I won't bother you

"What going on Vlad why stop the engagement?" His mother Mrs Markin asked.

I think it too soon to hold an engagement we have discussed about it like a week ago, Ivanie is too young to understand this things we should give a space to understand things better" Vlad said.

"But she fine with it, I don't hear her complaining" Mr Shanks said pissed.

"Because you choose not to" Vlad replied him and Mr Shanks swallowed.

"We shall continue the celebration, but this time it would be a Collaboration between the two family, not merging."

Vlad signal James to come forward and his PA did handing him a file in which Vlad opened to show the rest of the people.

"This is the contract of Shanks and Touch working together on a project, the details will be given out, and if you are interested in investing see my team who are at the back." Vlad said pointing to Xenia who had just arrived.

Xenia had a foul mood which was written all on her face, he face was so red it could explode. She excused herself to use the rest room.

Xenia push down the magazines placed on the coffee table place in the guest room.

"Vlad how could you this to me?" She dung her hand into her hair.

'The engagement was cut off'

"It not going to hold, it not going to hold" Xenia chant going left and right.

"Vlad has to be mine no matter what I can't lose her to that kid no!"


Later in the day after the party finally come to an end, Ivanie had her self wrapped around Britney on her bed with Malachi who sat further away from them his face buried in his phone.

"Vlad is such a gentleman" Britney said.

"He did it suddenly I don't understand why, what does Vlad want?" Ivanie said.

"It obvious he's trying not to bother you, make sure you are comfortable with your life. Ohhh what an awesome gentle man he was" Britney said dreamily.

"Seems you would have appreciated if Vlad was engaged to you instead" Ivanie said to Britney.

"Durr of course! Who wouldn't want a gorgeous man like Vlad as a backup plan, he's good looking, well mannered everything you want in man" Britney pointed dreamily smiling.

Malachi shook his head and snapped his finger.

"Enough Britney your situation can't be helped, let be on our way now" Malachi told her.

A knock came on the door.

Ivanie and the rest look over at it, the next minute the door was shrug open revealing Vlad who had discarded his coat and was only left in his shirt which was rolled to the sleeve .

"I think it our cue to leave" Britney said she walk out with Malachi winking on her way out.

Vlad made his way into Ivanie room, he close the door behind him and approach the bed.

"Why did you cut off the engagement?" Ivanie asked.

"Because you didn't want it, I don't plan on wasting my time with someone in love with another" Vlad said he look through the box of jewelry on her dresser, his eyes scan her makeups.

"In love with another?"

"Ain't you?" Vlad asked.

"I mean yes but we are dating it doesn't we would ....." Ivanie stopped noticing where she was headed to .

"Anyway thank you, you are man enough to call the Engagement off" Ivanie said.

" I won't bother you anymore,"Vlad told her.


"You should grow up knowing what you want not What others want" Vlad said.

"I have always known what I want" Ivanie told him.

"Do you?" Vlad said.

Ivanie look down at her finger and let out a smile.

"Don't think you can change my opinion of you with your nice words, you are still a old man to me" Ivanie said.

Vlad laughed.

"Right I am,"

The next week at school....

Ivanie walk into the school confidently her shoes clicking on the ground continuously as she made her way to class.

*I tell you the school is planning to conduct an election to vote the school face* Ivanie heard the students whisper amongst themselves."

"Ivanie!!" Britney ran out the class towards her.


"Have you heard the school is planning to elect the school face" Britney said.

"Sooo?" Ivanie asked not knowing how that has to do with her.

"I hear Touch is hosting the entire thing, you get to see Vlad again" Britney told her.

"Britney, Vlad flew back to the state"

"Isn't the states just a branch and not the main quarters, he would have to come back anyway and besides you and Jace are no longer a thing" Britney said Ivanie rolled her eyes at Britney.

~flash back to the engagement night

After Vlad and everyone of the guest had gone back home, her parents didn't bother saying anything to her.

Ivanie was in her room when a call came in.

"Hello" she picked up almost immediately seeing who the caller was

"Am outside the gate"

"Will be down in a minute" Ivanie replied and rushed out the house.

"Jace" she called as soon as she was out the gate, Jace had his hand in his pocket and watch as Ivanie made her way to him.

"I heard the engagement didn't take place"

He pulled Ivanie hand close to him.

"Am sorry Ivanie I just don't want to loose you...."

"Let break up Jace,"


"There's nothing for us in this relationship we are better off as friends, I don't want our relationship to turn to that of hate" Ivanie said.

"I don't hate you Ivanie I would never hate you, but why break up with me what did I do wrong?" Jace said.

"Jace..... I love you okay but like a friend you are the best friend I ever had, we grew up together and I wouldn't want to loose your friendship for anything" Ivanie told him.

Jace look down at their hands connected and sigh.

"We are still friends right, you would be there when I need you right?"

Ivanie smiled.

"Of course friends forever"

Jace Laughed and pulled her in a hug.

"Am sorry" Ivanie whispered to him and Jace replied.

"It okay I understand "

~Back to present ~

Britney and Ivanie made their way to chemistry class, they put on their white coats and walk in to take their seats.

Ivanie smiled at Jace who returned as both her and Britney took the seats opposite them.

"So for today class we would be experimenting on ....."

Class began, the teacher showed them different potents, he explained further by doing a practical after explaining with theory.

"Ivanie so tell me are you taking up the challenge"

"Shut up Britney, there's a class going on"

"But Ivanie it would really be effective, I will teach you how to seduce Vlad" Britney told her.

"Shut up Britney you should rather look for ways to make that idiot summit to you," Ivanie said nodding her head at Malachi who was busy having his go at another girl in their physics .

Britney look over at Malachi who Laughed along with the girl, Britney bite her lips gently and bang the table, unknown to her their was a chemical properties in a glass next to her. The content spilled out and the glass fell over and poured on the girl sitting next to her which turns out to be Jeannie.

Jeannie screamed the chemical pouring on her laps and it stink burning her from within.

Ivanie and Britney was quick to stand up, they panicked not knowing what to do, Ivanie took the water from the table and poured it on Jeannie laps which made the girl scream some more. The teacher ran forward seeing what the screams was all about.

"What going on here" he asked helping Jeannie to cover her red skin with a dry towel.

"Am sorry I didn't mean to Britney said fear obvious on her face, Jace and Malachi was in next to them in a second.

"Jace takes Jeannie to the clinic quick " Jace pulled Jeannie and carried her in his arms rushing to the nurse office in a hurry.

Malachi pulled Britney aside checking if she was hurt or not, he notice the redness forming on her hand.

"Did it spill on you, shit! let get you also to the nurse office, I don't like the look of it on your skin" Malachi said.

He pulled her away and Ivanie followed behind them looking worried.


" Sir Vlad we have made the glow dimmer, but the shine of it looks a little dull on white skin, it perfect for black skin." One of the team leader said showing Vlad the latest design they updated.

"Redo the process again and make everything minimum wage." Vlad told him and he nodded,

The man walk out Vlad office and James came in.

"Sir Vlad we have a meeting with Mr Federico and it important, he has refused any visit from outside, he lives in the country side. He's quite uneasy to please " James told him.

"Mr Federico, we need his cocoa his farm is a very healthy one we can't loose him to other companies, what time is he always available we would be paying him a visit pack your bags James we leave tomorrow dawn" Vlad told him.

"Does that means we are also going hiking??" James asked with a smile and he received a glare from Vlad.

"Alright sir " James replied cautioning himself he bowed and walked out.


"Am sorry Jeannie it was not intentional" Britney apologized.

Britney has her hand wrapped to avoid direct contact with sunlight or anything that could cause irritation.

Jeannie was also wrapped around her tight. She offered Britney a smile .

"It okay Britney you were also hurt in process" Jeannie said.

Jace who pocketed his hand brought it out and grab a bottle of water handing over to Jeannie.

"Have drink, the nurse said you'd be fine in a week."

Malachi walk in the room holding a cup of boba tea, He handed it to Britney who smiled a thanks to him.

"Seriously Malachi, there's more of us" Ivanie said seeing as he got it for Britney alone.

"We're you hurt too? Oh right an instant hot breakfast" Malachi joked laughing.

Ivanie glare at him and the next seconds Britney hand was hitting him at the back of head.

"Ouch! What was that for " Malachi said turning to look at Britney.

"Stop saying nonsense" Britney told him.

"Is your hand alright now?" He asked with sarcasm.

"I am not disabled my left hand is still useful." Britney said to him.

Jeannie look between Ivanie and Jace, she then let out a smile looking down at her hand.

Their phone ding and Ivanie brought her's out, it the school message chat.

*A school trip*

*A school trip am so happy*

*We are visiting a cocoa farm in the country side.

*No not a farm.....*

*It would be fun*

*They are sending us out to hunt in the wild I can't believe this*

*Not the wild you idiot*

"A school trip?" Britney was the first to voice out.

"Yeah seems like like it" Malachi replied.

"Are you going?" Britney asked Ivanie who stare at her phone.

"Not sure" Ivanie said putting her phone away.

"Come on now, you have only been on a school trip once, you always refuse to go" Britney pleaded.

"You know I hate trips it always uncomfortable, there no proper rest room nor toilet, the mosquito are very compelling I can't" Ivanie said stating her reason.

"It would be fun I promise "

"Come on now Shanks don't be a spoiler and just come along " Malachi said.

"Don't worry I would wand off the mosquito and help you cast a magic to keep off unwanted pest" Jace said which brought a laugh from Ivanie.

"Alright fine fine, am in" Ivanie agreed.

"Yay" Britney squeak.

Jeannie stare at the group of friends in front of her and a pang of jealousy wash over her.