
Aoko voiced thunders through out the hallway, the patient around immediately seek for refuge behind the nurse and doctors around

Aoki kept on asking for Hana's whereabout but both nurses and doctors around didn't try know who he was referring to, or rather didn't understand him because Aoki didn't give a specific name

Among the nurses around the vicinity was the one who took care of him and also knows about his bond with Hana

"She is in the morgue in the basement…" she said "...but she'll be moved to crematorium soon"

After hearing her words Aoki dashed away heading towards the morgue. As he reaches close to the door a striking smell of chemicals covered the air but Aoki didn't mind and continued to run and finally opened the door

A doctor and two nurses were in the room all were putting on nose masks, with three other men all wearing black suit, one of them looked like the boss, he looked older most likely in his late 40s and wore some shiny gold watch, the man seemed to have a sad expression on his face

Aoki mistakenly hits the old man but didn't care and just continued to walk towards the body laying on a bed covered in a white cloth

One of the men tries to stop Aoki to correct his actions but he was stopped by the man "Let's go" the man commanded and all three men left the morgue

Aoki trembled in fear as he walked closer to the body. He prayed and wished it was all a dream. He wished that the body beneath the cloth was not Hana, but reality dawned on him the moment he lifted up the cloth.

Hana's slender body was beneath the cloth, she was iced cold and skinny, upon seeing this site Aoki broke. Aoki screamed on top of his voice capable of damaging his throat, his voice was so loud that it alerted other medical personnel around

Aoko reached out for Hana's face and felt her stiff cold skin, in his mind he kept praying to wake up from this bloody nightmare

"Hana…ha..na" Aoki passed out and fell violently on the ground, the doctor rushed him and told the nurse to get a bed.


A day later, Aoki work up to his usual Saturday 8am alarm, his eyes devoid of life, his face pale he felt so heavy to turn off the alarm and just left it to ring on

The memory of yesterday's event came flooding in as tears began to cover his eyes making his vision blur "Hana…hana" He mutters with a cracking voice

He bent himself on his bed making a C-curve and hugging his pillow tight while crying.


Meanwhile outside the house Eita and Hanko were outside wearing a casual cloth, Hanko was with a plastic bag and inside it was Aoki phone and his camera they had come to return it

"Give it to me, I'll return it quietly and meet you at the sushi store" Eita said

"Eita-kun I still think we should see him" Hanko said, her face sad and looked weak

"Hanko-chan…" Eita said, looking Hanko in the eyes.

Hanko finally gives In and hands over the bag to Eita, "Thanks, go wait for me at the Sushi store"

Eita turned towards the door, he let out a sigh and pressed the doorbell button.

Aoki's mother rushed and opened the door curious to know who came to visit at this early hours

"Oh, Eita-kun" She said and opened the door for Eita to come in

Eita sat on the couch in the living room waiting for Aoki's mother to come out from the kitchen

"So sorry breakfast isn't ready yet" She said dropping a cup of green tea on the table

"No problem ma'am, actually I came to drop this" Eita presents the bag on the table "Their Aoki's, he left it during the match yesterday" Eita gulps the tea in one go and stands up to leave

"Thanks for the hospitality" Eita said with a bow "And please don't tell him I came" Eita said and was about to leave but was called back

"Eita-kun, How was Aoki's match yesterday?" She asked making Eita ponder a little

"I guess he is a magician after all" Eit said with a cheerfully smile


At the sushi, Eita finally came and spots Hanko already taken a nice chair

Eita signals a waiter "Two fish sushi to that table please" He said and went over to the table and dat down

"You gave him the bag right?" Hanko asked annoyingly

"What's with that tone? I gave him the bag" Eita finally answered.

The waiter brings the plate of sushi and drops it on the table with two chopsticks too

"Oh oh, nice" Eota glares at the sushi before digging

"Then why did you that, why didn't you want to meet him, this is the time he needs someone the most, someone he can lean on"

Eita finished chewing the sushi in his mouth and gulps a cup full of water

"Why you ask, Hanko-chan a man's life isn't as easy as you think, although I am well aware of what you're saying but a sad truth about being a man is that nobody is coming" Eita cleans his mouth with a napkin

"Nobody is coming to save you, and I want Aoki to see that no one, absolutely no one is coming to save him either he saves himself or he loses himself, such is life"