For Honor

The Guards of Wey knew they had less then 3 minutes to kidnap Isla. They each took a deep breath as they waited for the signal. Ruben, the butler, casual walked into Isla's bedroom's chamber. As he approached the bed, Isla's eyes fluttered open. Ruben adjusted her blanket to cover her. "'s just you Ruben", She said as he patted her head. She nodded back off to sleep as Ruben had an odd habit of checking on her from time to time. She thought he had forgotten her when her dramatic sister forced herself to be ill. It was nice to see that someone still cared for her. She nuzzled his hand and smiled until he grabbed her face. Like a swift wind she felt the presence of 8 men maybe 12 grab her. As her eyes fluttered open she was quicky hooded by a sack. As she tried to move, she was binded with rope, as her own comforter was her downfall. Thats when she called out ," RUBEN!" as she was thrown over a broad pair of shoulders. " shut up!" said a face close to her. She swung her head towards the noise head butting on of the guards. As he cried out in pain, another guard stroke her in the back of the head. Isla fell unconscious as she was carried away. 

Isla woke up as warm water was splashed onto her. As she came too she was trapped. She looked down as she saw the wood planks. She was locked in a warm bath tub. trying to stay calm she scanned the room. It was dimly lit by candles as the room smelled of vanilla and roses. As Isla brushed her hands against the tub to determine if she could claw her was out the door opens. In stepped her mother as she ran over to her crying. " mother....what is....this?" she said as the back of her head still throbbed. " I did not want you to ran away before I had a proper talk with you.....regarding your sister," Her mother said still wiping her own tears. " My....sister?" Isla was confused. " know how weak your sister is. How could we send her like that.....half the king of Duxland. He may not want to marry her and invade us. But lately you have blossomed. we-....It would be best if you went instead," Viscountess said. " you want to trick the Duke?" Isla head was spinning from the news. " Yes... I beg of you to save your sister and pretend to be her. She is but a child. A true older sister would do the right thing," their mother wept. " No, I will not switch with her. I will rule WEY. No... NO...NO!" she screamed as she started to shake the tub. Her mother backed up as her sister Ava came in. " You MUST! If you don't there will be no Wey to rule. you stupid girl!" Ava said pushing past her mother and facing her sister. " No your stupid. You kidnap me and force me to be you because for once your don't want to save the city. Your selfish... immature ...Bitch and I hate you. This city can burn before I become you," Isla snarled as she spit in her sister's eye. Ava retreated as the Viscount entered. " Enough...Wey will not burn. Isla as your father but also the Viscount of Wey, I am commanding you to save Wey. It is a job only you can truly do. Ava will get this city destroyed. As smart as she thinks she are Wey's secret weapon. I would like you to assassinate the Duke of Duxland within six months' time. If not possible, it's okay we plan to invade Duxland. " Isla, Ava and The Viscountess were shocked. " Just because we are small doesn't mean they can threaten us like this. First it will start with the marriage then they will be after our resources. Ava will be too weak to say no," he glared at ava", She is not use to getting her hands dirty and thats what I need you to do. If He is too much of a match for you there are many ways to take down a man. But keep him distracted. At the moment he just likes your sister's beauty, but you are just as beautiful. Use it against him. Is this something that I can trust to the Savior of Wey?" Isla nodded, " Father.....I can do it." He patted her head as noticed there was blooded. " They were too rough with you. Sorry, We should have asked normally. Beat the guard that stroke my daughter. Ladies I trust I can leave the rest to you. Ava help your sister and stop being a pain in her ass," The viscount walked out as ava nodded. Isla hid her smile as for once she felt appreciated. Ava huffed as she said," He will never like you", as she left. The Viscountess stayed as she ordered the maids to clear up Isla's wound and dye her hair. As her hair was dye the viscountess explained a few different tricks that could help her win over the duke.