
"Yokohama High, this was Eita-kun's former school I guess those were his teammates" Aoki minds his business and didn't even bother going to have any conversation with them, he went over to one of the free benches to get prepared.

Aoki removes his tracksuit and folded it putting it inside the bag, he already wore his jersey inside for easy access. He brought out his boot from his bag and kept it on the floor. On top of the boot was a bar indicating the name of the item and beside the name was an exclamation icon. Aoki taps on it and a small stat appeared

Shoot: +5

Speed: +2

Curling: +4

"This new update is handy" Aoki said with a smirk as he put on the boot. He removed the ball from his bag and bounced it on the ground using the top of his leg to trap it at a place.

Aoki even went as far as going to the opposite end of the field just to make sure he avoids unnecessary conversation with them.

Aoki was done with his early morning jogging what was left was pushups and squats. After going a total of 30 reps each he was ready for his training

"Open status"

Over the course of the last few weeks few things were noted. There is a special criteria needed for Skill level to increase and skills are divided into Passive and Active

Knuckle Shot and One touch are Aoki's passive skills while Analysis, a skill Aoki got from Jarvis is an Active skill, this leaves a speculation…

While facing the post Aoki drops the ball at the right angle of the penalty box, he moves three steps backwards and takes a look at the place he wants to play the ball. Aoki runs at the ball and uses the inside part of his left foot to curl the ball into the goal post.

After making the attempt five times Aoki opened his Status windows and browsed to the skill section "Just as I thought"

"So in other words consistency is key, arghh this will be tough" Aoki sighed

Along the line Aoki had also discovered that Active Skill has a Cool Down time range and apparently the skill "Analysis" has a six hours cool down but the advantage is that it can be used in any circumstance like in school (for cheating in exams), at work, at home and anywhere else.

"It's going to be tough" Aoki said and placed the ball on the ground to continue his training

"Umm… excuse me, are you by any means Riku Aoki" A short silver haired boy asked, he also wore Yokohama high school tracksuit

'Fuck…' Aoki cursed in his mind

"Hey Abanai, I told you stop running round the place, you might get lost" another boy comes chasing after the other

"I'm sorry, but when I saw him I got interested in him" The silver haired boy said."You are Aoki right?" He asked again

"Y-Yes, and who might you be" Aoki asked

"I knew it, hey guys come around it's Aoki" He called the rest, they were only five in total "its Aoki the one that defeated Ishikawa-kun"

Aoki's nervousness grew by the minute but he managed to hold himself, he was in the presence of Kanto regional number one school in terms of football and also two time Nationals Champions in four years run, the other two years that they didn't win they were disqualified in the semi final and quarter finals stage.

"Waw I really wished Haku-kun was here to see him" Abanai kept on staring at Aoki with stars I'm his eyes

"He looks totally different from what I was told" One of them commented

"Yeah, he looks more mature" Aoki was pissed, and it was well visible

"Don't be annoyed, I was only told you look more like a kid"

"And you are still saying it!!!" Aoki yells

"By the way Aoki-kun, mind if you join us for a little practice session" Abanai asked, he looked totally like a different person, the previous excited childish side was gone.

"Yeah sure" Aoki gulps his saliva

"The training will be easy, it's an attack training, the shooter will pass to you, then you pass back them BOOM he shots and scores" Abanai said.

He was the first to go, he passed to Aoki who passed back to him then with the top of his foot he blast the ball to the next, the ball rattles the net shaking it roughly, at some point it looks like the net was going to tear apart

"The Power" Aoki exclaimed

"Damn, I didn't get it right" Abanai clicked his tongue

"I told so, you won't do it" one of his teammates teases him

Aoki was utterly dumbfounded, what he had just witnessed was something he had never seen, but yet Abanai wasn't satisfied with the result he wanted so now the question is, what is he after?

After five rounds neither of them were satisfied with their results, just then did something clicked in "I've seen this somewhere" Aoki said pondering heavily in his mind

"You finally realised now" Abanai asked looking at Aoki's shocked face

That's right, what they have been practising for the last fifteen minutes was his goal against Taubaki

"We will be going now, it was nice playing with you, next time we'll meet, it will be on the field" Abanai said and packed his bag and left with the rest of his teammates

Although Aoki didn't practise enough to his heart's content, he had learnt something really valuable. There is a very big trouble ahead