Title: My First Trading Partner is An Awaken


The past days had been busy in the Ramirez Compound again. Jimmy had been particularly hands-on for his initiatives as he can manage their urban garden along with the assistance of his sons and daughters from time to time.

For specific, they managed to harvest another batch of veggies and send it to Mr. Wong. The middle aged Chinese restaurant owners were glad that they managed to fill the quantity and quality they needed.

"Bro, father had earned more today after deducting the overhead expenses. This really proves that this kind of gardening is truly profitable business," Dylan said.

"Yep, with my liquid fertilizer, father can give back the capital we used in the greenhouse in a short period of time," Henry affirms.

He was confident with the result of the liquid fertilizer and for customers, Mr. Wong, who made the first contact, is more than enough to consume the harvested veggies in their back garden.

"I do agree, bro. I might also want to own land in the future and use the same system so that I can earn much, much money." Dylan suggested.

"I'll support you with that bro," Henry said. They had just finished placing the seeds in the set up because their father was busy cleaning the rest of the area by pulling the weeds that grew when he accidentally dropped some liquid fertilizer in their system.

After everything is done, Henry and Dylan do their own thing. He usually used three hours to train and do his breathing technique everyday.

With his enhanced mental aptitude, he is already used to buying and reading books especially when it comes to three main things; business, martial arts and human biology.

After his reading of many references, he needed to learn about his body to understand more of his training of martial arts. After he understood boxing, he wanted to train some of the self-defense techniques he was deprived of.

He also asked his sisters to at least attend some of the classes on the mainstream martial practices and they both choose the Kali or Arnis lessons.

To not be naive with their sister's endeavor, he too learned it in secret using the video clips posted by some of the vloggers on the internet.

As for their seeking of money, Henry is already satisfied with their status now. He had some 20 million savings in the bank and had a 7 million pesos cash on hand, nearly a thousand pieces of gold coins in his vault, and the liquid fertilizer that gives them profits.

On that evening, after their sumptuous meal, Jimmy approaches Henry in his room.

"Son, I need to talk to you," Jimmy said as he sat in one of the empty seats right in front of the computer set where Henry was.

"No problem, dad. What's up?" Henry had just read some of the things that interests him in the internet.

"Well, first in foremost, I am here to thank you personally for giving us the chance to have a new life. I never had expected that you not only heal me from my former self but had also made this family rich," Jimmy started.

"It's nothing, dad. I had some luck and the first thing in my mind is this family. It's a natural thing," Henry said.

"Well yeah, but I too wanted to be the father I am designed to be. So I have to ask you a favor to at least gain me some of my confidence," Jimmy said.

"What do you mean, dad?" Henry was confused and his attention was literally focused on his dad's new words.

"You see, this greenhouse you had given to me as a source of income had been profitable. As you know, I had net profit of 85,000 pesos in the first harvest and another 90,000 in the second harvest and I believe we could harvest and net profit of the same in the third harvest." Jimmy continued.

"Yeah, I know that Dylan has become your assistance with that." Henry said.

"As I was saying, with this trend of profit in only thirteen days, I had the ability to give you back the capital you had spent on this. With it, I ask you to stop spending some of the overhead expenses in the house and your sibling's education and related expenses," Jimmy finally said his concern.

When Henry heard this, he had recalled that for the past two months along with the six months where his father had a stroke, Henry had become their sole provider.

With this clue, and with the pride of his father, he realized that in their good situation right now, his father wanted to act as a father that can provide their needed things.

"I see what you mean, dad." Henry said, realizing his father's intention.

"Thank you, son. You can use your money for some other means and let me deal with the house and your siblings' expenses." His dad said.

"No problem, dad." Henry affirms. Jimmy sighs from relief after his son's assurance.

As for their daily expenses, since their family is not used to luxury and lavish life, their only upgrade from their former life is the increase of their food intake.

Even their veggies are provided by the greenhouse and they only buy meat and fishes in the market from time to time. Their expenses in the house is also in minimum for electric and water bills.

Thus, his father's only concern is the education of Dylan, Ameliah and Shienna. As for Henry, he just let him do what he wanted to do.

Jimmy also agree that his two daughters are to enroll in some self-defense arts which added to some expenses that he can provide.


Their routine had been stable and normal until late in the evening, Dylan called along with what happened to him.

"Bro, you remember the abandoned warehouses in zone 9, I'm here. Someone wanted to beat me up and they had called some of the gang members for reinforcement," Dylan whispers as he hides himself up in one part of the delapidated warehouse.

"What?! Are you safe?" Dylan was stunned in surprise.

"Yes, for now, bro. I see atleast fifty people in my sight and they have baseball bats and some metal rodes as their weapons. I had managed to deal with 10 of them but I choose to run," Dylan sammarized his experience.

"Stay put. I'm coming," Henry said and seriously prepared himself up.

"Dad! Dylan is in trouble. I need you to fetch Ameliah and Sheinna. I will fill you with the details afterwards," Henry said as he immediately run exiting their house and the subdivision.

Since it was already night time, he tried carpark to some of the buildings and with his speed and skimask, it would be impossible for someone to recognize him.

The zone 9 in their city is nearby and there are abondoned warehouses in their. In just five minutes after the call, he was now in the vicinity and after looking around, he saw around 80 people roaming around the abondoned warehouses.

"They are still looking… so my brother is still hiding." Henry thought. Just when he is about to text his brother, he saw a black figure lying down on one of the warehouses' rooftop as he too was in their.

Henry called Dylan and asked if he is the one in the rooftop and his brother answered yes.

"Yes bro. Are you here already?" Dylan asked in the phone but he just heard a wind in the other side and before he knew it, he finds another shadow besides him.

"What the!" Dylan was surprise with the man besides him. He recognized him and it was Henry.

"Bro! I never knew that you're this powerful!" Dylan still in his shock form. He remember that moment that his brother made a hole from a cement wall and had been the witness of what he did.

"Are you hurt, bro?" Henry asked as he checks the condition of his brother through is senses.

"I'm not bro. I was just tired early and when I saw that there are many of them, I immediately run here and ask for help and here I thought you come with the police," Dylan anticipated but still assured that his brother came to the rescue.

"Who are they?" Henry asked as he looks at the people looking around vicinity ad they tried to look for Dylan.

"I'm not sure, bro. They just come to me after our afternoon training in the track Someone asked if I am Dylan Ramirez and when they confirm it, they immediately attacked me with their metal rodes and bats," Dylan said.

"No one saw you?" Henry frowns.

"Yeah, I think they feared those gangs below. Their numbers alone made the other fear the bystanders near the schools." Dylan remembers.

"I do have suspicions but let's try to confirmed it with these gangs. Just stay where you are." Henry said and after placing back his skimask, Dylan saw some impossible.

"The heck! Did he just jump from here?!" Dylan saw his brother jump from their location which is about 12 meter height.

Before he knew it, he heard shouts of pains from those gang members and he even heard words like Monsters, beast and devil between shouts.

He witness his brother who is in ski-mask, who broke the legs and arms of each of the members of the gang and move like a shadow ninja in the movie.

Henry just broke the leg of the last two men who wanted to escape from the abondoned warehouses. With his enhanced senses, no one escape from him unless he allow it, just like what he did to one of the man who had escape.

"Bro. Go home, I had let one of them escape and I am in pursuit to him. I want to know who made them do this," Henry said when he called his brother who is still waiting in the rooftop of the warehouse.

"Be safe, bro. I'll go home immediately," Dylan affirms. He went down the rooftops using the pillars. With his optimized body close to F-rank awakened without his knowledge,he can easily do such task.

He make sure that no one saw him exiting the abandoned warehouses as he still hear the anguishes of pain of those 70 plus people who might had lost the strength of their arms and legs due to the brutal punishment of his brother to them.

He still clearly remember when they were still in the slum how their brother protected them from the bullies in the area. When it comes to protecting families, his oldest brother is the best of it.

"I too had some suspicions but I will let my brother do his thing. It seems that my brother had more secrets that I thought of," Dylan said to himself.

As for Henry, he still pursuing the man he let slip in the brawl. After sometimes, the man went from one alley to another and become complacent that the devil who struck them didn't follow him.

He still move to some suspicious shortcuts and made ways to the main roads and rent a taxi. Unbeknownst to him, he was still pursued by Henry in a facemask and hat.

With his physique, Henry's speed had become inhumane and is 10 times stronger than his brother who is a speudo F-rank awaken. Thus, tailing a taxi is no sweat for him.

It took him another two hour to reached the final destination. With the traffic in the city, it's normal for taxi to be stack in the road.

"So this is the place?" Henry thought after looking at the man entered the bar.

He still clearly see some people with those weird clothes danging in their bodies. Just like the people he had disabled, these individuals had some similarities.