Team training

The air was heavy and hard to breathe for most people, the clear sound produced by pencil as it made contact with the paper surface was notable. The teacher walking round the class with a sharp eyes ready to pierce the very soul of any victim caught in malpractice, and yet in this situation some were still calm, unfazed and gently marked the answers on the question sheet "Times up" The teacher's voice echoed throughout the class reaching every corner.The students sits upright removing their hands from the desk while the teacher walks round the class collecting the answer sheets The silence breaks and the market turns into a marketplace as usual, students who didn't care less about their results began playing games and running to and fro the classroom, study group mates began asking themselves questions concerning the answers they had selected, those who didn't write well prayed to their God, and there was Aoki and Eita who's football career was on the line"What do you hope to get?" Eita asked Aoki with a stern face "I don't know, but I am sure I aced English and History" Aoki answered "What's a noun?" Eita asked again "Words that expresses action" Aoki answered with an impassive look on his faceEita nods his head in confirmation "We will pass" He said "We will definitely pass" Aoki quotedHanko, who was in the middle listening to their conversation was about to explode in fury "You guys!!" ***Later that day the team had a training practice session. As usual Hanko organised the training regime with the help of Shota and The Coach.Today's training was to solidify their teamwork and bond in the field. In any aspect of life be it work school and sports teamwork is very essential. That's the reason why most of the time work colleagues go out to have dinner together. This is meant to build a specific type of bond amongst them.While as for football there is a special type of bond that is formed in the field, it is the ability to have full trust in your teammates this enables one to know where his teammates will be, the type of pass he wants, and his intentions. Most at times in the field people find it hard to detect when one is.just acting as a decoy to create space and when one truly needs the ball.The training for today was a 6 v 6 match with a mini goal post and no keeper. On Team A were Nakamura, Ito, Aoki, Inuoe, Sato and Tatsuya. And on Team B was Yamamoto, Fujita, Eita, Kobayashi, Shota and Suzuki, Tanaka was the referee.As the team got ready for practice Aoki was at the sideline watching some skill tutorials on YouTube, It was titled 'Skills you can perform in one touch' and amongst all of them the one that caught his attention the most was One touch Trivela.The Trivela, a skill performed by kicking the ball with the outside part of your foot to enable a massive curl to it. It was popularised by the Portuguese footballer Ricardinho during the early 2000s. "Tivela…" Aoki was caught by the beauty of the skill when performed perfectly"Oi Aoki match is about to start" Inuoe called said with his deep voice "Right, sorry…" Aoki dropped his phone inside his bag and entered the field.The training started with Team A kickoff. Aoki's goal for the day is to observe Inoue and take something from his playstyle Kobayashi does a slide tackle, collecting the ball from Tatsuya's leg and passing it to Eita who was marked by Inuoe. Eita uses his body weight to hold off Inuoe As the ball got to Eita he used his left foot and raised the ball up and uses his laps to trap it down with a sharp cut passing Inuoe, but Inuoe makes a slide tackle kicking the ball from Eita's leg to Nakamura.Nakamura launched a long pass to Aoki who was close to the throw-in line. Aoki jumped up and killed the momentum with his chest, before he could make a move Kobayashi was on him. Aoki does a sharp body feint to his right making Kobayashi lose balance and fall on the floor With that Aoki had created a little space around him. Taking a little look to see who was free, " Here goes nothing…" Aoki uses the outside part of his foot and plays the ball To Tatsuya. With much curl and power the ball rolls on the line trying to go out then unexpectedly goes back into the field landing at Tatsuya's legTatsuya passed to Sato who was up against Fujita. Fujita was now the last line of defence, he was the one guarding the post and unfortunately he was up against Sato who's forte is one on one confrontation.As Sato got close to the post Fujita was also taking small steps backward, Fujita was looking for an opening to take the ball from Sato, on the other hand Sato was throwing his leg left and right performing a step over and confusing Fujita, to put icing on the cake Sato does an alternate snake bite and nutmegged Fujita then proceeds to put the ball into the net Without wasting time the match resumed. Kobayashi carried the ball from the back all the way to the centre Aoki rushed at him but the then passed to Eita who passed back to him using a clean one two pass they eliminated Aoki from the pathKobayashi plays the ball to Shota, Shota uses his body weight and little speed and passes Ito facing Nakamura head one. Shots spots Suzuki beside him and passed to him,Suzuki was wide open and free, Suzuki didn't put much thought into it and tried to shoot from there but then Inoue comes sliding and blocked the shot with his body it was throw-inFujita throws the ball to Eita with one touch passed to Kobayashi who was about to face off with Aoki again. 'Analysis activate' Aoki triggered the skill, which slowed down everything around him for some seconds almost as if he had entered the same state back then when he first encountered Jarvis.Kobayashi leg was positioned trying to make a pass to Suzuki who was free again due to Nakamura marking Eita, 'It a 60 percent chance he will pass and a 40 percent he will take it' Aoki thought and decided to jump blocking the pass but Kobayashi takes it and turns to other way trying to take the shot from far out, it wasn't impossible, it was just delusional because it was clear that Ito will block the shot since he was the one closer to the goal post.Seeing what had happened Inuoe dashed at Kobayashi performing a slide tackle in order to block the shot, but Kobayashi did another fake again removing Inoue from the way making him totally free. From far out Kobayashi plays the shot, Ito spreads his leg but only managed to change the direction a little to the bar, the ball hits the bar and enters the net"GOOAAALL" Kobayashi runs round the field celebrating. No doubt that Kobayashi is a good player but his only weakness is stamina and speed. That's why he's always on substitution, he has good technique and is also good at defending."I wish Jarvis had the analysis, all my predictions are false" Aoki whines.The game kicks off again. Everyone in Team A pressed further including their defence. "Here!!" Inoue calls out to Ito who was with the ball and although Inuoe was heavily man marked by Eita Ito didn't hesitate to pass the ball to Inuoe.Inoue holds the ball beneath his foot as he tries to use his body weight against Eita but Eita replies to the offer by doing the same. Seeing that there is no other chance Inuoe played the ball to Aoki and made a gesture pointing up 'What is that' Aoki found it hard to interpret Inuoe sign and just followed his human instinct. With a touch Aoki raised the ball over the defence stunning everyone, while everybody was busy wondering how Aoki did that Tatsuya was busy making moves he had run to where the ball was going to land and was about to volley it, as the ball came in contact with the ground, thundering sound of Tatsuya paying the ball echoed round the field"GOOAAL" Tatsuya ran round the field "That's two for us" Sato remarks"Aoki nice play, although the ball wasn't for you" Inuoe said pointing towards Ito who was at Aoki's back "Oh…" Aoki nodded his 'He was just using me as a decoy huh? I'll show him'As the ball kicks off again, the burning flames of determination was in eyes of Team B except Kobayashi, he had gassed out already and unfortunately nobody was around to replace himSuzuki made the run forwards and passed Inuoe with his speed, he was trying to score a goal alone, Aoki caught up to him and stood in front of him ready to throw his leg at any moment and collect the ball which he did but unfortunately was dribbled and left helplessly behind.Suzuki uses Shota as a decoy and dribbles past Ito leaving Nakamura on his path. As Suzuki approached Nakamura, Suzuki tried to do a step over and run, but Nakamura got the best of him and cleared the ball out 'My chance!!' Aoki rushed at the ball and began to sprint, he passed Kobayashi effortlessly leaving Eita, Fujita and Yamamoto.As Aoki approached Eita he performed a roll changing from his previous position then moving further left and luckily he passed Eita leaving him stunned behind him. Seeing what happened Yamamoto progressed with caution, but Aoki didn't care of nothing and rushed at Yamamoto, Aoki does a little drag by using the bottom of his left leg taking the ball back and using the inside of the same leg kicking it to his right side thus performing a 90° cut Creating a little space around him Aoki uses his weaker foot which is his right leg and tries curling the ball past Fujita and hitting the net. Although the power was very weak, the curl covered for it, with so much bend applied the ball bends and enters the net unable to keep his balance Aoki falls on the floor