Quarter finalists

The sky was dark blue due to the rising of the early morning sun. Aoki was performing his daily task as he ran around the beach. The daily task didn't do much, little or no experience points and even the penalty level wasn't enough to take a toll on him any more. What kept Aoki going was the discipline and commitment, he didn't want to lose the form he had already built.

Aoki sat on the sand gazing far into the horizon looking at the rising sun. He waves his hand and his status window opens, scanning through the window he enters his inventory and taps on the water bottle icon. The inventory was a good added feature but only items from the system can enter the system that's the rule.

Staring at the beautiful sky brought back some memories, some were harsh while some were fun. He had never thought he will be able to play as a starting eleven left alone play in the regional knockouts (Preliminary stage)


"How do I become a pro footballer?" Aoki asked but he already knew the process 

"But I don't have money for the charge fee"

"This tournament is my only hope" Aoki clenches his fist "By the way I have a favour to ask you…" Aoki takes a pause to check if Jarvis got what he said 

"...Can you take back that skill 'Analysis' I can't use it or rather my prediction are so incorrect"

"Oh really?" 

"Then I have some reading to do" Aoki said 



"You almost sounded like my parent for a minute" Aoki chuckles and laid on the sand going back to his sea of memories, just a few months ago he was the team's errand boy but now look at him getting his first man of the match award in his first regional game

"Life is sure cruel, the strong are acknowledged, that's how the system works" Aoki sighs. 

As Aoki laid there thinking about the past, the timer in his stopwatch began to ring. He switched it off and head back to the building

Aoki was the first to freshen up and got prepared for breakfast. The morning meal was light, Toasted bread with coffee, well some chose hot chocolate.

"See Aok,since yesterday's night I have been meaning to ask you, how did you get so good all of a sudden?" Sato asked making everybody in the dinner go quiet, waiting for Aoki's response 

"Eh? So ummm… there is this app…"

"An app?" 

"Yes, an app…" Aoki brings out his phone and showed him

"How to go pro" Sato read out from Aoki's phone 

"Yeah there is a couple of exercises and routine someone must do to become good in football" Aoki said, his tone wasn't plain at all

"Oh.. I must get one then" Sato said and went back to his meal

'What's that all of a sudden Sato senpai?' Aoki said in his mind.

As everyone had their meal they remained on their chairs for a quick announcement. The coach carried a sheet of paper and began the announcement.

"After the completion of yesterday's activities the match results are finally out" The coach cleared his throat and continued "Kasumi High school 1 : 0 Surano, Ayame 2 : 0 Kozue, Murasahino 5 : 1 Shirokane, Hanamori 4 : 2 Sakura, Minamoto 3 : 2 Hikari, Seirin 6 : 0 Asago and finally Yokohama 8 : 0 Chiba" The coach drops the paper on the table and brings out another one.

"That's all for the previous fixture, for the next fixtures, Tenryu vs Minamoto, Yokohama vs Murasahino, Seirin vs Ayame. Kazemi vs Hanamori" The coach drops the last paper on the table and takes a look at the faces of everyone, they were all disturbed and looked pale, it was much expected because from here on out the battle will get tougher.

"Relax you guys, why the long face? with little training we will find our way to the finals so cheer up" The Coach tried to ease the atmosphere but it didn't work he just decided to continue with his announcement

"Well the thing is, our match against Minamoto will be played in our ground, so I've been thinking if you guys will like to remain here or go back home?" The coach asked but received a noise in response instead of an answer

"Quiet down, if you want to stay indicated by raising your hand…" Five people raised their hands namely Tanaka, Suzuki, Sato, Kobayashi and finally Tatsuya. Hanko went round and counted the number of those that didn't raise their hand and those that raised theirs 

"Five to eight sir" She told the coach 

"Alright, so it's decided then, get your stuff ready this evening we'll leave" The coach said.

"I really loved this place, what a shame" Kobayashi sighed

"I love this place too, but there are stuffs I need to tend to at home" Aoki said 

"Right? I haven't played game in days and I think it's affecting my health" Eita says while touching his neck "That reminds me Aoki!!" Eita shouts

"What is the problem Eita-kun?" Aoki stutters

"You are our guild master…" 

"And so?" Aoki asked 

"Hey, we lost six guild members, our guild is now second in world ranking, do you know what that means?!" 

"Ummm…. I'm sorry" 

"Aoki this weekend the guild might end up removing as the master, and looking at snowflakes's activity he is in for the master position, you have to defend your title" Eita said with a worried face

"Understood Aoki-kun"

After some hours the team heads back to the score that day. From the school everybody went on to their separate homes.

Aoki arrived home and was welcomed happily. He ate his best meal, had a chat with his parents about recent activities and finally went to his room to rest 

While on his bed he began to think about the future. His future depends solely on this tournament. After all, some major star players didn't even go to Youth academy left alone went to school. Some were scouted from the streets.

After deep thinking about the past and future, He had made progress but he was still far behind compared to his dream life, he was still weak. Clenching his fist hardly and with enormous resolve he said 

"I'll become stronger"