cool himself "...join us Eita you are strong, we are strong and you will make us stronger, the strong trample on the weak that is how this life works you know that as well"

"If you really know me, then you should also know how weak I am" Eita stated "Aoki let's go, talking with him will just rotten your mind"


"Hey you!" Ishikawa stops Aoki "Let's have a good" He said with smile

"Sure, let's have a good game" Aoki then went back to his position


The referee sounds the whistle to commence the second half of the match, the scores now is Tsubaki HS 0 - 3 Tenryu HS

Shota passed the ball all the way back to the defence as him and Tatsuya pressed forward while Aoki and Eita came together, that's the nature of their formation

"Long time no see Shota-san" Daisuke on of Tsubaki defenders said

"Yeah, longtime no see Daisuke, Ryosuke"

Daisuke and Ryosuke also known as the Demon Twin, played against Shota back in Middle school so they were well acquainted with themselves

"Hate to break it to you, but henceforth no goal will be entering the goal post again" Ryosuke said

"Haha, Is that a threat?" Shota asked

"If you think, then it is a threat"

Just as they were having their little chat Eita plays and long pass to Tatsuya who kills the momentum with his chest and was face to face with Daisuke at the left

The two Centre Midfielders were to slow to catch up with Tatsuya, leaving Tatsuya alone with Daisuke

Tatsuya does a step over and then cuts to the left but Daisuke follows him perfectly well and collects the ball from his leg and played it inside for a forced counter

"Aoki hold him let me hold this guys over here" Eita instructs Aoki to mark Ishikawa

"Yes I've got him…" Aoki turns back but didn't see Ishikawa

'Where is he? Where is he' Aoki looked round the pitch but couldn't find Ishikawa

"Aoki Behind you!!" Sato shouts from far

Aoki turned and saw Ishikawa already with the ball and facing Nakamura, he had already passed Ito.

Ishikawa stops at a place, flicks the ball on his leg and raised other past the defence wall and ito the Penalty box, the ball was meant for the forward Kenji

"Nice pass, Ishikawa!" Kenji exclaimed running to the ball, the defenders were still thinking it was offside and were looking at the referee hoping he would blow the whistle

The then, "GOOOAAL" Kenji shouts, he didn't even wait for the ball to drop, he volleys it sending it to the top right corner of the post

Tsubaki HS 1 - 3 Tenryu HS

The defenders rushed the referee and assistant referee pleading for offside but they didn't even bulge, the rage got the best of Yamamoto he then complained that the Tsubaki had done secret business with the referee, as punishment he was given a yellow card

The match restarted with Tenryu playing the kickoff

"Aoki let's switch wings'' Eita said "You sure?" Aoki asked

"Yeah let me stop him, I can stop him" They switched their positions

Like the previous time Tsubaki lost the ball to the hands of the Demon Twin

The ball was passed to Ishikawa, He stood one place sweeping his gaze round the field until he spots Aoki who changed positions, he's expression immediately changed like a hunter who just found his prey, He ran with the ball towards Aoki

Eita noticed Ishikawa's movements and ran to Aoki's position to help out, little did he know that was Ishikawa's plan all along

Tatsuya l eating his position created a big hole in the defence, Ishikawa makes a long pass to the Left winger who was totally free, Nakamura and Suzuki rushed at him to close the defence but then left another gap in the middle for Fujita and Yamamoto to fill

The winger then cross the ball into that gap which the Kenji was in, with another volley Kenji plays the ball to the post but the keeper punches it to the bar, and then from nowhere Ishikawa makes a comeback and buries the ball into in the net

Another Goal from Tsubaki high the scores Tsubaki HS 2 - 3 Tenryu HS

"When did he get there" Aoki ponders to himself, just within 10 minutes into second half they are have one goal difference, Aoki knew of this continue they are likely to lose, it's a guaranteed lose

'I can't see him, I can't follow him, just how does he do that, How!!" As Aoki was busy questioning his reality a sound rings out to his ear