For Love

As Theo followed Ruben to Ava's Bedroom chambers he looked concerned. " Sorry my lord but she refused to leave. But would like you to go in." Ruben opened the door and closed it quickly as Theo entered. In the darkness by the dreary window was the silhouette of a girl. Her cheeks were shrunken in, dark bags graced her face, as her messy hair consumed her but instead of blood this sister was covered in dried tears. He approached her slowly and embraced her. " My sweet Ava", He whispered. She looked up as Prince Theo. His dark golden hair was disheveled, and his stumble was growing back. His clothes were a mess and he smelled of sweat. She inhaled his scent as it brought her comfort and finally some hope. " I have missed you my dear sweet prince. Wont you save me?" She said looking up at him. As he looked down at her he couldn't shake the feeling that he was holding Isla. These two had changed some much in such a short time. It was rather uncanny. "Ah....Has your parents....thought of..." She cut him off as she pushed him away. " those useless two are pathetic.....To save their stupid empire they sold me off like a bag of potatoes. I am not some property or an item. I am their daughter. Not just any daughter but their FAVORITE DAUGHTER....and yet they STAB ME .... in the back Like this!," She screamed as she started to pace across the room. " My dear...relax...We will think of something," He said as he slowly approached her. " RELAX?!.... I am going to marry a MONSTER. HE IS GOING TO KILL ME AND YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING RELAXING," she snarled as she picked up a vase and threw it at him. He dodge it and looked surprised," You are acting unreasonable....stop acting like ....Isla...AVA?" Ava snapped her head and walked up to him. " DON'T YOU DEAR CALL ME THAT BITCHES NAME! She is thriving as we speak as she sings and dances waiting to rule Wey. Wey is MINE. These are MY subjects...this is MY castle...all of this is MINE....NOT HERS. can't let them do this to me," She collapsed onto the floor sobbing. " You must marry me before he does." Theo wrapped his arms around her as he wiped her tears. " I want to marry you. But I would need time to raise my army to defeat Duxland's military." Ava sniffed," Time? I get married in three weeks. Is that not enough time my love," she said grabbing his hand. " I would need 6 months," he said as he looked away. " 6 fucking MONTHS," she pushed him off of her. " I will be pregnant by that brut in 6 months times while you are dallying and begging to scrap your army to together. That is straight horse crap. You think of me as dim....just some lady that will wait....THEO I WILL BE DEAD," she screamed as she collapsed onto her bed. " Ava....I think you are clever enough to stay alive for 6 months....." He said as she started throwing pillows and insults at him. " I am surround by a bunch of fucking useless people. " Theo bit is lip before grabbing and shaking her. " I am not useless but this situation is not easy. The Duxland military is NOT A JOKE. WAR IS NOT A JOKE and my country is still in the middle of one with ANOTHER county you arrogant bitch. People are dying as we speak. So shut up and let me speak Isla." Ava smacked the shit out of him. " I am no bitch and I said I am Ava. You stupid pig head. Just because we are twins doesn't make it okay for YOU TO TREAT ME LIKE HER," Ava said with fire in her eyes. She looked even more like Isla. Thats when it clicked. " I have a plan....Isla", Theo said smiling. Ava smacked him again. " I am Ava." He nodded," I know ....I am saying lets use Isla." Ava looked at him confused. " Isla is strong but she can't take on the duke. We barely have an army." Theo shook his head. " No let's switch you and Isla. Right now, you look like Isla and Isla looks more like you. If we dye her hair and get her to act nice, she can seduce the duke. " Ava laughed. " Isla could never be me....she wouldn't last one day..."She stopped as she really thought about it. " She doesn't have to she just needs to last 6 months and then I can wage war on Duxland. Even if she is discovered if she can get pregnant....then..." Theo said convinced. Ava smiled. " He will be forced to keep her. What duke would harm is own child. " Ava kissed theo and nodded. " Your a genius," She said as she slowly opened her bedroom doors and asked Ruben to bring her parent secretly to her room. 

After both Viscount and Viscountess Maxmiliano heard the plan, they laughed hysterically into tears " Dear....let us get this straight... have your sister pretend to be you .....and get pregnant? That would take a miracle," said Viscountess Maxmiliano. " She is bad with men. Does she even like them.... alive?" Theo nodded. " Lady Isla is in love with my brother Aleister...So I can voucher she likes men. However, Alester will be marry the daughter of Delwest....if negations go well. " The Viscount looked up at Theo. "But isn't that the country you guys are at war with?" He said concerned. Theo nodded. " The war is a stalemate and has been for a while. With the death of many soldiers, My family has thought this may be a faster solution. Since the daughter of Delwest has already taken a liken to my brother. Their marriage will end the war. " Ava looked to her father. " And this is why you would need 6 months....I see," he said. Theo nodded. "But imagine this....with ava gone and Isla learns of this marriage what do you think she would do?" They all looked to each other. " She would mostly like kill the princess of Delwest," replied Ruben,the butler. They all nodded. " Then we would be at war with two countries," replied Viscount Maximillien. " Then its settle we will beg, threaten, or kidnap this bitch. She will be marrying the duke and be the savior of Wey," Ava said firmly as she looked to her each member as they nodded. " She must not knew until 24 hours before we sent out to Duxland. Isla needs to continue to look happy so she can pass for me. I will remain in this room until it's time to go. Not many people know what Isla looks like anyway outside of", she held theo's hand. " We will use it to our advantage. After they are married. Theo and I will be married," Ava said confidently. " hmmm ...maybe we should wait to make sure your sister is settled....." Viscountess Maxmillien said concerned. " We can't wait too long. This is... Isla...we are talking about...once he finds out he may kill her on the spot.... the sooner I marry Theo the saver I will be. We will do it secretly... to avoid suspicious. " They all nodded. " I'll make the preperations then," Ruben, the butler stated as the rest of them all smiled.