Trial V: Conclusion

Storyteller's evil laughter was echoeing around the secred halls of Cour D'assisses. Sophie Durand, Pierre Lefevre, head judge Alain Dubois, ascoiate judges Isabelle Leroy and Luc Boucher, and lastly, prosecutor François Moreau as well as all the other people within the courtroom were all in silence, flabbergasted that such a normal looking person was actually an akumatised villain all along.

Alain cleared his throat as loud as he could, but Storyteller continued his laughter, even though people were turning their attention to Monsieur le Juge Dubois.

"Mr Storyteller, please stop the laughter! This is a serious platform!" Alain announced, his voice was booming and if it was a bit more cartoonish, he would have knocked down the front row of observers while also making the next two rows unbalanced, and all rows beyond would have their hair on their head fly about from the shockwave.

Storyteller finally fell silent, and it was about time too. "Oh, but I am the most serious of beings, the only thing more serious than I is a diagnosis of cancer." He informed them.

"You could have fooled me." Luc interjected with a chuckle.

"Your honors, if I may speak!" Said junior six, a young female. Her voice was a bit trembling, but could you blame her? An akumatized villain was standing in spitting distance.

"Yes, juror six?" Alain asked.

"I think we can say now that we can determine if Ladybug could be convicted with the record." Juror six noted.

"Typically, we have the defence and prosecution have their final statements, but we have a confession on the record about the truth, or at least a reasonable assumption of what the truth may be." Alain announced. "Given the circumstances, we may as well go forth with our verdict."

"Objection!" Storyteller interjected. "I've said I'm in control, my power is to rewrite reality with my book and pen."

"But—" Sophie, still as Justice Bug, began. "In order to use your ability you would need to be physically holding the pen and book, wouldn't having it now just put you in jeopardy as I can just destroy your object and make you lose your power."

"My opponent is right." François added reluctantly. "As much as I hate saying that."

"Such a thought has crossed my mind." Storyteller intoned. "After all, I wanted to make sure all my bases were covered, so that's why I had Ryan Quarry as a backup. He has my akuma, back at the hotel, he's ready to erase everyone's memory at the click of my fingers. Besides, any pen and paper I write on will also change the rules of the story."

"Was that always a part of your powers?" François asked.

"Not to begin with, so I made a rule on the back of the book just in case I needed to change the writing from a distance. So, naught you think matters, as I could easily change things to get what I and Monarch want. Just give up and allow a vote to convict Ladybug, because if you don't by your own free will, then I will force you to do it." Storyteller informed.

Justice Bug was thinking, but there was nothing she could do, she only had the key to access the hotel room which Vance Lindon/ Storyteller was staying in, she feared that if she left, then Storyteller would write something in his book changing reality into a situation where she wouldn't be able to defeat Storyteller. What could she do? What could anybody do?

"So, will I get my way, or not?" Storyteller asked. "You have zero recorse, if I get my hand on a pen and paper, or if Ryan has someone give them to me, or if Ryan uses my powers, then you're screwed. No matter how you slice it, it is game over for you, for Ladybug, for Cat Noir and for this universe."

"What do you mean?" Justice Bug asked.

"Have you not heard, wouldn't matter if you have or not, as you won't recall this after the fact, but with both Tikki's earrings and Plagg's ring, one could summon the kwami of reality and make a wish to create a new universe with those new changes added in." Storyteller explanned. "I don't care if the universe is destroyed and recreated, as my only purpose is to show that villains can indeed win, and now everyone in Paris know Ladybug and Cat Noir's identities, they will have to pass on their miraculous, and Monarch would then obtain them shortly thereafter from the new owners, and since Marinette would be monitored closely after that because of the accusation being proven true, she would not be able to intervene."

"But, your admission proves that Lila Rossi never died." Justice Bug announced.

"I never said that. All that you've proven is that I am akumatized and my mere existence and the power I have can explain what occurred." Storyteller informed.

Justice Bug was at a loss for words. Storyteller spoke a harsh truth, all along she was directing the court toward finding an akumatized villian and she succeeded, but it didn't clear Ladybug's name in the slightest, she couldn't even prove that Storyteller was akumatized prior to Lila Rossi's death.

"Surely, Monsieur Moreau, you must be aware that my existence doesn't make any headway into eraticating any part of your heavy record." Storyteller spoke, his calm was eerie and people were shaking in the background.

François nodded. "All you've proven is that someone is akumatized now, can you show he was akumatized at the beginning? Can you show he is connected to the crime in question in any way? Hmm, maybe Mr Lindon had nothing to do with the crime after all."

"While I'm in this form, the name is Storyteller." Storyteller corrected.

"My apologies, Mr Storyteller." François corrected politely.

Alain seemed to be in deep thought. "After due consideration, I am ready to make my proclamation, what Storyteller and François have spoken make sense, although Storyteller could have been in existence from day one or before the murder, I have to agree that the defence hasn't proven a solid connection between Storyteller and the death of Lila Rossi. Madame Bug, you wanted to show that an akumatized villain is in existence, and that is what you've done, but as far as it concerns trying to disassemble the record, it has led to nothing."

"Objection!" Justice Bug announced. "Your honor, I believe my stance is more valid than ever before, if you allow me to explain my theory."

"Objection!" François interjected before any of the three judges could even consider thoughts of what Madame Bug was about to reveal. "Enough of 'theories,' this is Cour D'Assisses for Paris' sake, we should think of evidence and evidence alone! What evidence shows that Vance was involved… I mean that Storyteller was involved."

"But that's the biggest problem, the evidence is in control of a villian who can change reality at the drop of a hat." Justice Bug pointed out. "I'm sure that book has all the answers!"

Storyteller laughed. "Do you think me stupid? I can change the subject of that book without either the pen or the book, when I change the book's subject the contents of the book change, so even if you get your hands on it, there is no guarantee that you'd get the precious evidence you seek."

Justice Bug was stunned into silence again.

François chuckled hautidly. "Oh, poor, sad, Sophie Durand, it appears that your little steam engine has run out of stations to visit. There is no other explanation and no other evidence. Ladybug killed Lila Rossi, now I believe it is time for final statements. Don't you think, your honors?"

The justices appeared to be in deep thought.

The doors to Cour D'Assisses opened and someone new came through. "Truth is such a fickle thing, those who control it are powerful, and it can be easily lost." The newcomer spoke. "Storyteller, don't you think it is time to give in?"

Everyone turned to the blonde man in a purple suit and purple tie with a butterfly brooch in the middle. Marinette saw him and she ran up and hugged him.

"Betterfly!" Marinette announced.

"I heard you were in trouble, young hero, and only I can assist." Betterfly remarked.

"Who are you?" Luc asked.

"I am Betterfly, but don't worry, I don't make villains like Storyteller here, I use the power of the butterfly miraculous to create heroes." Betterfly explained.

"You dare come here and mess with my story?" Storyteller asked with a ton of frustration in his voice. He took out a pen and notebook from his pockets. "I decree you leave and return to your universe."

But Betterfly didn't move. "It appears that you didn't add in a rule that allowed you to alter the story of those from alternate universes."

"Ah, that explains how you are a good wielder of the miraculous." Alain added. "You're of another world."

"Shut it, Alain!" Storyteller relayed. "I'll just change the story rules now!"

But before Storyteller had a chance, Butterfly clicked his fingers and he detransformed back into Vance Lindon. "Hey! How dare you take my powers just as I was to be rid of you, that is very unfair!"

"Unfair? I've only been in Paris for an hour and I've learnt it was you who has been unfair by creating a plan that reveals Ladybug and Cat Noir's identities and put Ladybug in a position where she'd be forced to give up her miraculous one way or another." Betterfly explained.

"How did you know about that?" Vance asked.

Everyone in court gasped.

"Reconnaissance, reveal yourself." Betterfly called out.

An orb shape came out from the wall, it looked like it was reflecting what was behind it, like it was camoflaging itself by blending in with the walls, but it dropped its camouflage and the orb turned out to be Max's robot companion, Markov. He appeared to have neon outlines.

"I'm here Betterfly." Reconnaissance announced.

"Who's that?" Vance asked.

"I needed intel, and Markov here was more than happy to help. I kamikotized him to give me the information I wanted before I came here to confront you. You thought you could keep your akumatization from me? No, I picked it up before Ubiquity told me anything about why I was summoned here." Betterfly explained.

"You think this is over? I'll just get a new akuma and—" Vance started to speak.

"I'll just purify you again, over and over, never relenting, the same as you." Betterfly interrupted.

"Fine, but you should see that this accomplishes nothing, evil will prevail over good eventually, and when it does, it will be spectacular!" Vance then stomped out.

"It appears the biggest influence on this courtroom has been eraticated, Reconnaissance, would you scan for one Élise Martin in the court."

Justice Bug was curious. "Why would you scan for her?" She asked.

"Who are you?" Betterfly asked.

"I am Sophie Durand, but you can call me Justice Bug." Justice Bug relayed.

"The outfit you choose for the transformation into a ladybug themed superheroine is magnificent." Betterfly remarked. "My reconnaissance showed me that she had significance in the record provided to this court."

"She is significant." François added. "But let me ask, why do you think you have the power to speak Cour D'Assisses?"

"If you could just trust me, I can have the truth dragged to the surface, I know you'd hate to hear it if it clears Ladybug's name." Betterfly continued.

François crossed his arms and huffed derisively. "You should ask if you're still allowed to be here."

"He can stay." Luc quickly replied.

"I like this neat twist, a good holder of the butterfly brooch? I can only see good things." Isabelle added.

"We are dealing with things where all judges and lawmakers of France can't agree with, we are playing a game with cards which have rules beyond comprehension. I think anything should go." Alain added. "Betterfly has already saved us all from a dark fate by eraticating Storyteller, so I think we should trust his opinion despite the strict procedures of Cour D'Assisses."

François was frustrated, he was close to blowing a blood vessel, and jurors three and six were in the splash zone. "Fine, but you'll all be in big trouble when I tell the politicians about this!"

"Thank you." Betterfly said with a bow.

"I have found Élise Martin, what now?" Reconnaissance asked as Élise came forward as if being pushed by an invasible hand and she had a frustrated look on her face.

"Would you mind scanning her DNA and fingerprints." Betterfly asked.

"Information gathering is my thing, Monsieur Fly. Stay still Mlle Martin, this won't hurt and it won't take long." Reconnaissance added. He then did a scan of Mlle Martin and then had a confused look on his display. "These readings don't make sense, master."

"What's wrong, Reconnaissance?" Betterfly asked.

"The results identify Élise Martin as Lila Rossi." Reconnaissance replied.

There were some mumors in the background.

"There has clearly been some mistake." Élise added.

"I made Reconnaissance infallible. He can't be wrong," Betterfly noted. "So if Reconnaissance says you are Lila Rossi, then you must be Lila Rossi."

There were even more mumors now.

"I think he's right." Justice Bug spoke up.

"Oh, why do you think that? He's… what word did Betterfly use? Kamikotized? Yeah that, can we trust his judgement!" François added.

"Pierre Lefevre, what are your thoughts?" Justice Bug asked.

"I think Betterfly is speaking the truth." Pierre relayed. "I interviewed her personally and I couldn't help but feel that her narrative was more personal than it appeared and if she is Lila Rossi, it would cement those feelings for sure."

Alain appeared to be in thought again.

"Your honor, I suggest you believe Reconnaisance's findings." Betterfly relayed. "If we continue this trail just to get proper evidence to prove that Mlle Martin is indeed Lila Rossi, then we give Monarch a chance to bring Storyteller back in the middle of the night while I will be asleep and we already know what kind of havoc he can bring."

"Reconnissance's findings will stand, Mlle Martin, you will explain yourself." Alain announced.

Élise seemed shocked to the core. "I… I…" she was looking for the right words, but she couldn't find them. She sighed in defeat. "I am Lila Rossi."

The court exploded with outrage. All along, the Lila Rossi who was the victim had been fake and the real Lila Rossi had been alive all this time. There was anger and frustration, and François had an utterly defeated look on his face, as if his soul left his body.

There were no closing statements. Since the murder never occured, the jury ruled to strike the record away. Ladybug was saved, but it was too late, everyone knew that she was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Justice Bug spoke: "Miraculous Justice Bug" and tossed the key into the air. The fake body vanished from the morgue in front of the mortician's eyes. But the memories remained and so did Monarch's latest ring.