Preliminary stage

It was break, students in pairs playing and roaming around the school. Aoki and Eita were sitting on a bench just outside the class building waiting for Hanko. While Hanko was on the vending machine getting something for the group.

While Aoki and Eita were enjoying the nice and calm view Hanko finally arrives with the snacks, "Coffee drink for Eita, Choco Milk for Aoki, and finally Vanilla syrup with cream puff for me" Hanko sits in between Aoki and Eita

Aoki uses the straw to open the carton and sips it a little "Ahh, that hit the spot"

"Aoki-kun, when did you start liking chocolate, I thought you hated" Hanko asked while opening her snacks

"Hmm, people change" Aoki sips his drink again

As the all three of them enjoyed their snacks a group of girls consisting of three passed them, they seem to be gossiping about Aoki, and it made Aoki somewhat annoyed

"What's with that face, you're the one that seeked for attention" Hanko teased him

"All I did was change my hairstyle" Aoki said

"...did I tell you, some people even thought we were dating, here take this" Hanko brings out a paper from her breast pocket and hands it over to Aoki

"What's this??" Aoki opened it and began going through it

"A girl in Class C gave it to me, at first she thought we were dating but as soon as I cleared the misunderstanding she hands it over to me saying I should pass it, what was her name again…" Hanko looked at the sky trying to recall

"Mio.." Aoki said, the name was written after the letter "Yes Mio that was her name"

"So it's a love letter?" Tatsuya collected the paper and went through it

"But I'm not ready for all this relationship I'm not even interested, even if I was to date, I guess a tall girl with big ass will be nice" Aoki said

Upon hearing that Tatsuya overs Aoki a fist pump "That's my brother…"

"Humph, you guys are the worst" Hanko exclaimed

"Hahaha, but if I can't get a tall girl, then a short girl will do, but she must be thicc though" Aoki said with a laugh, the plan was to annoy Hanko because she didn't have any of those qualities.

Although Hanko isn't well built, she is still a must want in every male fantasy, she had this nice athletic build, nice and notable hips with her long blonde hair.


The bell sounds round the school signalling break over. All the students roaming around and playing went back to their classes


After some hours classes were over, and a brief meeting was held in the club room. Everybody sat down facing the coach who was with lots of documents in his hand.

He placed it on the table and did some little arrangements removing two sheets from the rest and pin them to the wall

"As you can see on the board the Kanto preliminary league has been announced, and from Kanagawa was our school Tenryu and Yokohama High…"

"Tck those bastards qualified" Eita clicked his tongue

"...from Tokyo is Seirin, Hikari and Hanamori, from Chiba is Chiba community school and Sakura, from Gunma Murasahino, Asagao and Minamoto, from Tochigi is Shirokane, Ayame Private and Surano and finally from Ibaraki is Kozue, Kasumi and Ibuki. That's all"

After listening to the school that qualified Sato raised his hand for a question "Tsubaki didn't qualify for the preliminary stage?"

"Yes, but I too don't know why, maybe because they are still new or something" Shota said

"But i think they were good overall though" Sato said and sat down

"So as you all can see, the preliminary stage is tough, there is no time to be lazy, we are up against strong team so we need to stay focused in order to win. That's it about football." The Coach said and walked to the table removing more files

"This is your test result" He flapped it in the air "It was brought to my attention that someone you failed, and when I mean some, I mean the whole Year one's" The coach said with a deep voice.

"Let's start from the lowest…" He cleared his throat making the level of anticipation in the room high "Tatsuya you got 10…"

"Hahah dump fool" Eita laughed calling the Coach's attention

"...Why are you laughing, you got 12"

"But I am three marks ahead of him" Eita said with a proud face

"It's two, you are two marks ahead"

"Excuse me sir, I have a reason for that…" Tatsuya said making the whole class quiet and attentive waiting for him to talk" was fabricated"

"Next, Aoki you got 28, this is good compared to your last result though, Kobayashi got 23 and finally Hanko got 98" The coach said arranging the papers back in other

"Year ones, this isn't good at all. You have to take your studies seriously, ask your seniors for help, you even have Hanko who is one of the top students, I am afraid if this continues you guys might not participate in the upcoming stage…"

"Wait a minutes coach" Eita stopped the coach midway


"You can't do this to us"

"Just watch and see" Coach said

"But what's the use, when I'm going pro in football" Aoki said

"Ohh?? You have dreams of going pro" Inuoe asked

"Yes, Eita and I are going pro" Aoki answered without wasting time

"Oh?? Even you Eita" Tatsuya teases him

"You didn't have to tell them" Eita was embarrassed

"Enough, enough…" The coach stops them "...Even if you want to go pro, you have to take your studies seriously Aoki, they might not be of any importance now, but they have a big role to play, take for example English Language which you got 2, if you are pro player don't you think you need to speak English to atleast communicate with some international players and referees"


"Aoki, say a statement in English, even if its a simple sentence" The coach asked Aoki closes his legs in embarrassment

{You is… a sensei} Aoki said making the whole class burst in laughter

"My point exactly, Aoki, nothing is a waste, they might not be useful to you now but in the long run they will come in handy. We are dismissed" The Coach packed the documents left the class


"Yeahh… today was stressful as usual," Hanko said while stretching herself.

The trio as usual were on their way home after school activities. The calm evening sun was beautiful, children coming back from school while adults from work, the Road was busy and noisy.

"I'll be going then " Aoki said

"To train again?" Hanko was annoyed


"Hey Aoki, you don't spend much time with us again" Hanko pouts

"I'm sorry" Aoki smile awkwardly

"Let him be Hanko-chan," Eita said and continued his journey back home.

On his arrival to the park, Aoki saw some group of high schoolers in the field already playing ball, they wore a dark blue tracksuit and behind the tracksuits was an english word written boldly


A/N:I need thy stones