Cherished moments

Later that day the team went back to the resort. They freshened up, got some rest when it was evening they came out for dinner.

The Coach used the dinner time as an opportunity to appreciate the team's effort in the match. They had a full load of meat, drinks and so many more for the night. After stuffing themselves they retire to their rooms 

As everyone was busy playing and having a fun time, Aoki was at the beach. He sat on the cold sand feeling the cold breeze as he reminisced on today's game. To everybody it was a wonderful performance he did their but to him he knew it was the help of the skill super sub

"I'm weak, '' Aoki said with a shaky tone. After some minutes of constantly receiving the cold from both sand and air Aoki began to sneeze.

He stood up dust his clothes and head back inside the building, along the road he sees some couples having a romantic time with their loved ones and immediately the name Mio flashed in his head

"Mio huh" He whispered before entering the building. As Aoki approaches his room he hears some noise coming out from his room, and he knew that the rooms were sound protected so you can't hear what's going on inside. Knowing this he wondered "What the hell is going on inside"

Aoki walks up to the door and flips the door numb open, as if he was hit by a truck he flew backwards landing on his butt. The rate of noise being generated from one room was outstanding.

"Oi Aoki come on in, it's your day" Ito said 

Aoki stood up and entered the room "Ladies and gentlemen now I present to you the rocket, the star boy wonder, the dark mage, the one and only Aoki!!!" Kobayashi cheered with a loud voice and following it was the loud thunderous cheers from everyone in the room 

"Are these guys high?" Aoki asked himself while looking at everyone in the room. Aoki had also noticed that the Third Years weren't present in the room, and apart from Nakamura and Inuoe everyone else was wild.

"Here Aoki drink up" Kobayashi offers Aoki a Soda. "I'll rather have chocolate juice" Aoki said but accepted the drink 

"Huh?? What are you, a kid?" Kobayashi said and left Aoki 

"Hey, Aoki do you have a social media account?"Eita asked a weird question out of nowhere, at least he still had his senses unlike some people who were already out of space 

"Apart from Facebook no one else, why do you ask" Aoki answered 

"Well according to my algorithm the name Dark mage and Dark magician seems to be trending among the youths in Kanagawa and is further spreading at a high rate to Tokyo, I think you should create accounts in different platforms and be active there" Eita almost fried Aoki head with information overload but it was much expected.

Eita is a youtuber, a popular one in the gaming community. In order to get trending topics he does some weekly analysis in all platforms and because of being verified in a few it was more easier to get trending topics

"But can we talk about it some other time" Aoki asked but it was more like a statement than a question

"Sure anytime" 

Aoki left the room while holding his head. He decided to go to the dinner to have a lone time as the party was going on, he doesn't like parties or any social activities after all Aoki was super introverted all his life only recently he started opening up.

Aoki enters the hall and spots the Third Year seniors all in one table, he just did as if he didn't notice them and heads over to a free table, maybe they were having a private meeting together or something well whatever be the case Aoki didn't want to interfere.

"Yo Aoki, come join us" Shota said with a loud voice. There were three bottles of wine on the table and some extra drinks with four glass cups.

"Good game today" Shota said and looked for a cup to pour him a drink but didn't find any, with a snap of the finger he summoned a waitress.

"How can I help you young master" The lady said, she was average in height with long yellow hair and white skin. "We would like to have another cup please," Shota said.

"Young master??" Aoki mumbles but Shota still managed to hear it

"Yeah, I didn't say it earlier but my father owns the place," Shota spreads his hand.

"So the finances…and the student council…" 

"Yes they were all lies, except the student council though I am one of them, but for the finances it was a lie" Shota said

"Ohh figures…" Aoki nodded his head 

"The lie was so obvious, I mean what kind of funds will the school give to get this accommodation with food, even you could have noticed the lie right, Aoki" Sato said looking at Aoki 

"Huh..? oh yes, it was obvious, even I noticed it but I remained quiet" Aoki lied

"You see" Sato exclaimed

"Here is the cup requested for, young master" The lady removed the glass cup from the glass tray and gently dropped it on the table.

Shota opened another wine and pours it into the cup handing it to Aoki, "Thank you senpai" Aoki gracefully accepted it and drinks "Sweet" Aoko exclaimed 

"Right?... this is the best there is" Shota boasts.

After drinking the content let out a sigh of relief and finally noticed the serious look on the faces of his seniors 

"Aoki, we haven't told you this but we were once in the Preliminary knockout stage before back when we were at your level" Sato said 

"It was also fun back then" Suzuki added

"But at that time during the tournament we were utterly demolished at the first stage of the tournament and then the team crumbled, almost half quitted so the team was on the verge of being disbanded but luckily we managed to escape and here we find ourselves again in the same tournament" Tanaka explained 

"This is our last chance to win" Shota said with a serious face 

Aoki was shocked and didn't know what to say, it was even his first time participating in any regional tournament.

"But which school removed you guys from the tournament" 

"Chiba comprehensive" Sato stated 

"I heard they are quite good even now" Yamamoto added

"Chiba huh" Aoki gently strokes his chin 

"Is the party over" Suzuki asked Aoki


"Then I'm going to join" Suzuki stands up and leaves the dinner 

"Why didn't you join Aoki?" Shota asked 

"Its too noisy" Aoki answered 

"Right...? But even still, fun times are meant to be cherished no matter how it maybe" Shota and the rest stands up and joined the party leaving Aoki in the dinner alone