First mission: Get good grades

Eita and Aoki were sitting down facing each other, eight plates of sushi was on the table with six plates empty.

Eita and Aoki seemed to be discussing about what Aoki's meeting with Yokohama High Football team

"This is fishy…" Eita said "...meeting with the team seems normal but for Abanai to take interest in you something must have prompted it"

"Yeah, he was obsessed about us winning Tsubaki even when Ishikawa was in the match" Aoki said

Eita drops his elbow on the while placing his jaw on his hands, the sushi on table didn't seem to bother him "Abanai…he might look innocent but he's dangerous, checking the stats he might be the highest goal scorer in all High school tournaments in Kanto region"

"Then if he is a good goal scorer why isn't he one of the Eleven star prodigies?" Aoki asked

"Just as the name says the Eleven star prodigies consist of eleven U21 players, each player in a different position, and if you want to be one of them then you have to dethrone a certain person in a position you are good at, and as for Abanai…. Although Abanai is good he is no where the same level as the current strikers'' Eita said rubbing his chin

"Hmmm this is hard to take in" Aoki commented

"But why didn't you know all this Aoki"

"My Middle school don't have a football team Eita, have you forgotten" Aoki squinted his eyes

"Oh right you told me" Eita scratched his head

Aoki, Hanko and Eita have been neighbours and close friends since kindergarten, but they didn't go to the same school. Aoki and Hanko were the first two to meet each other due to the friendship amongst the parents while Eita was the last to join the group.

"But are all eleven of them going pro?" Aoki asked

"No no, according to my sources among the eleven are two that are in youth teams and three others that are going pro, but I should also tell you this Aoki you should avoid seeing opposition team, anything can happen"

"Yes, I've got you" Aoki waves his hand

"Our firstatch will be next two months against Ayame Private, not being arrogant we expect and easy win" Eita said

"Yea but we still have our Test next month so we have to ace that first" Aoki reminded Eita about the coach's demands

"About the study session tomorrow has a venue been fixed?" Eita asked

"We agreed on your house" Aoki answered

"That's fine by me…" Eita and Aoki stood up from their chairs, and they were done with the meal.

Eita signals the waiter and removes a thousand Yen from his pocket and gives the waiter the bill with nothing left to do. They both left the place.


The following day was Sunday which was the scheduled day for their study session in preparation for the upcoming Final test.

It was 9am in the morning and Aoki was still sound asleep, his mother had prepared his breakfast and left it on the table just for him to come and eat. Apart from minor house chores like cleaning the house and laundry Aoki did nothing else.

The doorbell rang alerting Aoki's mum and almost woke him up, Aoki's mum rushed and opened the door.

"Good morning Mrs. Riku" Hanko greeted with a cheerfully smile, she wore a knee length orange blouse perfectly matching with her long blonde hair which she tied together making a ponytail which reached her back

"Good morning ma'am!" Tatsuya and Kobayashi greeted in unison, Kobayashi wore a red shirt and a black trousers with sandals he was simple and beside him was Tatsuya who wore a black T shirt inside and a short sleeve on top, in front of the T shirt was a picture of his favourite anime character Sanji from One piece. They might not look like it but Aoki, Tatsuy and Eita are huge Otakus while Kobayashi just enjoys Asian dramas

Aoki's mum was surprised that if Aoki had made arrangements with his friends then why is he still asleep "Oh Hanko-chan good morning and…?"

"Oh this are my friends and classmates Tatsuya and Kobayashi" Hanko introduced them, this was the first time Aoki's mum was seeing them

"Tatsuya and Kobayashi you are welcome come in and take a sit let me get Aoki" She walks towards Aoki's room and before she could knock Aoki opened the door

"Good morning mum" Aoki said while scratching his eyes

"You friends came to visit" She points towards the living room

"Oh everyone…" Aoki waves at them

"Yo I can't believe you're still asleep by this time of the day" Kobayashi said

"Sorry, let me go wash up"

Minutes passed while Aoki was getting ready, Aoki's mother brought baked cookies and milk for them as they waited for Aoki.

Twenty minutes passed and Aoki was done and ready to move. The group bids farewell to His mother and they head to Eita's home

As they were on their way to Eita home, Aoki remembered something he wanted to ask Kobayashi

"Kobayashi-kun, I want to ask you a favour"

"What's it?"

"Can you teach me how to curve a ball?" Aoki asked

"What can of favour is that Aoki, I'll help you that is sure, but I think you should ask Inoue-senpai"

'Will he accept' Aoki thought

Apart from Sato, when Kobayashi is in the game he is a set piece taker for corners and long freekicks, due to his pinpoint pass accuracy. On the other hand is Inoue, set piece is his fort, he has quite a good short power and accuracy for a Midfielder.

"You're right, I should ask Inoue-senpai" Aoki concluded

Soon after they arrived at Eita's home, Eita lived alone in a one bedroom flat apartment, which he pays for the rent yearly. He was once together with his parents in Kanagawa until they were promoted and posted in Tokyo. Eita refused to go with them and decided to live on his own and thankfully he had begun streaming his gaming experience on YouTube and getting clean cash so with that he was able to pay for most of his necessities.

"Oh it's you guys" Eita opened the door and welcomed them into the house. The living room consisted of a sofa and a class table with a big rug under them, there was no Television and nothing else. It was plain and behind the sofa was the Dining and Kitchen, straight ahead as a small passage at the left was his room and left was the bathroom.

"Sick! Ya livin alone Eita" Tatsuya commented as he made himself at home relaxing on the sofa

"Were you expecting someone else?" Aoki asked, Aoki noticed that his welcoming language and tone seemed different

"Yeah I was expecting a…' the doorbell rings interrupting Eita "" Eita rushed and opened the door

Eita collected two box of pizza and from his pocket he removes some paper currency and give the delivery man

"Pizza everyone!" Eita drops the box on the table

"You guys should not forget why we gathered here" Hanko said snorts

The pizza was devoured in a few minutes and their sturdy session began. Problems and challenges were brought to the table, Indices, Probability, Bearing, Kanji characters, English Language and many more.

Three hours passed and the group was exhausted, well everyone except Hanko. The rest were laying on the table and group. Just as the group where whining a ringing sound reverberates in Aoki's ears


'Awesome' Aoki rejoiced in his mind but was also shocked to find out that studying increases Intellect. Well in reality it does.

Aoki got up from the ground and was filled with motivation and strength spreading and flowing around his body. With a stern and determined look in his eyes he said "Hanko-chan let's go again" Hanko was utterly astonished, never has Aoki been this determined to read.

And another two extra hours of sturdy passed and they all decided to end it for the day. Eita decided to escort them to their doorsteps well Aoki and Hanko because Tatsuya and Kobayashi live far away, you have to board a bus to get to their homes.

"Eita, how did ya open a bank account" Tatsuya asked sheepishly

"What do you mean?" mystified Eita returned the question

"I mean…you pay for school fees right?? That means you have a bank account, how did you create one when you're a minor"

"Ohh that's what you meant, I used my mum's details" Eita finally answered

"Oh.." Tatsuya was dumbfounded

The group proceeded with their journey towards their home amidst the scorching afternoon sun.