That's Final

Jace walk back into the hall room, his eyes focused on Ivanie who laughed with Britney while they sampled the product laid out .

"Look at this it exactly your skin tone" Britney told Ivanie who nodded.

"Goodness it smells nice, here" Ivanie said sniffing the cream and bringing it Britney nose to also take a sniff

Jace approach her.

"Iva...." Jace was about calling

" Ivanie?"

Ivanie turn to see the guy who had introduced himself as James earlier.


He said something to her which jace didn't hear but she followed him out any way.

"Dang it" Jace mutter watching him lead her away.

Ivanie walk out the school hall and went back stage, Vlad sat in one of the seats talking to his team mates.

James approach Vlad and said something in his ears, he look up to see Ivanie before looking away again.

James went away to get something and Vlad continue listening to what his team mates has to offer.

Ivanie stood awkwardly wondering what he has for her to have her standing without a word, Ivanie look over at Xenia fondly admiring the female non comparable behavior , she is a total female boss, she knows what she wants and stands firmly on her rights not intimated by others.

Ivanie was called by James again, she turn to approach him and he took her to a room where series of bags were laid out.

Ivanie gasped seeing the content inside.

"I thought the gifts has already been distributed, what are this?" Ivanie asked James her eyes brimming with excitement after all she's a female.

Sir Vlad want you to have this, you can distribute it with your friend if you want they are all yours." James told her.

"Really?" Ivanie squeak running over to check out the content.

It was a limited collection skin care products and they were a total of Five of them.

"Oh oh thank you I love this", Ivanie said taking them all in her hands, she didn't mind it being heavy and was almost running out the room.

By the time Ivanie arrived back in the almost empty hall with a hand filled with Touch bag.


"Hmmm", Britney turn to look at Ivanie who wave at her.

"Are those??" Britney squeak out.

Ivanie nodded and the two began screaming, soon enough girls Start rushing towards Ivanie who tried running away with Britney .


Jace threw his school bag on the bed angrily, he took out his phone and tried calling Ivanie whose was unreachable.

"The number you are trying to call is unreachable at the moment please....." Jace turned the line off.

'it not possible right, there's no way Ivanie was leaving him for that man,they grew up together right from the beginning he has always liked her he finally took the courage to make her his and the Vlad of a guy was just going to snatch her away. No way possible '

Jace change his clothes in a hurry and went out the house again.


"Did you deliver the packages to Ivanie?" Vlad asked James who replied.

"Yes sir Vlad she loved it, she wouldn't stop smiling."

Vlad nodded , they were back at the office and all were preparing their file for the next day.

Vlad took his phone casually resting his back on his swirling chair, he went through the pictures on his phone and stopped at the picture of a chubby little girl.

Little Ivanie was the cutest he ever seen, she grew up like fine wine, he dropped the phone on his desk and sat upright to check his recent schedule.


Xenia laughed chatting with her best friend on the phone.

"So tell is there anything to gist me about, you know you and....." Her friend made face trying to get Xenia to understand.


"Oh don't play dumb we both know what going on in your head." Her friend said.

"Come on Karina there's nothing" Xenia told her.

"What you are still on your one-sided love story, when would you tell Vlad you love him, you have kept your feelings to your self for the past years since high school isn't it ridiculous to keep pursuing the matter" Karina said.

"No Karina, Vlad seems aloof most of the time, you know how he his, you can barely predict what he has in mind." Xenia said.

"Hmmm, I feel pity for you my friend, you should give up already Vlad seems like he would take shit, him not confessing to you or giving hits really seems like he's not interested in you" Karina said.

"That not true he thinks am capable, Vlad is different he doesn't show he wants something but he gets it at the end". Xenia defended.

"Poor you dear" Karina told her which brought a smile on Xenia face.

A knock came on the door.

"Come in, Xenia called out .

"I would catch up with you later Karina" the line went off.

An employee walk in to show Xenia some work documents.


Ivanie phone rang, she rushed to the room from the bathroom to pick it up.


"Ivanie am outside the gate come out" he told her.

"What?" She said surprised, he sounded pissed.

Ivanie walk towards her room window and look out, indeed Jace stood outside.

The line went off and Ivanie turned away to get dressed.

She rushed out the mansion in her flip flops and out the building, her hair wet unable to dry it because of Jace sudden visit.

"Jace? what this about why did you come without a notice you know how my dad is if he sees you here he would...."

"Was it your dad's doing?" Jace asked not letting her finish her sentence.

"What??" Ivanie asked confused at his questions.

"The engagement was it your dad??" Jace asked his voice raising, he tried calming himself not to cause a scene.

Ivanie looked at him shocked unsure how he found out, she tried recollecting how she had spilled the beans to him somehow but she couldn't recollect.

"I .....I .....I Jace it not what you are thinking I....? Ivanie stammer trying to find the right words to explain to him.

"Then what am I thinking? that my girlfriend is getting engage to another man and am not aware of it, how fair is that. Tell me Ivanie"

"You don't understand Jace I don't want this either but my dad won't let me refuse, okay I have been trying to reason with him on this but nothing is working fine" Jace breathing calm in pants, he is seriously angry, Ivanie tried explaining things to him but he isn't having it.

"No I don't approve of this alliance, you can't go through with this and that final " Jace said he then turn away and left in his car.

"What's it with and finals," Ivanie mutter to her self feeling bad about it he situation, she can't bear to fight with Jace, he was her best friend growing up but now he's her boyfriend and her relationship with him is collapsing.

Ivanie turn away and walk back in, from the corner was parked a black SUV which windshield was rolled down to see the outside.

Vlad watch the argument between the two, Jace drive away angrily.

Vlad watch Ivanie made her way in looking all pissed off

He does feel like the bad guy not because of Jace but because Ivanie seems to be the one struggling the most.

He could end the whole ordeal with just a snap of his of his finger but he made a promise years ago and he was only fulfilling it.

"Sir should we proceed to drive in the shanks mansion" the Chauffeur ask but Vlad replied.

"No drive me home, It been a long day" Vlad said closing his eyes while his arms remained folded.

"Okay sir" the chauffeur replied.


"What?? You are getting engaged and it tomorrow," Britney exclaimed looking at Ivanie who explained the situation to her and Malachi.

"Yes it already fixed" Ivanie told her.

"How come you are telling me this now" Britney asked feeling annoyed at her friend for hiding such news.

"I didn't know what to do, it was so sudden" Ivanie replied.

"But isn't it kind of illegal to get you married you aren't eighteen yet," Britney said.

"Yeah I thought about that it useless, am turning eighteen next month so it not really illegal". Ivanie told her.

"So you are getting tied down to a man who his in his mid twenties" Malachi said .

"Don't put it that way you idiot " Britney told Malachi who shrug.

"So it the reason why things has been tensed between you and Jace" Britney said and Ivanie nodded.

"Jace wouldn't say a word, for the past few days he does his thing avoiding you like a plague." Malachi told her.

Ivanie sigh and look away.

"Your dad is on another level , he didn't even spare you the chance to voice your opinion." Britney said.

Ivanie said nothing.

"You should be at the ceremony tomorrow I can't do this alone." Ivanie said.

"If it involves nice drinks then you'd see me there tomorrow. Malachi said.

"You are hopeless" Britney told him and he grinned.

"Well it an engagement not marriage yet, it won't hurt much to make it work right and just listen to your dad, he won't force the marriage on you, if you don't want it then you do as you please " Britney advice.

Ivanie sigh tiredly she was really speechless on this one.

"Thanks Brit I don't know what I would do without you " Ivanie said.