The wildlife

Aoki looked at the woman blankly, his eyes devoid of life, he couldn't believe what he heard.

'Hana Mizunoto has passed away' this phrase kept on repeating in his eyes

"Lies, lies lies lies lies, you are lying , you are...arrgghh" Aoki holds his head, his thoughts were messed up.

Aoki got up and started run, he ran away from the field and followed the back gate of the school and left most likely because it was the on closer to the field, he was so fast that both the man and woman couldn't catch up to him "he's fast" The man remarks

"Lies, lies, lies" He kept on saying as he was running with full speed, his destination was unknown but still he kept running.


Meanwhile at the parking lot, the entire team was present and ready to go, Aoki and Eita were still nowhere to be found.

The coach was in panic and his face showed he was really triggered "where are those brat?!!" He shouts, his voice was deep but yet echoed loudly.

"I'm trying Eita phone and he's not answering" Kobayashi said

"Damn it, and Aoki's phone is here" Shota sighs

Everyone was worried and searched around the school for them, including other students from Tsubaki High school.

And although they were all worried, nobody was more worried than Hanko, she was the one that met the two people in the suite and told Eita about them and after that not only that she didn't see Aoki, she didn't see Eita again.

"Let this not be a prank" Hanko said holding Aoki's phone tightly


At the front gate, Ishikawa was walking casually with his headphones on as he approached someone at the gate who seemed to be waiting for him.

"So you were all along, your teammates are looking for you, Captain" Ishikawa said with a smile

"I told you not to call me that again"

"Alright, alright Eita but you're still my one and only captain" Ishikawa walked close to Eita and stood beside him "So what do you want from me?"

"Your findings" Eita said, his voice sounding cold and deep

"Oh that" Ishikawa sighs and looks at Eita "well nothing much, like I said Yokohama High are strong as usual, as we left they filled up the gap immediately, classic right?" Ishikawa chuckles expecting Eita to laugh at his supposed joke but then notice Eita didn't flinch at all

"...what surprises is that they still retained the notion of not having a captain"

"Is that all?" Eita asked

"For now, Yes," Ishikawa responded. The two went silent for a while looking at the afternoon sun

"Why didn't you go all out today, you could have win if you wanted to" Eita brakes the silence with a question

"Well, I don't have a particular reason, I just didn't feel like it but I'll through back the question at you"

Eita looked at his leg and answered while walking away "Because I can't"


The students were still running helter-skelter looking for Aoki and Eita, when the man and woman came, Hanko was the first to notice them and rushed at them

"Where is he, where is Aoki?" Hanko yells at them alerting the students around

"Calm down Hanko-chan, shouting won't solve anything" Eita appeared out of nowhere holding her hand, Hanko turns and looked at Eita with her teary eyes

"They took him, They took…" Eita didn't allow her to finish and wrapped his arm around her.

"Where is Aoki?" Eita asked

"Well the thing is, Aoki lost someone important to him…" The man explained everything that had happened thus far to them

"We tried chasing him but he was too fast for us" The man concluded

"The best option is to go back to school and let the school body call the parents" The woman added

Upon hearing this story everyone felt down, even the once enraged Coach was now calm

"Alright everyone enter the bus let us leave" The coach said and turns to the man and woman "Thanks for everything" he said

"Sure, just let us know when he's safe" The man removes his business card from his breast pocket and hands it over to the man

On the business card was his Tel-number and boldly written on top was 'Tokyo Verdy Agent'

"Will sure do so Urasuma-san" The coach quoted


The Team bus left Tsubaki High premises and head back, on their way they looked outside through the window for Aoki but didn't see any sign of him they even went ahead taking stops and asking people around, but yet no profitable result was yielded

As soon as they reached school they informed the homeroom teacher who then contacted the parents but the reply was expected

Panic spread like wildfire, reaching neighbours and streets. People who were touched found it in their hearts to join in the search for Aoki , who went missing a few hours ago.

Meanwhile, as the search was going on at Kanagawa Community Hospital Aoki barged inside like someone om heavy dose of illegal drugs, his eyes red and looking like their going to burst out, he was sweating profusely and shaking, his body was at his limit but his mind continued to push he had journeyed three and half kilometres all the way, any moments from now he could collapse.

With his red swollen eyes Aoki looked at the receptionist "Where is she?!"