//August 4th 1521

//Kingdom of Dressrosa

"Alright folks ! Time to get excited again. After then not so exciting second round we are finally going to commence the third round of the elimination match. If you are wondering why I am telling you to get excited then here is the reason !

There are several big shots participating in this round.

Marine rear admiral Ginna the giant !

Captain of the lobster pirates, Crab ! With a bountie of 190 million barries.

And finally the winner of the last year martial tournament, Rebecca the gladiator !

Along side them, there are 197 strong participants were also participating in the fight !

So folks ! Get ready for some action !"

With this announcement, the crowd erupted into cheers.

Rebecca crossed the bridge from gladiator's corner to reach the arena.

She could here some inappropriate comments on her body from the crowd. But she decided to ignore them as always.

"Now that all of the participants have reached the arena, the fight will start at sun as The Red flag is dropped.

So get ready !"

Rebecca unseathed her sword. Although the fight has yet to start, many fighters are taking positions. She has been surrounded by a lot of bruly men. And from the lobster tattoos on their body, she guessed that those were the crew members of the big shot captain the announced about. The giant rear admiral was standing on the other side of the arena just opposite to her gripping her axe. Another man about 15 feet tall with half human and half crab appearance was standing just next to the giant rear admiral ready to take her down. If she has to guess, then the man was a zoan devil fruit user. Probably the pirate captain Crab.

Rebecca took a deep breath. And soon as The Red flag dropped she swang her claymore extremely fast in a horizontal manner. All of the nearest pirates were bisected in half without even getting the chance to do anything. Their lifeless body fell on the floor of the arena as her slash flew out from her sword continuing to go vertically. Most of the participants in the distance saw the incoming attack, and decided to dodge. But a few arrogant people who were unfortunate enough to try blocking her attack, met the same fate as the pirates.

Rebecca ignored the pool of blood under her feet and dashed forward with her sword.

The pirate captain Crab, seeing most of his crew getting killed like that was enraged. He changed his plan to go after the marine rear admiral. Instead he dashed towards Rebecca.

But the rear admiral Ginna took this moment of advantage to put the pirate scum in his place.

But unfortunately for her, Crab has trained well in his colour of observation. He saw through the incoming attack and blocked it with his tough zoan skin.


"My my, dear Rebecca is going all out from the start. Killing those pirates like that was cruel don't you think ? Lao G..." Monnet asked the old man sitting beside her.

"She has gotten stronger from the previous year. I have to admit that I may not able to defeat her anymore." Lao G nodded. Although Rebecca was not the part of Don xiote family, Trebol believed that she will become one day. She is a user of the colour of the supreme king. So it was natural for her to be a little rebellious. But Lao G didn't mind as long as his young master approved of her.

"By the way, I can tell that you are not here to win. So why did you participate in the first place ?" Monnet asked again.

"I have my reasons. And besides why are you here anyway. As far as I remember if you are not busy with any task then you were busy trying to get into young master's pants." Lao G didn't hide his disgust about monnet. Ever since young master has rescued the siblings Monnet has been trying to seduce young master. Of course young master never give her any chance but it was really disgusting to

Lao G.

"The young master is spending some private time with princess viola. Most of the important bettings will happen in next 2 days. And because young master is busy most of the time he decided to blow off some steam." Monnet said with a scowl in her face.

She never liked Viola. And one of the main reason for that was despite all her efforts, Viola is the only woman, Doflamingo ever gave a chance. And the most infuriating thing for Monnet was that Viola didn't even felt grateful to her young master.

"Are you questioning young master's choice ?" Lao G asked with a frown on his face.

Monnet decided to drop the matter. She will get nothing but headaches if she decided to argue with the old geezer.

So instead she looked towards the arena where the fight is getting intense.


When he entered the new world with his crew crab understood that it was not like Paradise where he could do as he pleases. The most important thing to survive the new world was to get under the banner of an emperor or get crushed by them. Out of four emperors he deleted the option of two of the emperors. Big mom and White beard.

From what he had heard about the reputation of big mom, she was very demanding and a psycho-glutton who could devour his crew, if he failed any task given by her.

White beard is a lot better option but the thing was he was very old. Even though he was the strongest man alive, the age will cash up to him sooner rather than latter.

So the only two options left were beast pirates under Kaido or red haired Shanks.

Again Shanks could have been a better option, but the thing was he was a adventure loving emperor who does not stay in one place. Not to mention he did not support plundering civilians in general. And there are many more unspoken rule he had to follow if he had joined red haired Shanks.

So his final option was joining Kaido.

Due to his zoan devil fruit, he was easily accepted by Kaido. But to prove his worth Kaido asked him to bring the devil fruit that was the prize for this year's martial tournament.

That's why he came to Dressrosa and joined the tournament along with his crew. He told them to do as the please as long as they delete as much competition as they can, in the elimination round. But he had never thought that, is entire crew minus his vice captain would be killed as soon as the tournament started.

He was extremely angry and wanted to teach the bitch, who killed them, a lesson. But he was interrupted by the damned rear admiral. He was boiling in anger.

So he decided to take all that anger on the giant. But before he could, another flying sword slash came on his path. Even though he noticed it with his observation haki, he was not fast enough to dodge the attack. The attack cleanly sliced through one of his crab legs. And he screamed in agony.

The worst thing about this exchange was, Rebecca wasn't even aiming at him.


AN: Alright guys, I should make this clear now to avoid further confusion.

Currently Rebecca is on the level of Dressrosa Zoro.

But she was still weaker than Doflamingo.


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One piece Snake Empress

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a useless girl

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You can also read the advance chapters of my other fanfictions in the tier FanFiction phase 1.

Check out

Side Character with Cheats SI Tenten

Uzumaki Naruko

Naruto: Asmodeus Template

Reborn as a Useless girl
