Social Media Burst

It was 1am in the morning, everywhere had gone silent as everyone retired to their houses for the day's rest.From the corners of the door and window of Aoki's room was a bright blue light, Aoki was absorb staring at his status, although they had intense training today his body got accustomed to the fatigue level so it felt like nothing "My Response is now 88" Aoki nodded with satisfaction as he went through his stuffHe had gained a lot from today's training session, he had acquired three passive skills, Long range drive, Outside curve, Pinpoint Pass.Except from Long range drive all were in level one "That reminds me….Jarvis what about the skill I got from clearing Ishikawa's quest""Arghhh what was that name again…." Aoki scratched his head trying to recall event that happened"Unseen, the reward from clearing the quest unseen" A window pops up in front of his face {Special Quest Reward 'Unseen'}{Experience points: Claimed Skill: Tap to Claim}"Haa… thank God I remembered" Aoki taps on it and another window pops up. An Icon which displayed a body giving off some wild aura and beside it was written in bold capital letters 'FEAR' {FEAR: A skill used to intimidate a target with host Intent. The skill when activated triggers a sense of Intense and fathomless on the target. It can also be directed towards multiple targets but will lose its intensity as the number increases. Skill can only be effective to target who Intellect is lower than the host. NOTE: SKILL WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT BASED ON INTELLECT LEVEL OF TARGETCool Down: 30mins}"Oho this is so awesome…" Aoki chuckles "With this I'm the bully's bully" Aoki's laughter grew more intense as it echoed loudly throughout the quiet environment "What a nice way to end a day" Aoki drops on his bed to rest but falls on his school bag in instead "Tck" Aoki clicked his tongue and began to arrange his stuff. Among his book was the letter Hanko gave him"Mio… I think I have heard that name somewhere" Aoki rushed to his table and opened his phone, he enters the group chat which consisted of Eita, Hanko and Him"I doubt they are awake" Aoki said and still typed a message and sent to the group /Yo who is awake/ Aoki waited for some seconds but got no reply "Just as I thought" as he wanted to turn off his phone Hanko and Eita began typing Hanko /I can't sleep, what's up/Eita /You're awake Aoki, login there is a contest going on/"Always gaming huh?" Aoki mutters Aoki/Do you guys know Mio Hanagaki/ Hanko /Don't tell me you don't know Mio-chan, she lives beside me, and she goes to that Girl's Middle school just some few kilometres away from ours/"Is that so?" Aoki exclaimed Eita/Are you guys ignoring me?/Hanko/Why are you asking about her, don't tell me you've ready fallen for her/Aoki/No no no, I just somewhat remembered her all of a sudden/Hanko /If that's the case then no problem, goodnight guys, remember there's classes tomorrow/Aoki/Yeah goodnight/Eita /…./***The following day which was the last day of the week and also the last day of schooling activities before summer break.There was nothing much to do on this day, the day is just for fun activities, to handout results, and to also make plans for the summer vacation. "Yess!!" Eita jumps up and shouts startling everybody in the class who weren't prepared, his accumulated result was in his hand and it summed up to 48 which passed the Fail mark being 39.Aoki got a total of 71 which was a big boost for him, not only was he proud at what he achieved, he also gained a lot of Intellect points being 69.On the other hand Hanko couldn't believe her eyes, she got a total score of 92. "How!!?" She exclaimed in annoyanceEita sat on his chair and let out a sigh of relief "What a way to start summer break" Eita said with a wide smile "Summer break, when are we getting summer break?" Aoki asked "What do you mean, today is the last day of school" Eita reminded Aoki"I know Eita, it's just the preliminary stage will commence next week, each team will have two matches per month" "Oh I totally forgot about that, Damn it and here I was making summer plans" Eita leaned on his desk"Ouch my score" Hanko was still in the state of grieve***Aoki got out of the class alone, he told them he was going to pee but he was actually going to bully someone."I can only try this now" Aoki said as he walked through the hallway full of confidence As he enters the cafeteria he spots some seniors bullies bullying his classmates. "Just three Nice, Population perfect, mode sublime, timing excellent and scene…huh" Aoki couldn't find the words and just walked up to the seniors. There were just three of them, one big one at the left and short one at the right with the one that seemed to be the leader at the left.When the seniors had noticed him they were immediately irritated 'Who does he think he is?'they thought "I will advise you to leave my classmate alone" Aoki said with a cold voice, his tone deep and loud echoing throughout the hall attracting the attention of everyone present some brought out their phones to video the long awaited hero, while some used their eyes to behold the glory moment"Haha, and what are you going to do if we don't?" The leader laughed "Don't say I didn't warn you" Aoki said confusing them"Hey brat don't get ahead of yourself…" The leader stretched his hand for Aoki shoulder {FEAR}His hand shock profusely as beads of sweat began to gather on his forehead, his teaths claps together like someone dipped into a pool of ice"Monster, Monster Ahhhhhhh!!" He shouts on top of his longue almost as if his pipe was about to tear."Monster Monster Monster Monster" he falls with his butt and began rolling and crawling on the flat trying to get away from AokiAlthough Aoki kept a cold and serious expression, deep down he was utterly flabbergasted just then the statement flashed in his head " NOTE: SKILL WILL HAVE A DIFFERENT EFFECT BASED ON INTELLECT LEVEL OF TARGET"With the help of his associates the leader who was struggling to get on his fit finally left the hall"what?? is this some kind of a joke" "The reign of Nagao comes to an end in this way" "I knew he was a loser from the start""So cool" "Scary" People made so many remarks on what they have just experienced, this is not something you see in any high school, and like wildfire in a bush word spread round the school quickly.***Aoki was in the principal's office alone as his thoughts began to wander far and wide.All special quest were triggered due to some specific event or crisis he faced at a particular time, and the rewards he got will most likely help him against such crisis in the future. So what bothered him was what event actually lead to him getting 'Fear' As Aoki was in his mind space he didn't notice when the principal entered "Student! Student!!" "Huh? Oh Yes sir" Aoki snapped out of his head "You're free to go" The principal said "Thank you sir- wait what?" "His friends testified with his involvement with hard drugs and narcotics so the effect most likely caused the trigger" The principal said and chased him out of his office "Oh… well thanks to their bad behaviors I got free" Aoki heads to his class. As Aoki was on his way he approached the nurse's office and over heard Nagoa voice, he rest on the wall to get all he was saying"Hey you have to believe me man" Nagoa said to one of his lackeys"Are you even listening to yourself?" "I'm telling you j saw it very clear, a small girl with with… yes! With white skin and red eyes she…she wanted to kill me" Nagoa said while shaking "Has he gone crazy" Aoki was disgusted and left the place As Aoki enters the class, the noisy class immediately went silent. He didn't care about it and just went to his chair"Yo Aoki, you're a real menace" Eita laughs as he watched the video in his phone "The best part is, you didn't even raise a finger" "Hey stop that Eita" Hanko hits Eita on the shoulder and turns to Aoki "Please explain what happened there, your name is going viral not only in our school but also online" "Huh? What do you mean" Aoki asked "Oh you don't know yet, you're know as the Dark Mage now, I'd advice you to watch your back though" Eita briefly summarized "You see so what happened Aoki" Hanko asked again "To be sincere, I am even more confused that you are" Aoki stated In Aoki's thought and at that very day and time Aoki concluded that Fear won't be used on any person