No engagement

The day of the engagement finally arrived, Ivanie sat in her room extremely sleepy, she kept on yawning as her hair was being made.

Her my mom had woke her up at the hour of dawn, so she could be ready before twelve and honestly it was unnecessary, because she was done with the necessities by eight, it not like dressing up for ones engagement took long.


Britney rush into Ivanie room all dressed up, her hair was down to cover her back as she was wearing a strapless flare gown which stop below her knees.

"Yes Brit, why do you seem to be in a hurry is anything wrong " Ivanie asked.

Vladimir... Vladimir Markin is your betrothed??? Damn Ivanie" Britney said totally surprised.

"Yes he is? Well it not special why do sound like that" Ivanie asked looking at confused.

"Ivanie he's a total hot cake do you know what that means, it mean you going to be a famous Markin, you just have to blend to his lifestyle while being the CEO wife" Britney said dramatically.

"What wait a minute, I thought we didn't want this taking place?" Ivanie asked surprised at Britney change of decision.

"Not while I found out who it was, am totally team Vlad no more " Britney shook her head placing her stand.

"I can't believe you Brit you are something else, am trying to figure things out with Jace and you are only adding salt to my wound" Ivanie said adjusting on the bed properly.

"Think of it Ivanie, both you and Jace grew up being best friends, are you really sure about your feelings for Jace, I mean we all grew up being close so it only right if we know each other and somehow we catch feelings. I mean it could be infatuation at first but later on it might grow or not.

Jace is a fine guy so is Malachi, one of two could have propose a relationship and you accept either way, cause you think it only right you date someone you are familiar with. Look Jace is my friend too and am not trying to cause a rift between you two, but think about it since you have started dating Jace have you truly loved him, be fond of him, have you wish to see him every minutes of the day, truly miss him. You are still young Ivanie and marriage isn't the option, you still have a lot to achieve and people to meet, but first how about you try getting to know someone outside this circle hmmmm" Britney said giving Ivanie a long lecture.

Ivanie breathe out and said.

"You should really take up the course of counselling, you are the best at it, truly fits you" Ivanie said and began laughing.

Britney gave a hit on the arm and said.

"I was being serious you idiot"


Vlad sat down in his room leg crossed looking out his room window, the engagement later was made in terms of an event with lots of investors who wishes a Collaboration between Touch and Shanks fabric to strive a deal.

Mr Shanks is one man who don't cease to let opportunity slide by, getting his young daughter married while receiving the benefits was something Shanks could do, his nonchalant attitude towards his children was what made Ivanie what she is today, nonchalant and rude.

"Sir the celebration is starting soon,we should head to the shanks mansion. Your mom has called up to three times, should I pick her calls?" James said.

"No let be on our way" Vlad said and grab his coat existing the room along side with James.


"Are you should you don't want to go to this celebration, I mean you could interfere with the engagement if you are clear on not wanting it to take place" Malachi said.

"Don't push it Malachi you know things like this shouldn't he messed around with" Jace said dropping his phone on the bed while walking to his closet.

"Right..... I forgot you are such a momma's boy, and your mom isn't to be messed with" Malachi told.

"So where are you off to?" He asked again.

"Not sure I would just take a stroll around the estate" Jace replied.

"I knew it would be a problem when you two started to eye each other, the entire friendship is a mess, we can't walk around with you and leave Ivanie alone and so as Ivanie, you both should resolve your issues already" Malachi told him.

Jace stop for a brief moment but said nothing he continued ransacking through his many collections of designer wears.

"Oh look at that times up I should head to the engagement party now, sorry Jace it your lost move on" Malachi said patting him on the shoulder before moving out Jace room.

"Hello Aunty Nena" Malachi greeted Jace mom on the way.

"How are you dear", the young middle age woman who looks nothing like forty something she was rather than look in her early thirties, replied Malachi.

"Jace dear, are you going out?"

"Yes mom"

"Alright, grab me some things from the store on your way back, I would send you the details" His mom said and he nodded.

Jace grab his leather jacket and made his way out.


Ivanie walk down the stairs to see series business Men present at the party.

"Is this a engagement party or some sort of business function I don't know anymore" Britney said to Ivanie hearing.

"My dad loves opportunities" Ivanie replied.

"Of course he does" Britney said.

"Come here Ivanie, Mr shanks called her over. She excused herself from Britney who shooed off to get a drink.

Her father introduced her to his business partner and friends with a very diplomatic smile he barely show them at home.

Vlad walk in the place, few reporters present took shots of him.

Ivanie who was starting to get bored by her father's introductions suddenly look back to see Vlad walk in with so much vigour.

'you should try meeting other people from outside our circle '

Britney words rang in her head.

For once Ivanie properly appreciate Vlad beauty. No beauty was for women,.Vlad is a man a real man Unlike Jace.....

'Don't do that Ivanie don't compare Jace with Vlad Jace he's a.... He's good '

'But does Vlad look so different today was she seeing things wrongly all along, why does he seem to carry all the charisma in the room, people either bow to him or try to avoid direct contact with him.'

She never once delve into his life to understand what sort of person he was but seeing him now he was rather different from the one she saw the last time.

He always seem talkative with her and does a lot of teasing, but he seems rather strict while approaching others. Even back at her school seminar he was so serious addressing his work team and had only spared a few seconds of stare.

'Who is Vladimir and what kind of life does he lives'


She turn to see Mrs Markin walking up to her, she share a hug with her.

"You look so beautiful, you are the right choice for Vlad am happy" Mrs Markin said.

Ivanie gave a brief smile and the rest was handled by her mom who spoke to the Markin family.

Malachi walk towards Ivanie with a cold glass of orange juice in his hands, he handed her the glass.

"Thank you" Ivanie appreciated gulping down the content she sigh in relief after her dry throat became smooth again.

"When did you arrive?, I haven't seen you since morning" Ivanie asked .

"Just a while ago, I was standing around the corner " Malachi replied.

"Ohhh" Ivanie mouthed, she look back as if in search of someone.

"Don't bother he isn't coming" Malachi said.

Ivanie turn to glare at him.


Jace dropped the vegetables in the cart and push them to the pay section, the cashier check his goods and call out the pay.

" I would scan" Jace said, the cashier look up to see Jace was the one Infront of her.


Jace look up to see who it was.

Jeannie smiled but seeing as he stare at her confused , she reintroduced her self.

"It Jeannie, you saved me from those bullies the last time" she said, Jace recollected and nod his head before preparing to scan again.

"I didn't thank you the last time, thank you" Jeannie offered her appreciation.

"No big deal" his goods was bagged and Jace carried it out existing store.

Jeannie chased him out stopping him from going further, Jace looked down at her wondering what was wrong.

"Why don't I treat you to dinner as a thank you?" Jeannie offered.

"Not necessary you already showed your gratitude and am okay with it" Jace replied and began walking again but Jeannie stopped him.

Jace seethe annoyed.

"What now?"

" have have this, it delicious" Jeannie dropped a bottle of soft drink in his hand before running off back to the store.

Jace stare at juice before looking back at the girl who had ran off.

He muttered.

"What was that?" He shook his head head walking back to his car.


Vlad excused him self and approach Ivanie who was back to standing on her own.

"Come on now guys it time to start the reason we are here today, Mr Shanks said clapping his hand to gather everyone together.

Ivanie look up at Vlad and back away as soon as he looked down at her.

A few words were exchanged and it was time to exchange the ring getting fully engaged.

Vlad suddenly raised his hand and the music stopped.

Everyone looked at themselves confused .

'what going on?'

'what Vlad doing '

"What going on Vladimir ?" Mrs shanks asked.

He look over at her and reply.

"Nothing much"

Vladimir took the ring box from her and set it aside, he turn to look at the audience who stare at them with anticipation, for the two to finally get engaged.

Ivanie look at Vlad and her brow arch she asked.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't force yourself to do things you don't want to do" Vlad told her giving her a little smile. Mr shank move forward and asked.

"What's going on Vlad", Mr Shanks chuckle nervously.

"There won't be an engagement today", His voice thundered in the hall and a murmur erupt amongst the crowd of people, reporters began capturing the moment for a hot topic for tomorrow news.

"Make sure no one goes out with a single picture" Vlad whisper to James while unbuttoning his first two button.

He turn to Ivanie who stare at him shocked, and he said to her.

"Go to your room Ivanie you look like you need to catch up on your beauty sleep" he said to her.

Ivanie turned without looking at her parents she went up to her room.