The Tale Ends

Sophie Durand was in the lobby, she was back in her civilian outfit and François was across the area with a scowl on his face and he was grinding his teeth, the sound of which was echoing through the area, and Sophie noticed that he was doing it so fast that she thought she could smell smoke coming from his mouth, but it was all in her head. Marinette had taken off the costume she was wearing and she was now in a suit and tie that she had designed and made herself, the same dark blue of her hair with a beige tie, and some flowers printed here and there. She was wearing Tikki's jewels and Tikki was floating beside Marinette, Marinette was fixated on Tikki as she was relaying all the awful things that had happened to her, and as she did so, you could see pain in her little face and eyes, Monarch never took away the curse he enforced on Tikki, so now she had to suffer the consequences, but getting all the information off her chest was the priority and she'd just have to deal with a pain akin to a woman birthing ten children all at once.

Betterfly walked across the way from the entrance, there was a little purple butterfly attached on his shoulder like a parrot to its owner. It flapped its wings every now and then to signify the fact it was alive. He bowed and the butterfly hovered in place as he did so, and it landed back on him as he got up.

"Forgive my lateness, Marinette, I had to return our little robotic friend to his maker." Betterfly relayed.

"Thanks for getting rid of that vile akuma." Marinette said in return.

"I've never met a villain like him," Sophie added. "He had thought everything out."

"Not everything, he seemed surprised to see my arrival." Betterfly noted.

"Maybe he got really excited when he saw Lila Rossi in his storybook that he skipped over the events where he came to Paris." Marinette guessed.

"And because of the book…" Sophie added thoughtfully. "Monarch must have assumed that his newly-found assistant would have known or found out about the events you speak of."

"It certainly would not have been easy if he managed to change the rules before I could get his Akuma out of him." Betterfly added.

"No doubt there aren't many universes out there where you're a good guy." Sophie added.

"Are you presuming that I am destined for evil in all but my own universe?" Betterfly asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Sophie remained mute.

"But, Storyteller is still a big problem, he could become akumatized at any point and repeat this nightmare all over again!" Marinette added.

"Don't fret about him," Betterfly added. "Now that your time traveling friend is free to enter this timeline once more, I'm sure she is attending to Mr Lindon as we speak."

Meanwhile, Bunnix was with Vance, they were beyond Paris, but still in France. "Let me go, you pesky lepus!" Vance demanded, he was trying hard to release himself from his bounds, but they wouldn't relent.

"23rd century binds, they are designed to be inescapable." Adult Bunnix informed.

"Why did you come here? You're endangering yourself!" Vance recalled.

"My past self is looking over the time stream as well. If anything will go awry, she will show to help me overcome the odds, two heads are better than one." Bunnix said with a cocky smile.

Returning to the lobby, Alya and Nino entered and Alya hugged Marinette and Nino went next to Adrien who was no longer in his Cat Noir suit, he had left the male restroom a few minutes beforehand.

"Oh thank goodness you're ok and the nightmare is over!" Alya remarked.

"Dude!" Nino said when he was by Adrien. "Why didn't you tell me you were Cat Noir? That's like the coolest secret of the century!"

"Well after you blabbed about Alya and your identities, I didn't think I could trust you with something so earth-shattering." Adrien explained.

"Excuase me!" Alya exclaimed loudly enough for her voice to echo around the lobby for three seconds. "You did what Nino?!"

"I may have told my best bud in the world that you were Rena Rouge and I was Carapace." Nino relayed, hand behind his neck and with a nervous chuckle.

"Without consulting me first?" Alya asked.

"Hey, it was when I thought you'd abandoned me for Cat Noir, I know better now." Nino said defensively.

Alya shook her head with her hand on her face. "I swear you are going to give me an aneurysm when we're in our thirties."

Betterfly came over. "Did you bring what I asked of you?"

Alya opened a rucksack she was wearing and took out a tablet.

"Hey isn't that?" Nino spoke.

"Yes, it is the tablet we were playing super penguino on that day in Montparnasse Tower." Alya confirmed.

Just then, Lila, who was now out of her Élise Martin disguise, was leaving the lady's room, and Marinette spotted her.

"Lila, wait!" Marinette called out and Lila Rossi froze. "Hold off on anything until I get back."

"Do what you think you need to." Betterfly remarked. "My little kamiko is a patient one, he, unlike Monarch's akuma, can wait."

Marinette went to Lila, and she didn't look happy.

"Aren't you glad now, I have to change my whole life because of this ordeal!" Lila remarked, her anger could break the Louver pyramid.

"I'm sorry, Lila!" Marinette announced, her voice echoing through the lobby.

"Sorry? It's too late for sorry, I began a war, and I want to be the victor of it, 'sorry' will not stop what you've begun, you will lose everything you hold dear!" Lila forewarned.

Marinette took off her earrings. "Tikki, I renounce you." She said and you could see a look of dread on Tikki's face before she vanished. Marinette held out her earrings. "I made two enormous mistakes, and maybe I'll never make up for them. I forgot to be the bigger person and I didn't see how much pain it would have caused me, I don't deserve this."

Lila was opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish. She didn't know what to say.

"I should have seeked your friendship, I should have done what was right, and lies be lies, or make them true, I should have done anything else to help you on a path of righteousness, but all I've done was make you more bitter and for that alone I have lost the right to wield these earrings, and I'm sure you'd be a better savoir of Paris than I've been. Besides, since you're so good at lying, keeping the fact that you have the earrings would be child's play and with your good handling of disguises, changing your costume design at a whim would be easy as pie." Marinette added enthusiastically.

Lila was stunned in shock, this was totally not in the cards, a complete change of character for Marinette. "Have you finally lost it? I thought you hate liars."

"I do, it's not right, but I should never have done what I did." Marinette added humbly. "I made you resent both sides of me, Ladybug with the mask and Marinette without. But now you have the earrings, you only get to see half of me."

Lila pushed them back. "I can't accept these, a liar like me could never be the savor of Paris! You know, I was going to steal these myself if I ever got my hands on the butterfly miraculous, but now, I think that we could work together to be friends, but that may take a while, you have a lot to make up for, Mlle Dupain-Cheng."

Marinette nodded and she went back to Betterfly and put on her earrings.

"Why did you go and do that?" Betterfly asked with a quizzacle expression. "You do realise that she will forget about all of this."

"I know, but I wanted to see what happened if I tried." Marinette answered.

"You really are worthy of being the holder of the power of creation." Betterfly remarked.

"Tikki, you can return now, I no longer renounce you." Marinette spoke cheerfully.

Tikki returned. "You know, if I could have heart attacks, I would have had one if I was put into Lila's servitude." She joked.

"I will trust you to keep this under wraps, little Tikki?" Betterfly inquired.

"That's an odd question, I'm sure Oblivio erased my memory before." Tikki remarked.

"That's all I needed to know." Betterfly added.

"Wait!" Adrien interjected. "Are you sure we have to forget the entire week? Can't any of us remember anything… I don't want to lose the one I love. I want to remember it all!"

Young Bunnix came through her burrow. "Sorry, Adrien, for the timestream to mend, everyone has to forget and those who don't will have to hold the heavy secret chained in their hearts."

Adrien looked woefully at Marinette. "I love you, Marinette."

"I know, Cat Noir." Marinette replied.

They both cried.

"Are you ready, Alya and Nino?" Betterfly added.

"As much as I don't want to break my bro's heart, what must be done will be done." Nino replied.

"I agree." Alya added.

They both grabbed a hold of the tablet and Betterfly's kamiko went from his shoulder to the tablet. A glowing mask appeared on both their faces.

"Blank Slate, I am Betterfly, I ask you to assist me in erasing the events that have happened over the last seven days from the memories of all on the planet, do you agree to this?"

"What about you?" They both asked.

"I will remember to return to my universe, I won't know why I came, but I would know I don't belong and to whom to visit to return." Betterfly relayed.

"To save our future, we must forget the past." They both relayed and then they transformed into a light purple being with a device on one arm.

"Your range is infinite, make sure everyone forgets." Betterfly added.

"What about Bunnix, and the calendar?" Blank Slate asked.

"Don't worry, time will adjust itself accordingly." Young Bunnix informed.

Meanwhile, future Bunnix was in Monarch's liar and he was frozen by a venom sting. Bunnix had brought the future bee holder and had them freeze him and she took the spare ring with her to the future for later disposal. She contacted Betterfly. "I have the extra ladybug miraculous, ready when you are."

"Now, Blank Slate." Betterfly added.

Blank Slate did as commanded.

It was the next day, a perfect Paris weekend, Marinette was on a jog when she saw Daniel Democles, very much in the same trouble as he was in Jubilation, she had no idea of anything in the past, she knew not that time had been manipulated, that there was a disturbance in her tale, but the story continues from here on out just as it did in the show, the week of horror was gone, erased from all memory, not even Alya and Nino knew the truth, and Alya was confused to see Betterfly back so soon after leaving, but she didn't tell anyone, she wasn't informed of anything, because Betterfly couldn't explain it. The only two who knew the truth were present Alix and future Alix.

But now, reader, you know the truth, a truth that nobody else is aware occurred, not even the ones who made the truth occur. As for Vance and Ryan and the book? All back in England, they resumed their lives and Vance's book was never published. He was upset that he failed, as he was so self-important that he thought he'd win no matter what. He didn't know he had won, but that week was gone, and he didn't notice that a week had passed. Nobody did. Everything was as it should be.

The End