The Prince

As the news of the accepted proposal reached all four corners of the region. A man of great descent barrowed into the City of Wey like a madman. As he rode, he noticed a deep overcast that plunge the once sunny city into gloom. The townsfolk whispered and wept as they were stunned from the news. They knew Ava was being sacrificed but that brought them a small comfort. The people just wished they could do more for their favorite princess. 

As he approached the castle's gate he flashed the guards his family crest. They gasped as they quickly ushered him through the gate. His horse took a few more steps before she whined. He quickly got off as she collapsed. Three days was far too much even for his best horse. He patted her gentle as two stage men came to tend to his beauty. 

"Prince Theo?" Said Ruben, the family butler, as he was rather surprised to see the crown Prince of Vallath there. Theo turned to him and greeted him. "Yes, I came once a heard the news. I guess by your shock I am probably the only one to come compared to the rest that had asked for her hand." Ruben looked down as he nodded. Prince Theo smirked and patted his shoulder. " Bring me to Ava. Maybe I can cheer her up", Theo said halfheartedly still unsure of what to do about this situation. Ruben had escorted him into the main hall to wait.

While waiting Prince Theo heard a beautiful melody being carried in by the wind from the balcony. Curious he approached the balcony that overlooked the family's garden. There he saw Ava picking the weeds from the flowers. She was dressed in baby blue from head to toe with a silver mist around her. Theo smiled as he attempted to sneak up on her. As he slowly approached her, she stopped and spun around. Thats when he realized it wasn't mist but her hair. " Ava?" Theo said looking confused as he really gazed at her. Her cheeks were rosy as her lips were a rather darker red. It was definitely Ava but slightly sexier but with silver hair. Maybe the stress of the engagement had done this to her beautiful black hair. As he went to grab her chin she smacked his hand away. " Sorry Little Theo, I am not my sister," She said smiling. Theo took a step back as he realized he was talking to Isla. "Isla? oh sorry. I-I but you look so alike? I mean you-r....." He was stumbling to find the correct words to say since Isla always look so dead and miserable....and covered in blood. He was confused. Isla smiled as she watched him stumble and overthink. " Silly Theo we are twins. Surprised that I too can look nice? " She tilted her head as she leaned in closer to him pursing her lips. He gulped as she even smelled of dirt like Ava instead of blood. " What happened? Isla...." Theo said. " The news of my sister's engagement. People are too depressed to commit crimes so....there hasn't been many people to torture or punish. So I have been spending my time in the garden. My sister is too depressed to even tend to her precious flowers," Isla said as she pointed. Theo noticed that half the garden was covered in weeds. " But don't you guys have gardeners," Theo said even more confused. " Isla pointed to the staff. " Do any one of them look like they want to work," Isla sighed as she continues," Ava isn't dying she is just getting married. She will be fine. " Theo nodded as he studied Isla features even more. "So.....Theo how is your brother?" Theo was a taken aback by her question. " He is still at war. But he is almost done...." He said as he watched her face change from a young maiden into a lustful wolf. " War I see.... He must be winning." Theo nodded as he realized where this is going. She had a crush on his brother. That made him uncomfortable. Even though she looked like ava, Isla was not Ava she was a monster. She was cruel...twisted.... deranged...and maybe a better candidate for The Duke of Duxland. 

"Can I write to him?" Isla said snapping Theo out of his thoughts." Write to who?" He said. " Aleister... silly," she said nervously. " Um....I can relay your message to him. There is no need for you to write him. Um...what is it that you want to say?" He spoke. " Um...I don't know yet...maybe good luck and hurry home," she said looking down. " I can let him know that" Theo said as Ruben called out to him from the balcony. " I must go Isla. It was truly a pleasure", Theo said walking away before letting her finish. He had no intentions of passing along the message.