Title: My First Trading Partner is An Awaken


"What happened to you? And where are the others?" Luis, the bar owner and the leader of the gang in the city, asked the only man who was standing in front of him.

"Boss, they were beaten by someone who might be supporting the Ramirez Family. I managed to slip away!" The man can still remember how a masked guy had literally broken his minions.

He shivers from recalling it. He still heard the cracking of bones of the arms and legs of his fellow member but he was too powerless enough as compared to their sole attacker.

He thought that 10 people was enough to beat their target but unbeknownst to them, Dylan managed to hurt them and escaped from their pursuit.

"What did you say? Someone means one, doesn't it? You were heated by one single person?" Luis exclaimed, not believing what the guy said.

"You don't understand, boss. That someone is a monster! With a kick alone, one of our members had his leg broken! It was too terrifying!" The man shivered and wanted his boss to believe it.

"That's only an excuse! I had only sent 10 people and you had asked for reinforcement and judged that Dylan is fierce enough to escape from you, and yet you said that all their legs are broken!"

"That's absurd!" To someone who had years of bullying people in his belt, what his man told him is close to impossible.

The man wanted to prove that it really did happen but Luis is unbelieving. He asked his man to go to Zone 9 where the incident had happened along with the other members of the gangs.

Without their knowledge, Henry managed to hear everything that happened in the private room where Luis talks to his man.

"Luis and BLD gang. What sort of connection do you have with my brother?" Henry thought as he waited for the people to come back.

They surely wanted to see for themselves what he did to their gang members and Henry wasn't worried about it. He made sure that each and everyone of the legs he broke can still be repaired for months if proper medicine and rest will be provided.

He is not a killer but this gives him the opportunity to use his training and knowledge to further improve.

"A small price to pay for their bullying," Henry said.


"Wew! Wew! Wew!"

These are the sirens from the ambulances and police mobile that Luis encounters as they enter the vicinity of the abandoned warehouses.

"It seems that you're telling the truth," Luis said to the man. There are other gang members on their tail and seems to have noticed that there are a lot of policies in the area.

They immediately concealed their weapons as they were instructed by Luis to get weapons they are adept with.

"Sorry boss, we failed to do your task and my brothers might need your help for their hospital bills," the man said as he looked from the window.

They still see some of their gang members who were unconscious and were carried by the rescuer and placed in the ambulance or police mobile.

"Tell me again. What kind of person does this?" Luis is stunned and surprised that his man is telling the truth. It was their first time to have this great number of people who were beaten and broken.

"It's a devil, boss. I couldn't see his face as he was in a ski-mask. Yet, his speed is fast enough that we can't see where his next target was and just like what I had told you boss, just a chop of his hands made most of my brothers break their legs and arms!"

The man replied and was still traumatized from what he personally experienced.

"Who can do this?!" Luis is angry but he manages to calm down and asks the basic question to himself.

He is also angry as the 20,000 that Francis Morante had given is not enough to pay the bills of the gang members. He knew that they would lose morale when he abandoned them like dogs to fend for themselves.

Thus, he needed to bleed along with his pocket to assure his dominance in the city. "80 people is ⅛ of my force and I can't afford to abandon them!"

"Hey Troy! You have been with me from the start and you know that this is our first time to be beaten fully. I want you and the others to monitor the Ramirez Family. There seems to be off in those people,"

Luis is also a street smart ass like Henry and he had learned that in their situation right now, he needed to gather more information before he takes another action.

They are still in the vicinity as the rescuer and police transport their members to the public hospitals nearby. Luis called Francis and updated him on what had taken place in their operation.

"No way! Are you sure it was Dylan that you targeted?" Francis asked which made Luis get more hype in anger yet he knew his place not to do it.

"You f*cking question my integrity?" Luis wanted to say but still with self control, he managed not to say it upfront.

"I'm sure bro. Can you ask your father why he wanted you not to deal with the Ramirez Family?" Luis asked still in his calm voice masquerading his anger towards the haphazard information he got from Francis.

"I'll try, brother Luis. For your trouble, I'll send 300,000 pesos for the hospital bills," Francis was also stunned by the revelation he got from Luis.

"That's generous of you, Francis. This will help a lot," Luis worried alleviated more as Francis promised the money. He knew that he might really be spending more with his carelessness and he needed to do it even if he lost a substantial amount.

They withdrew and Troy was asked to look for their members in the hospital and list down updates regarding their conditions.


Luis went back to his bar to think more of his next action. However, one of his mistakes tonight was to let his men leave his room, which he usually does when he is in deep thought.

It was a mistake this time as Henry is waiting for him. It only took him a small effort to let Luis unconscious, bind him and move towards the warehouse where only the yellow line of the police was there.

The police withdraw as they find no other clue in the warehouses. They still need to wait for the 80 people to be stable and interview them about what happened.

Thus, the warehouse is abandoned and Henry is free to use it for his business with Luis. It was already 3 o'clock in the morning and the warehouse seemed to become eery, cold and silent.

Luis was awakened by the pain he felt on his legs. However, he couldn't shout as he had some pieces of clothes in his mouth.

There he finds a man in a ski-mask which makes him recall what Troy had been telling him.

"You're awake. Good. I want names in this piece of paper on who made you target the Ramirez Family or else someone might get hurt. To tell you honestly, I was the one who sent your gang to the hospital and know this, everyone's legs and arms are broken."

"Now, if you tell me, I will still spare your life as you live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life," Henry told Luis.

After hearing this, Luis shivers as he looks at the eyes of his kidnapper. "Devil!"

He wanted to shout it as he felt an invisible pressure coming from the man in front of him. He had never felt such pressure in his whole life.

Even the pressure he felt from big people like Willy Morante is not even close to what he is experiencing right now.

It looks like the pressure has become solid that not only affects his mind but also physical.

"You don't need to look terrified, Luis. It's just that you had managed to piss the shit off the Ramirez family and you need to deal with the consequences. You hear me?!"

Henry didn't even activate his presence but the person right in front of him is truly terrified of him. "He's not worth it."

"Now, be cooperative and right down the name or names of the people behind your action," Henry said.

Right there in then, Luis lost his bladder and wetted his pants as he was frightened by the presence of his kidnapper.

He can only nod with the condition. Luis can only shiver as it was the natural act of his body from his terrified brain. He can only surrender to the man and right down the name of Francis Morante.

"It was him, again." Henry thought.

"Is this really him?" Henry asked again. "If you're lying, I would know. Your condition will be worse if you do."

Luis signals Henry to lose his mouth to talk to him and Henry does so.

"It was Francis Morante, the son of Willy Morante, the former mayor. I can only do his bidding as I am just a small gang leader and rejecting Francis means I had rejected the Former mayor himself."

Luis explains and yes, his group is only a small faction when it comes to the overall ranking of the gangs in the city.

He was just lucky to have a close relationship with Francis, making the other gang wary of him. However, he finds that the man in front of him is far more powerful as compared to the overall connection of the former mayor and he even has an inhuman kind of strength and speed.

So he gambles and switches sides to Henry and prays that he spares them.

"Prove it to me," Henry said.

"Yes, yes boss. I'll prove it to you. I have recordings of my conversations of important calls and one of them is the recent call I had made with Francis. Please check my phone," Luis said.

Henry finds the phone in his pocket. He just frowns when he hears about the word used by Luis, addressing him as boss.

He played the last phone recording and it provided what he needed.

"It's good that you're telling the truth. This spares both of your arms from being just an arm. Now tell me, why are you wary of the Morante family. Tell me and I will spare both of your legs." Henry asked.

Luis is still binded in one of the pillars of the warehouse. He couldn't see Henry but heard the question.

"Boss, spare me. I can't know everything about the Morante since I only know small details about them," Luis started.

"Go on, we still have time before the sun rises. Tell me and I will spare your legs," Henry promised even if he is still angry.

He needed to calm down before his anger got the best of him and might accidentally kill the guy next to him. Much to his surprise, Luis had given him broader information about the dirty works of the Morante family specially, Willy Morante.